Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1087: The novelist said that we will leave the palace in microservices

Thank you: "Miaomiao Child" and "Feng Qing Xing Xi Yue Lang" for the red rewards!


What Daming gave you is yours!

These words are too appetizing for Zhu Di, domineering!

Zhu Di nodded, he was disdainful of discussing state affairs with a woman.

The chief **** immediately went out and said in his sharp voice: "The dark clouds of Bara, today your Majesty allowed you to enter the hall to be a favor. Why don't you come back soon?"

Wu Yun's body relaxed, then bowed back.

Fang Xing immediately pleaded guilty, and Zhu Di'generously' forgave his'crime', and the atmosphere became warm and'harmonious' again.

"well said!"

Fang Xing returned, Jin Zhong praised nonchalantly, and then invited him to a toast.

Lu Zhen was a little sad. As a minister of rituals, he thought that what he said just now was appropriate and appropriate.

But he didn't expect Fang Xing's fierce words, but Zhu Di was satisfied.

Next time I have to think about your majesty's mind!

The banquet finally ended with everyone fumigating, and as Zhu Di got up and left, everyone began to disperse.

Wuyun walked in front, his pace gradually slowed down, and when Fang woke up, he suddenly turned around and bowed and said, "The foreign minister does not understand Daming etiquette. If there is any rudeness, please Xing and Bo Haihan."

This is a provocative strategy!

Fang Xing smiled, and said with a spring breeze: "I heard that you have bought a lot of books recently, but from Ben's point of view, you have made a mistake."

Zhang Fu also followed, watching Fang Xing's counterattack with everyone's interest.

The dark cloud was full of spring, and he said, "This is just from the bottom of my heart, please don't care about Xinghe Bo."

"I care!"

Fang Xingmeng closed his smiling face, and said coldly: "You probably read some novelist's words, and then you think you have learned how to instigate left and right. Unfortunately, this is Da Ming, not to mention your majesty, his elders, but Ben's colleagues. We all will only take your words as a joke."

The dark clouds looked around, and sure enough, most people looked lively.

What a joke! Who would believe the rumors alluding to Fang Xing's disobedience?

Although this servant is domineering, but there are only two thousand households under his command. With the existence of Suzakuwei, it is either an idiot or a fool who says Fang Xing is going to rebel.

It's okay to watch the excitement. It's best if Fang Xing is said to be ashamed. Even if he kills the dark clouds afterwards, everyone doesn't mind, just want to see how embarrassing he looks now.

"It's really unpredictable, Wuyun, do you want to bury your bones in Peking, or do you want to go to the palace and go to the palace? If you think about it, remember to tell Ben Bo."

Fang Xing suddenly felt that his caution was completely unnecessary. This is not a fantasy world. Even if a woman can act, she is just a clown figure in the face of absolute strength.

Fang Xing walked away, and the dark clouds stood there. The officials and messengers resisted the urge to smile, and walked away from her one by one.

The crowd passed by, but it wasn't me who cared!

Wu Yun's body was stiff. She felt that this was not her fault, but Zhu Di was the one who was wrong.

As an emperor, he refused to be angry, but let the people below deal with it.

Is this the emperor?

Wuyun remembered that when Mahamu was in the past, if he encountered such a situation, he would personally pull out the scimitar and chop off the head of the person who angered him.

And Zhu Di just looked at all this coldly, as if he knew someone would come out and clean her up without a face and face, as stable as Mount Tai!

Is this the Emperor of Ming Dynasty?


Fang Xing was stopped before he left the palace gate, and then someone asked him to wait by the side.

"Who are you waiting for?"

It was near the gate of the palace. For safety reasons, no trees were allowed, so Fang Xing had to find a wall to stand.

There are glazed tiles on the wall, but due to the angle, it can only cover half of the body.

Fang Xing concealed his head in the shade, as for his body.

The palace maids and eunuchs are all in a hurry. This is not their diligence, but the feeling of being exposed to the sun outside is too uncomfortable.

