Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1055: The long-awaited opportunity

"I do not believe!"

Xu Sanyuan scrambled to hide in the corner, and said with a fierce look: "This matter was implied by the Lord Guo to do it. He can't cross the river and demolish the bridge!"

A man approached and said, "Duke Guo is studying at home every day. Why has he ever cared about things outside? You made your own claim to exchange money, and he learned that he was furious, so you deserve to die!"

Another man said in a negative test: "Xu Sanyuan, the grandpa treats you very well, but you have fallen into the grandfather of the state, and the grandpa has an explanation, let you apologize for yourself!"

Xu Sanyuan’s throat seemed to have a date kernel. He choked up and looked at the woman and said, “Qiuyan, I thought we should be deep and righteous, so I wanted to take you far and high to enjoy the good fortune, but I didn’t expect it. You actually...you are a betrayal! A shameful betrayal!"

The woman sneered and said, "Xu Sanyuan, you are vassal and elegant all day long. Do you really think that my old lady can see you? If it weren't for the arrangement of the mansion, it's just like you, even the old lady's body can't be touched!"

"So that's it!"

Xu Sanyuan sat down on the ground, letting two men wrap their necks with ropes, and immediately...


Peking, the imperial city.

Zhu Di was losing his temper, spitting wildly at those bachelors.

"The whole mountain/east area is completely eroded, the people are waiting to be fed, but the officials are taking advantage of corruption. I have already stopped the labor of the mountain/east, but since last year, the labor has not been reduced, but it has become more and more intense. Where did you go? Huh?! Where did you go!!!"

Sweeping his eyes, no one can answer.

Zhu Di sneered and said: "You are all my stocks, come on, let's talk about it, whose fault is this?"

"do not know?"

When Zhu Di saw that no one answered, he said: "The granary in the mountain/east is mostly empty, and just half a year ago, the Yushi who went down vowed to tell me that the people in the mountain/east area have a stable life and are safe. , Where is it? Where is the stability?"

"If the Qingzhou woman smuggling case hadn't happened, how many people would starve to death in Shan/Dong this year?"

"What do you keep saying that the world is peaceful, the prosperous age is coming, this is the prosperous age in your mouth?"

Zhu Di beard exclaimed: "I don't want such a prosperous age! It's not rare!"

"Come on!"

Since the courtiers were speechless, it was time for the king to take action.

"His Majesty!"

It was Wang Fusheng who came in. It was nothing. Zhu Di needed to use his own power to punish the corrupt officials.

But the person who came in afterward made the eyes of the scholars go dark.

Sun Xiang had been waiting for this big scene for a long time, so that his body was trembling slightly.

Zhu Di's right hand is on his waist, his left hand is holding the Yu case, his eyes are cold.

"Go and check! I found all the ransacked homes and put them in jail, and I want to return the mountain/east to a bright future!"

Sun Xiang's body was excited as if he was swinging, and he hurriedly bowed his head and said, "Yes, Your Majesty!"

But Wang Fusheng knew that he would be responsible for those in the capital, but he just got up and promised.

Zhu Di saw with satisfaction that Sun Xiang, who had turned and left, was playing tricks. This kind of talent was available for use.

You like fame and fortune, you like to be motivated, no problem! I will give it to you!

But do you know how well?

Those who know will end well, but those who don’t know, or forget their form...

For example, Ji Gang!

"Immediately start transporting grain to the mountain/east!"

Zhu Di looked at the officials below with cold eyes, and sarcastically said: "I'm waiting, waiting for someone to reach out. It's better to be bold, so that I can also see how greedy people are! How shameless!"

No one dares to take this conversation!

"There is also Jinling. I know how many people over there have complaints, and many people are just about to move, so let's move! My emperor grandson will go there. Even if the entire Jinling city is overthrown, I want to see it. See who dares to rebel against me!"


When he returned to the East Factory, Sun Xiang's body was no longer shaking, but the blush on his face could not be hidden from his men, so all kinds of congratulations were endless.

Sun Xiang summoned his subordinates, counted the prayer beads, and said with a peaceful expression: "The mountain/east was severely droughty. The local officials emptied the granary with their hands and concealment was involved. Your Majesty was very angry and asked us to go to the mountain/east to check. "

What an errand!

The so-called inventory, isn't it that law enforcement officials have the final say?

Think about the piles of money like a mountain, and the beauty like a cloud...

Sun Xiang was satisfied to see that his subordinates were flushed and breathing like animals in heat.

Desire/hope is a good thing, people without desire/hope are too fake and too dangerous!

"Get ready and set off now."


In the room on duty, Yang Rong looked at Jin Youzi, who was sore-faced, and comforted: "Your Majesty, it's irritating that you can't get angry. It's not harmful."

Yang Shiqi is still sitting in the mountain/east, Jin Youzi smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty, this is to be wary of us, thinking that we are all more selfish than public. In the long run, how can we stand above the court?"

Yang Rong said helplessly: "How did the Yushi in charge of Shan/Dong supervise? Nothing was found after going down, Liu Guan may have to suffer now."

Jin Youzi shook his head and didn't care to change the subject: "Liu Guan failed to integrate the historians. If this continues, I don't think he can do long."

"This is not necessarily true." Yang Rong said confidently: "If he is in full control of Duchayuan, then it won't be long! Look at Jin Zhong from the Ministry of War. You only open your eyes and close your eyes on weekdays, but at critical moments. But it's never vague, this is the way to be an official!"

Jin Youzi picked up his teacup and said, "It's not Shan/East that I am worried about, but Jinling! Jinling is...the powerhouse of the South!"

Yang Rong nodded clearly and stopped talking.

The prosperity of southern culture is the foundation of the literati of Ming Dynasty. This is why there are fewer attacks on Zhixing Academy after moving the capital to Peiping.

Jinling is like a holy place, a holy place in the eyes of thousands of literati in the south!


"Do you think this kind of life can pass?"

Shenxian Curie ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Mo sorrowfully ordered the buddy to close the door, and a wooden sign was hung outside, saying rest today.

After closing the door, even if it was scrubbed clean, there was still a smell of vegetables in the lobby.

Mo Chou was accustomed to this smell, she looked down and said, "It's okay, and business is okay."

Fang Xing looked around, shook his head and said, "A little girl is not safe here. If it is convenient, you should go to Beiping. At least no one would dare to bully you there!"

Although everyone now knows that Shenxianju is a place covered by Xinghebo, there are always people who dare to take risks.

Mo Chou bit his lower lip, shook his head and said, "Thank you, Uncle, I don't want to. The little girl is afraid of the cold in the north."


Fang Xing smiled: "I see you are in good health, but forget it, now my magnanimous reputation is getting louder and louder. I don't want to be the enemy of life or death, and no one dares to take risks if I don't want to break the boat."

Mo Chou lowered his head slightly and said confidently, "Uncle, are you eating here today?"

The important brother was standing behind the counter and couldn't help shaking his head when he heard this.

Silly girl! Why don't you ask someone like that, just ask someone to cook when the time is up!

Fang Xing nodded and said, "Fine, there are not many things today, so let's eat here."

Mo Chou heard that his eyelashes trembled slightly, his face flushed: "Uncle, don't those bad guys run away?"

Fang Xing said leisurely: "They all have a big business, where do they go? Daming is big, unless they are going to sea, there is no way for them to escape. But there is Daming navy by the pier, that is a self-inflicted snare!"

"Then they will be dealt with? I heard that the little girls are all powerful!"

"Yes! Your Majesty and His Royal Highness don't care about the nobles, the greatest nobles in the world are them..."

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