Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1057: To deal with Wei Guogong’s shells

Thanks to the book friends: the two red rewards of "Fack Ball", thank the book friends: the red red rewards of "54 Tang Ren"!


"Jin Yiwei did a good job in this matter and performed his duties. Although he did not catch those people, he did his best."

Learn to praise your subordinates, especially when he performs well. Appropriate praise can inspire him and look forward to the next time.

Fei Shi's complexion turned red, and he wanted to rub his hands but felt rude, "His Royal Highness, the minister just hates to arrest those people directly."

This person can be used, Zhu Zhanji nodded slightly: "Those people can't run, please feel at ease."

Fei Shi got out of the room gratefully, and said to Ma Yiyuan and Zhou Yingtai who were waiting outside: "Two adults, your Royal Highness would like to invite you."

When they got to the inside, the two were anxiously waiting for the reprimand, but Zhu Zhanji calmed down.

"Master Ma is good, at least he has a responsibility!"

Ma Yiyuan dared to decide to suspend the exchange at a critical moment, no matter what his original intention, this is the responsibility!

"Thank you for your praise, your servants are ashamed of not being, if you can prepare for the rainy day, it should be better."

There is something in Ma Yiyuan's words, this is to ease Zhao Yuanzhen's cheeks, and also to compliment Zhu Zhanji's magical soldiers in disguised form to turn the tide.

Zhu Zhanji nodded, this compliment was just that his left ear went in and his right ear went out.

Turning his eyes to Zhou Yingtai, Zhu Zhanji did not comment on his performance in this incident, but only asked: "Can the Ministry of War arrange personnel to inspect the surrounding area?"

So many treasures flowed into Jinling, it must be a collusion between inside and outside.

Zhou Yingtai looked ashamed and said: "His Royal Highness, the ministers were already blinded at the time. He just wanted to control the people in Jinling City and not chaos, but didn't expect to send someone out to intercept those people."

Zhu Zhanji looked down and felt that it was indeed inappropriate for a literati to serve as the minister of war.

But if both the Ministry of War and the Dudu Mansion were controlled by the warriors, then the checks and balances would be lost.

Civil and military forces must not be partial, and where will the force without checks and balances go?

This is a difficult problem!

At this time, Jia Quan told outside: "His Royal Highness, Wei Guogong, please see you!"

In an instant, Ma Yiyuan and Zhou Yingtai saw a different emperor grandson.

Zhu Zhanji squinted his eyes and said blankly: "What is he doing here? Grandpa Huang told him to study at home, so he stayed there, and after he was successful in his studies, Grandpa Huang would definitely give him important responsibilities. , After all, Wei Guogong's line is the pillar of my Daming! Let him go back!"

Ma Yiyuan and Zhou Yingtai looked at each other, remembering the negative views of Zhu Zhanji in the South.

In the eyes of the southern literati, this emperor grandson is a model of apostasy. He listened to and believed in that uncle Xinghe, and he was going to finish it sooner or later!

But the past few years have slowly come over. Not only did Zhu Zhanji not finish playing, but Zhu Di became more like it, even covering up the scenery of the Zhao King.

And that uncle Xinghe kept tossing, not only tossed Jiaozhi completely and stabilized, but also tossed the "Nation of Infidelity" into the territory of Daming by the way.

And the thing that entangled the southern literati the most was Yingzhou, the original Japanese country.

The southerners hate the Japanese pirates the most. Even the people of Suzhou have no objection to this. They are afraid that the Japanese pirates will land ashore one day and then burn, kill and loot.

But when the news came that Daming was going to avenge the vassal state of Korea, the literati in the south were silent. They thought that the battle would continue for several years, becoming a wound on Daming's body, a wound that kept bleeding.

As a result, they didn't know whether they were happy or disappointed. The Japanese country actually rushed down, and Fang Xing's all-firearms army swept the Japanese country.


What should I do if the people I hate actually do so for the Southerners?


Don't be nonsense, this man is the enemy of our Confucianism!

