Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1068: Not give way to each other

Thanks to the leader: "Red Flame's Nightmare Madness" for two red-hot rewards!


As the grain entered the mountain/east, Yang Shiqi's life suddenly increased. He was either coordinating to refill the granary, or arranging people to inspect the crops in various places.

In the prefect yamen, Yang Shiqi just arranged an event and sat in a chair tiredly and said: "Can't wait, Xing He will not be there tomorrow, the official will go to Jinan."

Although many officials have been taken down in the Shan/East area, Jinan still maintains a general framework of chief executive. Yang Shiqi really couldn't stay in Qingzhou if he wanted to command the mountain to fight against the drought and disaster relief in the east.

The follow-up incidents were tedious, and Yang Shiqi regretted not bringing more officials to follow.

The capital is currently trialing the officials in the Far Mountain/East area. After the screening, the innocent officials will probably be restored to their posts, but this time is waiting for no one!

Yang Shiqi shook his head, got up and walked out of the room, ready to ask the one hundred households left behind by the Jubao Mountain Guard.

When he walked to the front, Yang Shiqi frowned and asked his entourage: "Did you hear the sound of horseshoes?"

The entourage listened carefully and said, "Yes, my lord, many horses, it should be the Jubaoshan Guard who is back."

Yang Shiqi turned around immediately, he didn't want to weaken his position.

As soon as Fang Xing came back, he found Yang Shiqi in the government office, and the two closed the door and started negotiations.

Although it was morning, the temperature was not low. Yang Shiqi looked at Fang Xing and said, "Uncle Xing He, have you caught Tang Saier?"

Fang Xing frowned and said, "It's not a catch, but a rescue."

"Rescue? That's not bad, but can this range be relaxed?"

Yang Shiqi's voice was a little vague, as if it came from a distance.

"Master Yang, who among those three makes you so favored?"

Fang Xing's voice was also erratic.

"You took great pains for those three people, and their evidence is conclusive, Master Yang, what is driving you to favor favors?"

Yang Shiqi's face turned red and he was about to speak, but Fang Xing pressed his hands and squinted his eyes, "Let me guess! According to your Mr. Yang's past temperament, even if these three people want to cover up, they won't get rid of them completely. crime."

Fang Xing pointed to the outside and said: "You Mr. Yang claims to never favor favoritism. Your family and friends have never benefited from you, so let's think about who it is."

"Mountain\/East! Qufu!"

Fang Xing stared at Yang Shiqi, and said, "The world of Confucian scholars is a family, Qufu is the holy land in your heart, and the tablet of that saint is there, Master Yang, but a relative of his family?"

Yang Shiqi nodded uncomfortably, in front of Fang Xing, he didn't want to admit defeat.

To deny is to admit defeat!

Fang Xing sighed: "The three can be regarded as the chief culprits in the death of Tang Saier's father. They murdered and paid for his life. But the so-called prince broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people, I naturally didn't believe it."

Yang Shiqi was silent, and he was also under pressure. Someone secretly handed over a message a few days ago, saying that the important person over there was more concerned about one of the three.

And the other party also asked him to make sure that the person's reputation is not affected.

"There are officials and power to do their best. There is no shame in seeing an official see a mansion. If you are like a man, why not let him wear a hat!"

Fang Xing slowly chanted, Yang Shiqi read through the books and knew that this was the word in Guan Hanqing’s three-kan butterfly dream, and this opera was about ‘the prince breaks the law, and the common people commit the same crime! ’.

Fang Xing said: "Mr. Jiezhai's Dou E's injustice is a masterpiece, but although this package has a high intention, it has some flaws."

Guan Hanqing has a fast, and he can be called the Li Du in poetry in terms of opera.

But Fang Xing questioned: "The old man Wang said it was a home for farming and reading, and his three sons were all studying, so I wondered, who would do the work? Who would make money? Then he would have to go to the streets to buy paper and pen. What's the use of these three sons? Bao Zheng finally banned the three scholars. If you want to come, they must be the dry city of the country!"

The three nerds, buying paper and pen, have their old father taking to the streets, causing his old father to be beaten to death by a bully. Could this class of people reuse it?

Fang Xing’s words seem to be inconsistent with today’s topic, but Yang Shiqi could smell it, and he said with a cold face: "Xing He Bo, this is the mountain\/East, you are so unscrupulous in slandering Confucianism, you are really not afraid. ?"

"What am I afraid of?"

Fang Xing sneered and said, "Fang has acted righteously and there is no need to hide what he does."

This is to completely reject Yang Shiqi's request.

"Uncle Xing, that Tang Saier killed an official and rebelled. The evidence is conclusive. Are you sure you want to protect her?"

As a politician, no matter what his position is, he cannot accept it.

So Yang Shiqi immediately launched a counterattack.

Fang Xing got up and said, "Yes, but I said that it was an official forcing the people to rebel!"

This is not a personal contradiction, so Yang Shiqi just said indifferently: "But she is indeed the opposite! Besides, there are still many good officials in the mountain/east."

"Master Yang, don't force me."

"Xing He Bo, how about taking a step back?"

"But I can't see those greedy officials get away with it! That would make me feel as sick as eating a dead mouse!"

Fang Xing walked to the door of the room, stretched out his hand and pushed it away, then squinted his eyes to feel the sunshine, and said without turning his head: "Master Yang, there are some good things in Prince Jin's Mansion. I think you should go and see it. You will regret it if you don't look at it!"

Fang Xing left, Yang Shiqi sat on the spot, sighed for a long time, and said to himself: "I didn't expect that the official would have a day of selfishness. I really read the sage's book for nothing. Come here! Go to the palace of Jin Dynasty!"

The Jin Palace has always been guarded and left intact.

Yang Shiqi has Zhu Di's authorization, so it is not a taboo to enter a mansion of an abandoned king. Of course, someone must be accompanied and monitored along the way.

To avoid suspicion, Yang Shiqi brought many officials in. When the group entered the palace, they began to wander around.

The Jin Dynasty Mansion occupies a large area with carved columns and jade columns, but Yang Shiqi didn't want to watch it. After walking around the periphery, he entered the core area of ​​the palace through Duanlimen.

Everyone is still thinking about the Temple of Saji and the Temple of Mountains and Rivers just now. Only Yang Shiqi walks out of those rooms from time to time and looks inside~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is rude!

The officials behind them all exchanged their views, thinking that Yang Shiqi was probably looking for something.

As the ‘imperial minister’, Yang Shiqi would have a say in the official application of the future mountain/east, so this flattery had to be taken, so these officials all scattered and looked around.

After half of the palace, everyone found nothing. Yang Shiqi stood panting under the eaves to enjoy the shade. Someone went to ask what they were looking for, but didn't get an answer.

Could it be that Fang Xing was so embarrassed that he was lying to me?

Yang Shiqi felt that Fang Xing would have something to do with Tang Saier if he didn't deal with it, so it's not uncommon for him to do some kid-like tricks for this.

"Lets see……"

Yang Shiqi stomped his numb feet and was about to go forward, but he heard a scream.


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