Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1049: The faces of all beings in Jinling

Thanks to the book friend: "Papa Liu has a vault" for the great reward!


Today I was on a business trip to install the machine. This chapter was coded on the car. I got motion sickness and I was installing the machine. x update fastest


Since Zhu Di moved the capital, Jinling has been like a resentful woman with a sour taste.

Although Jinling still retains six parts, the title has changed, and it is called a certain part of Jinling.

Shangshu Ma Yiyuan of the Jinling Household Department felt that he was a model of unsuccessful talents, and he sighed about it all day.

The Jinling Household Department is responsible for collecting taxes and grains from Nanzhili and several chief ministers in the south. This amount is incredible, so Ma Yiyuan's complaint is seen as hypocritical to outsiders.

The yamen of the Ministry of Households is still of that virtue, but there is no king for a long time, please inquire at any time.

It is still too early to collect taxes, and Ma Yiyuan is fine at the Yamen, so he has to hold a book of poems and read it slowly.


Either grievances, rhetoric, or nonsense poems made Ma Yiyuan extremely depressed.

"Is it possible to publish a collection of poems in such a tattered state? I am really blind! The world is getting worse! My generation... ah!"

"My lord, Zhao Yuanzhen, the assistant servant of the Beiping Household Department, is here."

Ma Yiyuan threw the collection of poems in his hand and stood up and said, "That's what happened. I heard that it took a lot of energy to stabilize in Beiping. Jinling... Jinling is not Beiping. There are so many rich people here. Xia Yuanji is here. Are you crazy? Go and see."

Zhao Yuanzhen entered the Jinling household office in a humble manner, and when he saw Ma Yiyuan, he said, "Master Ma, the officer has brought a large amount of silver with him. He is at the dock now, and he also asked Master Ma to coordinate one or two."

Although Ma Yiyuan was only Jinling Family Book, his level was the same as Xia Yuanji's. In front of him, Zhao Yuan was really short.

"Really want to redeem?"

Ma Yiyuan sighed: "What are you Master Xia thinking? Doesn't he know the danger of this matter?"

Zhao Yuan pointed to the side, and when the two of them walked there, he whispered: "Master Ma, once the exchange is started in Peking, the rest of the matter will not stop. We adults, once the matter is started, it will be out of control. The carriage cannot stop, and the entire carriage must fall apart once it stops."

Ma Yiyuan sighed: "This official knows, Peking has exchanged it. If other places can't exchange it, the disputes will boil over, and it may even cause trouble. Hey! Why bother? Whose idea was it in the first place? Bad virtue!"

Zhao Yuan was really dumbfounded and said: "This matter was Xing He Bo's idea, but our adults are eager to support it. If this opportunity is missed, the treasure will become less and less valuable in the future."

"Go to the Ministry of War to find someone, just to have the money to go ashore at the pier and ask for manpower."

Ma Yiyuan first ordered the dignitaries of the Ministry of War, and then shook his head: "This is true. Now that the Yanzheng government has returned to the court, this treasure is embarrassing. After thinking about it, if you want to maintain a long-term stability and not depreciate, you can only Linked to silver."

"Who is not!"

Zhao Yuan really didn't care about washing, and hurriedly went to the dock again to monitor the process of moving the money.

Ma Yiyuan immediately went to the Ministry of War and discussed the exchange of treasures for silver with Shangshu Zhou Yingtai of the Ministry of War.

Since the Jiaozhi recovered and the Wa Kingdom returned to Ming Dynasty, the Jinling Military Department has also become an awkward position, with almost nothing to do.

As soon as I entered the Ministry of Defense, I felt lifeless, reminiscent of the Sanatorium.

The emperor Shan Gao is far away, and everyone does not need to be diligent or pretend to be, so Ma Yiyuan went directly into the duty room.

Zhou Yingtai was watering the flowers, with a heart-winged appearance. Those who didn't know thought that he was a flower farmer.

"Master Zhou, that's coming."

"Is it silver?"

Zhou Yingtai didn't look back, using the skillful water bottle in his hand to water the water carefully. The flower bones in the flowerpot were stained with water drops, and they looked more watery, and they were ready to bloom.

"It's money, your trouble is coming."

