Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1052: Your lord, kill! (Wish: Miaomiao child, birthday soon...

Zhao Yuan really didn't want to wake up, when he opened his eyes, he saw two anxious faces move away. Following the direction of the finger, I saw the enthusiastic crowd.

Why don't you let me die! ?

He knew that his dizziness just now had become a urging poison.

With hideous faces and frantic atmosphere, the men were pushing and hustling, desperately trying to exchange their treasures.

The crowd has never been quiet from beginning to end. The sergeants and government officers have almost gone crazy. They are beating with scabbards and gun barrels one by one, but the crowd still does not retreat, comparable to the warriors!

Turning his gaze, Zhao Yuanzhen saw Ma Yiyuan and Zhou Yingtai standing together. Their faces were grim. From time to time, someone reported to him, and it was obvious that the entire Jinling City was shaken.

"Damn me!"

Zhao Yuan really muttered.

And in a restaurant not far away, more than a dozen men were sitting together, all smiles.

Xu Sanyuan shook his folding fan, and said with restraint: "Then Zhao Yuan really can't stand it anymore. What does it mean? It means that the money is not enough!"

Looking across the crowd, Xu Sanyuan's position here as an aide to the Wei Guoguo's family is respected, and no one can compare.

"The treasure banknotes won't work if you look at them. Do you want your treasure banknotes to become waste paper?"

Xu Sanyuan gave Wu Zheng a wink as he said, Wu Zheng hesitated and shook his head finally.


Xu Sanyuan glanced sarcastically outside, remembering the thoughts of the grandfather of his family.

This time...I'm finally going to get ahead!

Finally, the first person got up and said, "I'll go back and report immediately next time."

With the first, there will be the second.

Soon Xu Sanyuan and Wu Zheng were left in this room.

"Are you still lucky?"

Xu Sanyuan said displeased: "Indecision, no wonder Cheng Guogong...nothing, you can decide for yourself."

At this time someone came in from outside and said with a smile of joy: "Mr. Xu, the horse one yuan has stopped the exchange!"


Wu Zheng's expression changed drastically, while Xu Sanyuan asked in ecstasy, "Is it making trouble?"

"It's making trouble!"

Xu Sanyuan got up and looked at Wu Zheng with a quizzical look: "Today's Jinling City is very lively, let's go, let's take a look!"

Wu Zheng hesitated again and again, and finally followed out.


The Jinling Household Department, at this time, had already become a battlefield outside, and those who ran on cursed frantically, desperately attacking the defense line composed of sergeants and government officials.

Looking at the crazy people, Zhou Yingtai, who was standing at the door, said solemnly: "Master Ma, you shouldn't stop, at least you should finish the day. We can always think of a solution overnight, instead of being like a storm in the sea. boat."

Ma Yiyuan glanced at Zhao Yuanzhen, who was ashamed on the side, and shook his head: "How the official didn't know, but Fei Shi called someone to spread the word, saying that there will be more people tomorrow. If the exchange is terminated tomorrow, the official dare to guarantee. Those people will smash the household department into a fan and make a big deal."

Zhou Yingtai sighed, knowing in his heart that Ma Yiyuan finally chose to keep his official position after seeing something uncomfortable.

If you stick to today, those who find that they can no longer be exchanged tomorrow will explode with greater anger and greater destructive power than they are now.

"how many people?"

Now that Ma Yiyuan made the decision, Zhou Yingtai's remaining matters, he asked.

"My lord, tens of thousands, maybe more than that."

The team is too long to make statistics at all.

"My lord, there is still someone bewitching among them."

Zhou Yingtai snorted coldly: "This official knows that this is not that simple. Since you dare to appear, no matter who it is, you have to step on the official's body first!"


Even if he was dissatisfied with Zhou Yingtai's warm attitude, Ma Yiyuan still applauded after hearing this.

The sergeants in front of them looked a little weak, and Zhou Yingtai's face was cold and stern, and he said in a deep voice: "If you don't retreat, you will be killed!"

With a military order, a large number of sergeants emerged from the courtyard behind.

"Draw a knife!"

In the neat sound of drawing knives, someone in the crowd yelled: "Don't be afraid, they dare not! The treasure is discarded, we have no way to survive, rush up, there is silver in the yard, grab it!"

The law does not blame the crowd, follow the crowd...

"I want money!"

After a loud shout, a man rushed over frantically.

This is a signal and the beginning of a tragedy.

Ma Yiyuan saw Zhao Yuan really close his eyes in pain, and his heart was extremely disdainful.

Those who are officials should be hard-hearted, otherwise you don't want to be in position!

Look at Zhou Yingtai. Without blinking his eyelids, his hands are gradually raised. This is going to kill him!

At this chaotic time, without the courage to deal with it decisively, Zhou Yingtai should step down.

After the blood flow drifted away, the treasure banknotes would quickly collapse from north to south with Jinling as the center point.


Zhou Yingtai closed his eyes and waved his hand down.

"My lord! Kill!"

The long sword was raised, and the blocking formation in front was ready to withdraw.

"Do not!"

Zhao Yuanzhen stretched his hand forward and shouted desperately.

But the military order is like a mountain, and the crazy crowd has lost their minds.

"I am a sinner, I am a sinner of Ming!"

Zhao Yuanzhen grabbed a knife, placed it on his neck rusty, and pulled...

"His Royal Highness is here! The idlers are waiting to avoid!"

The loud voice stopped the crowd for a while.

Your Royal Highness?

But someone shouted: "It's a lie, this is a lie!"

Yes! His Royal Highness Taisun was far away in Peking, even if he knew that Jinling had something to do and wanted to come, even if it was the Clippers, it would take a lot of time.


Someone raised their arms and shouted, and everyone responded immediately, as if they had returned to the troubled times of the end of the Yuan Dynasty.

There is no law~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is no restriction, there is only force and indulgence!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Seeing that the two sides were about to come into contact, there was a burst of noise in the distance.

"It's a musket!"

After all, Zhao Yuanzhen pulled the long knife, and then he was stunned when he heard the gunshots, blood flowing from his neck.

With a puff, the servant-in-chief of Hubu fell down, and the crowd stopped.

The familiar gunfire reminded them of the motionless army formation of Jubaoshanwei and Zheng Heng when they were performing martial arts on the school grounds.

A man suddenly shouted: "It's Jubaoshanwei, Daming is the only one who has this kind of firecracker!"

Suzaku-guard was so gorgeously forgotten, because in the eyes of the people, Jubaoshan-guard represented combat power and represented killing and victory.

"Puff puff!"

The neat footsteps, the footsteps of Daming's only family came, and the crowd who was still crazy just now fled to the left and right, no one dared to stop it.

Ma Yiyuan dullly looked at Zhao Yuanzhen who fell to the ground, and suddenly blessed his soul and shouted: "Hurry up and find a doctor!"

Zhou Yingtai looked at the road that was revealed after the crowd escaped.

I mobilized more than 3,000 people and couldn't frighten you, but there were only more than 2,000 people in the Baoshan Guard, but it made you quiet.

What a frustration!

The subordinates leaned closer and said, "My lord, Jubao Mountain Guards is a murder in Yingzhou. It is said that the rebellion who died in their hands is tens of thousands of people."

This person emphasized the word rebellion, and Zhou Yingtai nodded clearly.

So most of them are civilians!

The sound of footsteps gradually approached, and Zhou Yingtai saw the crowd squeezing to the side like waves. When the front crowd moved, he knelt down first and shouted: "Welcome your majesty!"

"Welcome Your Highness!"

In an instant, there was no one standing in front of Prince Daming...

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