Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1089: Both civil and military

   Fang Xing's nap did not sleep well. Anyone who has two kids around would not be able to sleep well, let alone these two kids tossing on him from time to time.

   Ping An is just babbling and pulling Fang Xing's hand, and potatoes are hated, and children of this age hate it.

   "Father! Where's my armor?"

   The little kid sat on Fang Xing’s belly stubbornly and asked nonchalantly.

Fang Xing was dazed, feeling that his soul was out of his body. Potatoes were asking questions in his ear, but a general in armor appeared in his mind. He was pressed on the ground, and a civil official's halberd pointed at him. He was counted on the charges, and then the long knife fell.

   Mao Wenlong!

   Fang woke up and remembered that the handsome Mao died at the hands of a bragging boss.

   In order to prevent my children and grandchildren from falling into the hands of foreign races, the matter of this civilian commanding military commanders has to be disturbed!

   Now that the generals are on the march, Zhu Di sometimes sends civilian counselors along with the army.

   This counselor will slowly carry forward in the future, and gradually become an empire.

   During the martial arts performance today, when Jubaoshan Guards marched, the expressions of those civil servants did not hide Fang Xing.

  The idea of ​​these guys is also very simple. The talented people can't fight when they meet soldiers, but they still have tricks to deal with these warriors.

   Money and food!

   It's better to let the warriors live in a tight life, do you want money? Then be behaved, and then let you not have enough to eat, but you can't die from hunger, so just clean up if you don't be obedient!

   The civil servant of Gou Ri!

   "Father! Want armor!"

   Fang Xing touched Ping An’s back with his right hand, and when he was thinking about it, the potato fell heavily, his hands on his chest and shouted.

   "How can it be so fast! Ahem!"

   Fang Xing opened his eyes and felt a little tight in his chest, so he coughed a few times.


   Ping An grabbed Fang Xing's hand and stuffed it into his mouth, making drool all over his hand.

   "Get up!"

   I woke up and couldn't sleep anymore. He knew that the two wives were outside. This was watching his joke.

  Sure enough, the door was pushed open immediately, and Xiaobai came in with a needle and thread in his hand.

   Seeing Ping An sitting still holding Fang Xing's hand bite, Xiao Bai couldn't help laughing.

   "Master, Ping An, this is teeth grinding!"

   "Where is the molar rod? Find it!"

   Fang Xing got up a little bit, but didn't dare to pull it hard, so he reached out his hand to touch Ping An's face, and after he let go, he quickly took out his finger.


   He was unhappy, so he called out. Fang Xing was overjoyed, and leaned in to kiss him: "It's father, not bang!"

  Tudou also taught: "It's a daddy or a daddy!"


   There was a rare outbreak. Xide Fang Xing picked him up, took the molar stick and put it in his mouth, and hung the rope around his neck by the way.

   Xiaobai said triumphantly: "Master, Ping An is very smart! I still know how to play with bells in the morning."

   Fang Xing said helplessly: "But fell?"

   Recently, Xiaobai was teaching to walk safely, and from time to time he would weaken his legs and fall. But the bell is intentional. When Ping An is practicing walking, it stands on the side. Once Ping's legs are soft, it will immediately rush over and use its body as a cushion.

   Xiaobai said suddenly: "Master, it’s just a bit slower, I only fell twice today."

   Fang Xing hugged Ping An and kissed him, "My son! You have such a careless mother, it's a miracle that you can grow up."

   Xiaobai heard that he was about to argue a few words for himself, but Ping An took out a molar stick and banged Fang Xing's chest hard.

   "Hey! The kid will protect your mother! Not bad!"

   Fang Xing handed Ping An to Xiao Bai, and said, "The bell is smart, let it follow the children more in the future."

   After nodding, Xiaobai snatched the molar stick and said, "That's your father, I can beat you like this next time."

   Peace and calm again, babbled and Xiaobai grabbed a tooth stick.

   Fang Xing took the potatoes out, and Zhang Shuhui was no longer there. Bell was lying outside the door, and when he heard the movement, he got up, wagging his tail, and then entered the bedroom.

   Quiet in the afternoon, Fang Xing handed Ping An to Mother Qin and Mother Deng, and then prepared to go to the academy alone.

