Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1070: The angel is here, cooperate with tacit understanding

Thanks to the book friends: a great reward for the ‘all-people’s troubled book shortage’!


After the reorganization of Shan/Dong's health post, at least there will be no major problems in public security, so Fang Xing is ready to return to Beiping.

This is great news for the officials in the whole mountain/east.

"This plague **** is going to leave, I don't know what will happen if I don't leave!"

"Don't say that, without him, how many people would we have to starve to death in Qingzhou this year?"

"But several of my friends have been arrested, and I can't swallow it!"

The two little officials squatted and ate cakes opposite the Qingzhou government office and chatted as they ate.

As he was talking, a sergeant rushed into the mansion quickly, and then Yang Shiqi appeared, and then Fang Xing also appeared.

"What is this? Who is here?"

The two little officials hurriedly put the cakes away, and then rushed into the mansion.

The officials in the mansion were all looking serious, and the experienced old officials were admonishing everyone to be quiet, maybe it was the angels coming.

Wang Fusheng, who was an angel for the first time, was also very serious. He entered the mansion to convey Zhu Di's imperial decree, and then he asked vigorously.

"Your Majesty heard that Tang Saier started with a white lotus, but what happened?"

No wonder it was Wang Fusheng who came to investigate in person!

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, among the various chaos, the White Lotus Sect was regarded as a major force. Starting with religion and seeking the loyalty of his subordinates with religion became the characteristics of that time.

Zhu Yuanzhang was also one of them, but later he regarded the White Lotus Sect as a thorn in his eyes and hated those slogans.

-Maitreya Buddha should have the world!

——The King Ming was born!

These deceptive slogans were natural enemies to Zhu Yuanzhang, who had seen the hope of overthrowing the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty. So, as soon as the Ming Dynasty was established, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't wait to ban all the activities of the White Lotus Sect and forced the White Lotus Sect to go underground.

Zhu Di probably also knew the power of the White Lotus Sect, so he moved after hearing the wind.

Fang Xing's eyes were slightly cold, and he didn't reply.

Yang Shiqi coughed dryly: "Master Wang, the Bailian religion is just a rumor, but it's just a few fools. The leader is called Tuesday, and the killing of officials is his hand. Then he forces the people to go up the mountain, saying rebellion. But the people naturally know that they are loyal to the emperor and love the country, just in the first few days. On Sunday, the Tang Saier couple found a good opportunity, they killed that Tuesday, and then led the people down the mountain to surrender."

Wang Fusheng turned his gaze to Fang Xing. Before he came, Zhu Di said that although Fang Xing sometimes used his brain, he would not be vague on issues related to national affairs.

Fang Xing said: "That Tuesday was ambitious and carried a bunch of people up the mountain, and this person was cunning. After killing the officials, he was worried about the unsuccessful rebellion, so he planted his name on Tang Saier and his wife. Fortunately, Tang Saier The couple had faith in their hearts. A few days ago, they joined forces to kill Tuesday and then take people down the mountain."

Wang Fusheng said blankly: "Where is that couple?"

Fang Xing's body stiffened and said, "In the camp."


When Tang Saier and his wife arrived at the government office, Wang Fusheng was talking with Wang He.

Wang He came out and looked normal, only those who knew him knew that he was almost exhausted at this moment.

Smiling at Fang Xingqiang, Wang He pointed to the barracks, and then left.

A guard came out and called Tang Saier and his wife in.

Fang Xing was sitting under the opposite roof, and the knife beside him was talking softly.

"Master, it's already done. People who know this will not dare to speak, otherwise they will find their way to death, and they have no evidence. Over time, the matter will naturally disappear."

Fang Xing nodded slightly: "How did this leak to Peiping?"

The knife looked around, and said: "Master, I just met a guard who I know you well, and I took a look and said that I was impeached by Yushi, and I was impeaching the master for private rebels."

Fang Xing squinted and nodded, then waved, the knife went after Wang He.

Although everyone has a tacit agreement on this matter, they can't be careless.

