Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1045: Smart people are afraid of death

Book friends: Xie, Liuhai, happy birthday!


Cut first and play later!

Liao Dongchang thought of Fang Xing's previous words instantly. x update fastest

Ben Bo is anxious to return to Beijing!

Cut first and play later!

The sincerity on Lin Chun's face disappeared, and he quietly looked around.

"Now I am asking you to wait where you are. Those who dare to speak up are rebellious, and you are not guilty of killing!"

"Do it!"

From Fang Xing's words, Lin Chun was overwhelmed by the murderous intent. He bounced off the ground suddenly, yelling and at the same time drew a long knife.

"Do it!"

"The official's people are all doing it! Kill Fang Xing!"

Liao Dongchang also got up, drew his sword and rushed towards Fang Xing.


Liao Dongchang believes that he can wake up in two rounds, as long as Fang Xing is a hostage, he can definitely escape.

As soon as the gunshot sounded, Liao Dongchang felt a pain in his **** and his feet were soft, so he fell to the ground, just behind Fang Xing.

At this time, a group of sergeants below began to rush toward the platform, and the others stood there blankly, no one dared to move.

The Ming Dynasty is not in the end, and any general dare to rebel.

Even if he wanted to rebel, his subordinates would not follow!

During the Yongle rebellion, there was only a dead end, even if they fled overseas, they were similar to savages.

And Zheng He's fleet is on its way back!

Wu Yue raised his hand and shouted: "The first row..."

This was the first time Qingzhou Zuowei saw a volley of firearms, and it was also the first time he saw the actual combat of the firearms slaughtering cold weapons troops.


"Boom boom boom boom!"

The smoke filled with gunpowder below, and the table was also not peaceful.

More than a dozen of Liao Dongchang's confidants were ready to violent the first time, but they were rushed in by Xin Laoqi, who had been prepared, with Jia Ding.

Xin Laoqi hadn't met the enemy in short-hand for a long time, so he worked very hard.

The enemy on the left was smashed with one knife, and he lowered himself to avoid the knife. The man leaped in the air, his knees directly hit his chest, and after a click, Xin Laoqi didn't even look at it. The long knife in his hand slid down, and the enemy in front screamed, and immediately the opening in the chest and abdomen opened, colorful The internal organs squeezed out...

Lin Chun didn't move forward with the knife, but ran to the side very cleverly. There is no one there, as long as he jumps off the platform, he will have a chance of life.

Fang Xing turned sideways, watching Lin Chun rush to the side coldly.

The height of the platform is less than two meters, and people with abundance even dare to play in mid-air, like diving...

Lin Chun ran to the edge of the table and jumped up, feeling extremely happy in his heart.

The sky is high and the birds fly, the sea is wide and the fish leap!

Only when facing threats will human beings know how precious the freedom that is not usually felt is.

Lin Chun felt it, because what he committed was a serious crime, freedom would be an extravagant hope, and **** was his way home.

I want to escape!

As his body began to fall, Lin Chun lowered his head and looked down, only to see a cold glow.


The biggest weakness of a wise man is fear of death, which has been common throughout the ages.


Because smart people always feel that they are superior, and even feel like a demigod.

God can't die!

So Lin Chun was very wise to let go of the knife in the air, and at the same time, please drop.


The bayonet underneath stood everywhere, dodged in an instant, and then Lin Chun hit the ground heavily.

Liao Dongchang struggled to get up and kneel down. The gunshots below had stopped, except for screams and calls to kneel down.

Seeing Lin Chun captured, Fang Xing turned around with cold eyes: "Master Liao, Qingzhou Zuowei is well trained, you are good."

The following soldiers have not been in chaos in the upheaval just now, and no one has escaped, so Fang Xing and Liao Dongchang are good.

Liao Dongchang was lying on his stomach instead of kneeling.

He lay on the ground, watching Fang Xing pass by his head, and stretched out his hand, ready to hold it.

Fang Xing raised his foot to get out of the way, and then stepped on forcefully.

Liao Dongchang even heard the gurgling sound of his hand bones, but he didn't scream, he just panted, and said in pain, "Uncle, can the family members of the subordinate officials avoid death? As long as they can avoid death, subordinate officials. Willing to cooperate, knowing nothing...not to mention..."

Fang Xing loosened his foot and sighed: "This matter has already reached the sky, so you can't help it. The smart can suffer less, the unwise, thinking that they are tough guys, then wait for the torture of Jin Yiwei and Dongchang!"

Old Xin strode over, his face. The body was all red, with a **** smell coming out of his nose.

"Master, all confidants, no one surrenders."

Fang Xing looked at the corpses, and said, "This Ming Liao Dongchang still has a way of life, but he uses his public to supplement his own interests, and he takes Daming's money, food and army to buy his confidants. This class of people, in troubled times, is a hero."

At this time, Wang He used his abilities. He stood on the stage and shouted with an earth trumpet: "Our Wang He, back then..., you didn't participate in the rebellion until you waited. That's great! Great!"

"Put down your knives and guns, rest assured, this is not to kill you, but to take precautions. Liao Dongchang and others are in the military center. They need to be screened one by one. Everyone can report them. Ah! All reports are considered meritorious."

The soldiers below were moved by the sound.

As rebellious subordinates, they will inevitably be censored. Even if the censorship is over, Qingzhou Zuowei will definitely have a big blood exchange~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As for where to go...

There are many independent forts on the side wall of Daming. The establishment there is always dissatisfied, and it is necessary for ‘loyal and brave men’ to defend the country and defend the border.

Fang Xing frowned and said to Wu Yue: "This old king is getting darker and darker. When these words go out, Zuo Wei immediately puts himself at risk, and he has to worry about someone staring at him when he walks."

Wu Yue was staring at his subordinates disarming Zuowei, and said nonchalantly: "Uncle, don't you know, this old **** likes to run people in the army, if anyone provokes him, he will definitely do it within three days. Finding a way to return it, and the method is insidious, making people dumbfounded."

After Wang He finished speaking, he walked back triumphantly, and said angrily when he heard the end of the sentence: "Old Wu, you haven't asked you for the account of putting snakes in our quilt last time, so you dare to slander our family. ?"

Wu Yue was also furious: "Pharaoh, you put an earth dragon under my noodles last time, how can this be counted?"

"Uncle Xinghe, in an emergency, earth dragons can be used as food, and what is rich, our family will look at your yellowish skin for a few days, and we will make up for you..."

The two began to bicker. At this time, the overall situation has been determined, but a thousand households have to take photos of the entire Qingzhou City, and also have to beware of the unsuspecting outsiders, the pressure is not.

The main generals are all thinking about bickering, so you know that the problem is not big, so please feel at ease.

There are many ways to soothe the army, and Wu Yue and Wang He are unique.

"Come on!"

Wu Yue and Wang He immediately stopped quarreling and walked behind Fang Xing.

"The government office and county office are blocked, all officials are not allowed to go out, and offenders are killed!"

"Yes, uncle!"

Wu Yue loudly promised to make arrangements, and Wang He said with some worry: "Uncle Xinghe, this matter...is it slow?"

Fang Xing shook his head, "Slowly, I'm worried they will run away!"


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