   There is a distance from the bedroom to the courtyard gate. The sun is scorching, but fortunately there are big trees on both sides of the path. People walking in the shade of the trees, the spots cast by the light made Fang Xing's clothes look like camouflage uniforms.

   Across this path, the courtyard door in front is visible, and Zhang Shuhui is there, with Muhua by her side, and a knife scratching her cheeks on the opposite side.

   "Sister Chun's family used to rely on her to raise half of the family. Now she is going to marry. Who will raise her family? So be honest. Don't go to her house to be annoying lately."

   Xiaodao nodded in dismay. After he came back, as long as he was okay, he would go to Chunmei's house to chop firewood. On the way home, he could go to see Chunmei outside the big market.

   The kid who loves Dou Chukai suddenly couldn't go to see his sweetheart. It was really tormented!

   Fang Xing smiled and walked around from the side.

   Things change quickly, and the living will not let the urine suffocate. Fang Xing looks forward to seeing Du Hailin pushing the cart out to sell spring cakes.

   "It's a scholar who has nothing to do with nothing, and Dehua's words are great."

   On a hot day, the blue shirt was the same as Xie Jin, but there was no sweat, which was in sharp contrast to Fang Xing’s sweat.

   "Your qi training is not enough, you have to read more when you look back."

   Jie Jin saw Fang Xing holding a towel to wipe his sweat, feeling a little restless, so he teased.

   Fang Xing threw the towel to Xin Laoqi, and said comfortably: "Mr. Jie, this is a fast metabolism, young people are strong, hot and sweaty. As for raising qigong, Confucianism, Confucianism, I can't agree with this statement."

   "Taoism and Buddhism also have the skills to cultivate qi. I once saw a Taoist priest who still didn't sweat in a cotton-padded jacket during the dog days, but that has broken away from the purpose of quietness and inaction, and has become a show off."

   Speaking of Buddhism and Taoism, Xie Jin prefers Taoism: "When the world is in chaos, Taoism goes out to save the dead and heals the wounded, but when the world is peaceful, Taoism retreats to the mountains and forests. This is tranquility and inaction."

   But Buddhism is the opposite. Whether it is a troubled or prosperous world, Buddhism is either vassalizing the strong, or recruiting believers, occupying the land, and living out of the six impure and wealthy people.

   "But there is another Quanzhen Tao."

   Fang Xing retorted, and then saw that Xie Jin's face was stunned, and he couldn't help feeling refreshed.

   Naquan/Zhendao placed the bet on the Meng Yuan people in the Southern Song Dynasty. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a lead/path/party.

Xie Jin shook his head and said, "From the Jinren to the Mengyuan Yuan, the status of Quanzhen Dao has been constantly elevated. Tiemuzhen even decreed that Quanzhen Dao would be allowed to occupy land at will to build Taoist temples, preach at will, and be exempt from taxes. If it were not for later they wanted to suppress the Buddha. , Probably can still maintain this scale."

   Fang Xinghuanfeng changed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and asked: "Mr. Jie, you were like a first assistant back then, what did the civil servant think of the warrior?"


   Jie Jin's eyes showed the color of memories, and slowly said: "The warriors at that time were domineering, fierce, and ambitious!"

   In the early Ming Dynasty, the arrogant soldiers swept Mengyuan.

   "When Taizu was the emperor, the prince was weak, and Taisun's literary spirit was unable to dominate these arrogant soldiers, so..."

   So Lao Zhu started to kill, and the heads of the killers rolled.

   "In the end it was cheaper, Your Majesty today."

   Xie Jin smiled, a little sigh.

"So far, when the warriors have left the town, the grain and grass are all coordinated by the civil officials. The two seem to be independent of each other. But Dehua, you have to remember that, as you said, either the east wind overwhelms the west wind, or the west wind overwhelms the east wind. After all, there will be a victory and defeat between civil and military. This process may take 50 years, maybe 100 years, but there will be results in the end."

   "If a warrior rises up, there will always be the disaster of the former Tang Fanzhen."

   Jie Jin shook his head, looking a little confused-as a former civil servant, his position was always biased to that side, but...

   "But if you use Wen Yuwu, you will inevitably repeat the mistakes of the former Song Dynasty, no matter what!"


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