After waiting for a long time, Tang Saier and his wife came out, looking like they were fished out of the water.

"Uncle, my couple will go to Xinghe right away, thank you for taking care of him."

Fang Xing nodded and said: "Be good in Xinghe. It will become the grassland of Daming in the future, just like Qingzhou at this moment. If you have anything to do, you can report the name of the uncle. It is still useful in Xinghe."

Tang Saier smiled slightly, and the taste of holiness came out again, "The wife and the wife will pray for the uncle, and pray that the gods and Buddhas will protect the uncle's family safely and smoothly."

Fang Xing frowned slightly, and exhorted: "The frontier is rough, and it's best to keep yourself safe."

In that kind of military fortress, if you think that your strength is high, you can do whatever you want. Those seemingly weak sergeants will tell you with knives and guns that in the battlefield, personal strength is not enough for experience and cooperation.

Watching Tang Saier and his wife leave, Wang Fusheng's voice came from behind.

"Xing He Bo, it's the first time for an official to come to Beijing in recent years. There is a good place to introduce it."

Fang Xing turned around and smiled: "Maybe drinking?"

Wang Fusheng nodded and said, "It's just a check, it's not a big deal, it's OK to drink some wine."

Yang Shiqi also came out, Fang Xing smiled and said: "Then Fang will cook next time today, how about we make a hot pot?"

"Eating hot pot in this weather?"

Yang Shiqi was in a good mood, and shook his head and said, "This official dare not accompany him."

Wang Fusheng licked his lips and said, "Okay! Xing Hebo's craftsmanship shook the north and south of Beijing, and today he is considered a blessing when he is in office."

So the two went to the camp, and the angel came down to live in the barracks, which was new.

The camp was clean and tidy, and the soldiers walked well, giving people a strong sense of discipline.

Wang Fusheng praised: "Xinghe Bozhijun is really unique, and the officials admire it."

Fang Xing smiled: "Suzaku Guard is also good, and there are more people."


The hot pot is simple, a pheasant stewed in soup, some meat slices and tofu vegetables ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ even if it is all alive.

Fang Xing was reluctant to drink at noon, but Wang Fusheng was very interested and a little bit happy.

The old tofu has to be boiled for a longer time to taste, Fang Xing caught a piece, and the chopsticks were a little shaken.

Wang Fusheng also drank a lot, his eyes were red, and he looked a bit hideous.

"Xing He Bo, after all, the use of will is not a ministerial style, then Tang Saier clearly has evil spirits!"

Wang Fusheng's eyes were red, and said confidently.


Fang Xing's eyes were a little straight, and he hiccuped: "That woman is a powerful woman. On Tuesday, Lin San was a little timid. She was the one who struck a knife and killed Tuesday, which is considered a great achievement. Otherwise. If you go to the stockade to see, even if Jubaoshan Weiquan pulls up, it must be fatal and wounded, and you can't chew!"

Wang Fusheng's smile was a little bit penetrating, completely no longer the honest and honest appearance of Peking.

"Uncle Xinghe, the next official came here, and I always feel that the atmosphere is not right! There seems to be something to hide from the next official."

Fang Xing raised his glass and said, "You are like electricity, drinking."

Wang Fusheng smiled and said: "Apart from your majesty, who would dare to call the gods like electricity? Xinghebo, some forces in the mountain/dong area are deeply rooted, and the lower officials think it's not appropriate!"

Fang Xing was taken aback, then toasted and drank, nodding, "Yes! It's a bit ingrained, too self-righteous, Fang knows..."

Wang Fusheng took the initiative to raise a glass and invite him to drink: "Then the official will return to Beijing, Xing He Bo and go slowly."

"So anxious?" Fang Xing asked.

Wang Fusheng nodded: "That is the errand of spreading the word. Your Majesty has a lot of affairs around him. Although the subordinates are dull, they can also help to polish the ink."

Seeing Wang Fusheng who went out after a toast, Fang Xing shook his head, then put the wine glass down and went inside, and then a slight snoring sound came out.

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