Ma Yiyuan sat down by himself and said sadly.

"What is it?"

Zhou Yingtai put the kettle down, turned around, and sat on the opposite side of Ma Yiyuan slowly.

"Xia Yuanji made this matter. We were just following orders. As for whether the money they brought was enough to change, does that have anything to do with us?"

Ma Yiyuan hesitated and said, "Master Zhou, this matter is related to the country's great affairs and has a profound impact. This official feels that we should do our best."

Zhou Yingtai leaned back, leaning on the back of his chair, his eyes coldly: "The official only does his best. As for other things, Master Jin in Peking will naturally take care of it."

Lao Jinzhong was still young, and killed a bunch of subordinates who coveted the position of Shangshu in the Ministry of War. Today, even Zhou Yingtai is not sure that he can wait until this old guy steps down.


Without Zhu Di in Jinling, the Qinhuai River has also become warm and pleasant, and business is booming with visitors coming and going.

Several men drank and listened to music on a painted boat, some chanted poems, some explored with their hands, and the chanting and the feminine voice were mixed for a while, making it difficult to distinguish whether this was an academy or an academy.

"Brother Wei Bi, there is a major event today.

The man who chanted the poem got stuck after chanting a few sentences, and he couldn't do anything about scratching his head. He said with disdain when he saw his companion's hand groping around the woman's chest and abdomen.

The hand of the man named Wei Bi squeezed violently, and the woman's face showed pain, but she did not dare to resist, let alone refuse.

"Sanyuan, you should have fun when you come here, you see, the beauties are complaining, hahahaha!"

The woman beside Sanyuan smiled and said, "Mr. Wu smiled. The woman is listening to Mr. Xu's poem, Tao Ran has forgotten her chance."

Mr. Wu is called Wu Zheng, and he is the chief steward of Cheng Guo Gong Zhu Yong in Jinling.

And the one who likes to chant poems is called Xu Sanyuan, who is the staff of Wei Guogong Xu Qin.

Xu Sanyuan hit the palm of her hand with a folding fan, and sighed: "This Qinhuai River, this Jinling, is a great river and mountain!"

These words, this tone, are like a king who points to the country.


Wu Zheng couldn't help but smiled, then took his hand from the woman's arms, and sent it to the nose to sniff ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and smiled: "Wei Guogong is studying at home, you are not afraid of being caught by him. Hear it, then punish you."

If Xu Sanyuan's words were heard by Jin Yiwei and reported to Zhu Di, Xu Qin could kill him.

Xu Sanyuan's momentum stagnated, and he sat down in a daze, hugging the woman next to him and said: "The ship from the north has docked. It is all silver. It is estimated that it is at least a million taels. What does it mean that your family becomes a countryman?"

Wu Zheng picked up the wine glass, drank it slowly, and slowly said: "The Lord Guo has a letter, please don't mess around, and you are not allowed to exchange money."

Xu Sanyuan loosened the woman's waist, leaned back slightly, and drank from a toast, then sneered, "Is Grandpa Cheng afraid of that son?"

Wu Zheng frowned and said, "How can my father-in-law be afraid of him, it's just a matter of taking care of the overall situation."

Xu Sanyuan leaned over slightly with a mysterious expression on his face: "I tell you, someone in Jinling has already prepared to let all this money stay, so ah, no matter whether we participate or not, the money will not go away."


Wu Zheng took a breath and said in disbelief: "That's at least a million taels of silver! Are they not afraid of your Majesty's anger?"

Xu Sanyuan disdainfully said: "This is Jinling, not Peking, even Jin Yiwei can't find it!"

Since the capital was moved, the various forces in Jinling have been somewhat incomplete, which provides opportunities for those who are interested.

"You... do you want to participate? You know, if the treasure currency exchange fails, the value will drop by a thousand li. We can earn more than half, and the opportunity is not to be lost... The time will not come again!"

Wu Zheng looked down and said nothing, Xu Sanyuan just smiled and drank, making out with the pale woman beside him.

For a long time, Wu Zheng looked at the woman next to him and said, "Would you like to go back with me?"

The woman's body suddenly relaxed, and she smiled and said, "I can't ask for it."


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