Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1003: This is only the first

There is an iron stove burning coal in the classroom. There is also a kettle on it. The water vapor is faint. It is said to increase the humidity of the air.

Li Ermao looked at the smoke pipe straight through the roof, thinking about the relationship between the pipe diameter and the burning speed of the fire.


Fang Xing made an exception to come in during class, and Ma Su knew something was going on, so he gave up his seat.

Among the students below, most of them are freshmen, and they have no effect at present.

Fang Xing stepped up to the podium and said: "The news just now, Daming will attack Burma!"


Yue Baoguo immediately applauded.

Under Fang Xing's influence, the students of the academy believed that external expansion was the only way out for Daming's future, so except for Yue Baoguo's children who couldn't help being excited, everyone else was also very happy.

But this was not enough for Fang Xing to interrupt the progress of the class, so everyone calmed down and listened to Fang Xing to continue.

"Myanmar has complex terrain and dense jungles. I told you about the dangers of tropical rainforests when I was in Jinling."

Fang Xing said slowly: "Da Ming's soldiers are about to go to Myanmar. Someone asked a student from the college to follow along. Everyone must know why!"

The academy's students have complicated courses, and they are all studying astronomy and geography, not to mention the main courses such as physics and mathematics.

"Teacher, disciples are willing to go!"

Freshmen naturally know that they have limited abilities and are not qualified to go.

Old students Zhong Yue Baoguo and Yuan Chong were too young to go, so only Li Jia and Li Ermao were left.

The two got up almost at the same time, and then smiled relatively.

Yue Baoguo said unconvincedly: "Teacher, my disciple has been in the army back then!"

Ma Su said: "You are still young, the main task at present is to study, sit down."

After sitting down, Yuan Chong on the side proudly said: "You are younger than me! I can't even go, you are a daydream!"

Fang Xing looked at the two students and found it difficult to choose.

Li Jia has never been in the academy without showing signs of beauty, and has a calm personality.

And Li Ermao is the first to come first, study hard, and endure hardships and stand hard work.

Li Jia smiled and said: "The mountain is long, Er Mao is not young anymore, it's time to get married!"

You are poisonous!

Li Ermao glared at Li Jia, and said plausibly: "The Huns are not extinct, so why do you want your family? The leader of the mountain, the disciples are willing to come back and get married again!"

Fang Xing thought for a while, took the blackboard eraser and turned it on the podium, but it turned to the left.

"Li Ermao! But first go home and ask your mother's opinion. If you don't allow it, don't force it! Don't get angry with your mother!"

The movement of the blackboard eraser is very clear, leaning towards Li Ermao on the left.

Li Jia sat down with regret, his wish is to join the army, and his idol is Huo Piyao!


As Li Ermao rushed home immediately, Zhou asked hurriedly: "Ermao, isn't this time for class? Why did you come back?"


Li Ermao knelt on the ground with a thud, and Zhou was so frightened that he hurried to help him.

"What's wrong? But did you offend the professors? That's okay, mother go and apologize..."

Li Ermao lowered his head and said: "Mother, there must be someone from the college to go to Myanmar with the army. The child has... signed up. The child is not filial, please mother to punish him."

Zhou stunned, stepped back, wiped his eyes and said, "You kid, this is a good thing. Didn't it say in the academy? I can't keep up with going out once after reading dozens of books. My mother is not old! In the academy. There are people who eat and drink, and they are taken care of when they are sick. Just go."

Li Ermao walked over, hugging Zhou's leg and cried: "Mother, the child is not filial!"

For many years, the widow and orphans depended on each other for their lives, and they wanted to leave at once, which was very painful.

Zhou family touched the top of his head and said, "Er Mao, you often say that a man is in every direction, how can a mother hold you back..."


Fang Zheng entered the palace again and had a secret conversation with Zhu Di.

"Duke Qian will not follow the army, just go slowly, remember, don't underestimate the enemy, otherwise your death will be trivial, and you will ruin Da Ming's major event. Do you know how powerful it is?!"

Zhu Di pointed to the map and said, "When I went to Myanmar, I will do everything from hard to soft, willing to take refuge in the chieftain of Ming...

"As for Bang Ge La..."

Although Bang Gera has deceived Zhu Di, he is a country that often pays tribute (to take advantage of it) anyway. If he attacks, then...

Fang Zheng was agitated, and immediately said: "Your Majesty, Burma and Banggora border, I heard that the people there are sturdy, and the minister would never dare to fall into the prestige of Daming."

Zhu Di nodded in satisfaction. If these words were spoken from his mouth, the literati would inevitably slander him, ‘were militant and attacked the vassal country. ’.

"Your Majesty, please Xing He Bo send a student to follow along, and I beg your Majesty for permission."

Zhu Di stroked his beard and said, "Is he willing? That's it. Give that student a general to walk in the army."

Jiang Shi Lang is a casual official, with a high level of ninth grade, so he is just entering the official career.

But Li Ermao was a student of the academy, and was also the first student to be granted an official position.

Fang Zheng didn't know what was involved, he just felt that Zhu Di was too stingy.

"Xing He Bo also said that he would prepare something for the army to prevent mosquito bites."



"Alcohol is high, but this can only be disinfected. There is a formula that can repel mosquitoes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but the effect is estimated to be not obvious. Let's do both!"

There are many wine jars stacked outside the kitchen, and Fang Xing is instructing people to distill.

"Master, some people have used this method, but not many people drink it."

Daming is currently popular in brewing wine, and distilled wine is drunk by inferior people, so Hua Niang doesn't know what Fang Xing is going to do.

"Sterilized things!"

Li Ermao came, and the pungent smell of alcohol filled the misty kitchen, so he hurried out.

Fang Xing explained: "Remember this method. If you run out of alcohol, get it out according to local conditions."

It is not difficult to make wine, nor is it difficult to distill, you can find it in a wine shop.

"I will let Zhu Fang create some spray mist, and spray it at that time to see if it can kill the mosquitoes. Also, get some aniseed and boil the water to take a bath at that time, which can also prevent the mosquitoes. "

The use of alcohol is too wide, whether it is to soak medicine to prevent and control mosquitoes, or to disinfect wounds, it is a weapon.

"Add some mint leaves, artemisia annua and wormwood, soak in wine to kill mosquitoes! If you don't have enough, add water and boil it."

Thinking of watching TV in his previous life, the mosquitoes in Myanmar rushed over like a black cloud. Fang Xing felt that it was necessary to strengthen the anti-mosquito measures of the Fangzheng Department.

"Dehua is busy!"

Fang Zheng didn't come home from the palace, but came to Fang's house for the first time.

The distilled liquor is not low in strength. Fang Xing got some moxa leaves from the drugstore, mashed them and put them in, then stretched out his tongue and licked it. It was not spicy.

"Drinking can prevent miasma, so you can take a sip."

Fang Xing poured about a dollar of wine in the small wine glass and handed it to Fang Zheng.

Fang Zheng had a good drunk, drank it boldly, and then coughed dryly with a red face.

"Good wine!"

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