Fang Xing, who was hiding under the wall, was ignored. His body was so hot that he wanted to dig a hole in the ground, and then hid in to absorb some clammy breath.

Fang Xing's head was leaning against the wall, but he didn't feel the coolness. He raised his head and looked at the dazzling blue sky, knowing that this was Zhu Di's punishment.

What he said before was very beautiful, and it directly hit Wuyun and the envoys.

But the big tricks that made Zhu Di hold back are all abolished. If he doesn't punish him, how can Zhu Di be willing to be violent.

How long will it take to stand?

Fang Xing's body was full of sweat, and he didn't dare to move, and the sweat would spread immediately.

Half an hour later, just when Fang Xing was about to go over the wall, Zhu Di appeared.

It is not unusual for Zhu Di to appear, nor is it unusual for him to wear plain clothes. What is strange is that...

Zhu Di was followed by a little dwarf, a guy in a little green shirt.

Although the little guy is dressed in men's clothing, Fang Xing recognizes it when he sees it.

"Fang Xing, let's go out and play!"

Wanwan held Zhu Di's sleeve, smiling and beckoning at Fang Xing.

Lao Zhu wants to go out of the palace?

A serious old man, a playful little girl, this picture is beautiful, but the big eunuch, who is wearing a green shirt, looks very fat, destroys this picture.

Fang Xing walked over with a drooling face, and immediately got his clothes close to his body, faintly seeing the sweat.

Zhu Di didn't say anything, just walked out with Wanwan.

The **** squinted Fang Xing and said in a low voice, "Hurry up."

But now I just want to go home and take a shower!

But Lao Zhu's urination was too bad. If Fang Xingdar ran halfway, the people from Dongchang would have arrived at Fang's house within half an hour.

All the way out of the palace, two carriages were parked outside, Zhu Di and Wanwan were in a car, Fang Xing was alone.

"You must be eating something iced!"

Fang Xing unceremoniously speculated that Lao Zhu was not authentic. In such a hot weather, you must at least give me a copy!


After lowering his head, the chief **** was surprised to find that Fang Xing's whole body was refreshed, and there was no sweat on his face, as if he had just come out of the ice store.

Zhu Di snorted coldly, then raised his eyes to look at this bustling street, and headed to the right first.

Wanwan tilted her head and looked at Fang Xing curiously. Because she was grabbing Zhu Di's sleeves, as soon as Zhu Di left, she was taken a bit and stumbled to follow.

The street was prosperous and crowded. Several guards followed closely, and everyone wandered slowly.

On the left is more food, and on the right are more decoration shops, cloth shops, and powder shops.

Naturally, the powder shop didn't go, just went into the cloth shop and took a look.

Zhu Di asked about the prices of several common fabrics, then nodded slightly and bought some cheap coarse cloths.

"Your Majesty, the price has dropped."

Of course the **** knew what Zhu Di meant, so he jokingly said.

Zhu Di nodded, and then asked Fang Xing like a testimony: "Why did the price drop?"

Fang Xing was a little hungry. He was busy cleaning up the dark clouds before and ate a bowl of yokan.

"Your Majesty~www.wuxiaspot.com~Daming has added a lot of land, cotton and silkworm cocoons are also more, but more things are cheap."

Zhu Di nodded in satisfaction, some officials didn't even know this. In his opinion, these people should rush home to plant the land, and come back when they will plant the land.

Fang Xing made a grimace at Wanwan who turned her head frequently, and then said, "Your Majesty, cotton can also be grown in Samarkand, so that we can grow grain on Daming's land. Uh! Hami can also do it."

Zhu Di glared at Fang Xing and said, "Someone has told me about this long ago, but Chagatai, Turpan and other countries coexist and have complex forces. Is it appropriate for Daming to stir up this muddy water at this time?"

At this time, the existence of several countries in Hami is very troublesome. If you want to conquer, due to the long distance and difficult supply, you may lose like Qiu Fu at any time.


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