So now Fang Xing's image in the eyes of the southerners is more complicated. Some people think that he has great merit, while some people think that he is a murderous madman.

—— Jingguan left by Fang Xing’s battle can testify! This is a murderous demon, an inhuman butcher!

Thinking of this, Ma Yiyuan bowed and resigned.

Zhou Yingtai felt that he had lost points, so he volunteered to take someone to seal the city gate.

"No, staring at those people, staring at their homes, how can those people escape? As for the fish that slip through the net, if they can be wild people in the mountains, what's the harm in letting them go!"

After the two left, Jia Quan came back.

"His Royal Highness, someone is here to report that Wei Guogong went to the Shenxianju first, and said something with Xinghe and Uncle Xing. When he came out, he looked stiff."

Zhu Zhanji couldn't help laughing. The anxiety and depression of the past few days laughed out, and then he said: "What Xing Hebo dislikes most is the honours who sit and eat and wait to die. Wei Guogong was not clean in this exchange event. , Even if it’s giving me face if I don’t fight on the spot."

After thinking about it, Jia Quan blinked his eyes and said, "His Royal Highness, Xing He Bo and the Mo Chou of Shenxianju, will there be anything..."

Zhu Zhanji shook his head and said: "Xing Hebo is upright, if he likes it, he will naturally give an explanation."

"Don't think that Xing Hebo is afraid of Hedong Lions. Tell you that is called respect. If Xing Hebo takes Mo Chou back, Mrs. Xing Hebo will definitely settle down."

Zhu Zhanji laughed at the thought of the rumor that Fang Xing's family had a fierce wife.

"His Royal Highness, Mr. Xing He said that the official residence of the State of Wei is robbing the people's fertile land."

At this time, someone outside reported.

"Okay, I get it now."

Zhu Zhanji understands that Xu Qin must be dealt with, otherwise the royal majesty will disappear!

And Fang Xing was giving him cannonballs, which stunned Xunqi's cannonballs in one fell swoop!

"Da Ming's honor..."

Zhu Zhanji murmured, and Jia Quan on the side bowed his head with a panic expression.

Is it possible that after your majesty ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there will be an emperor who can't deal with the honors?

Zhu Zhanji asked inexplicably: "Is the news coming out?"


The rice wine is not intoxicating, but Mo Chou's face is still more flushed.

The girl rolled up her sleeves and showed her pink arms. She smiled and said, "Uncle, how many days can you stay in Jinling?"

Fang Xing drinking this rice wine is like drinking beer, without feeling at all. "Maybe, but you have to hit the south side."

Mo Chou said happily, "Will you come over for dinner?"

Fang Xing lowered his eyes slightly and said, "Yes."

After eating, Xin Laoqi, who had been waiting, came in and handed a piece of paper to Fang Xing.

Fang Xing took a look, and stood up as usual, "There will be some unease in the city in the last few days. Don't pay attention to it, and don't worry about it."

Mo Chou got up, the joy between his eyebrows gradually dissipated, and there was a little more sorrow: "Uncle, don't worry, the little girl knows the right way."

Fang Xing nodded, and glanced left and right after going out.

The man on the left carrying a load changed drastically when Fang Xing glanced at it. He threw the load away and ran back into the alley.

The knife quietly touched it, and Fang Xing turned around and said to Mo Chou who was sent out: "People call me magnanimous. If you find something abnormal, you can tell me and tell Ying Tianfu the same."

"Ying Tianfu?"

Mo Chou felt that Ying Tianfu would not care, because if someone wanted to attack her, most of the power behind it was not small.

Fang Xing nodded, "Trust me, Ying Tianfu will take care of it, they dare not leave it alone."

This time Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing showed up in time with a large amount of silver, and all those who were about to lose office in Ying Tianfu had to go home and put incense on their ancestral graves, thanking their ancestors for blessing their escape.

Once Zhu Di is angry, the lowest is exile.

How dare Ying Tianfu, who owes a debt of favor, not be dedicated!

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