Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1093: Zhu Gaoxu's Hongmen Banquet

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>History and Military

>Take the warehouse to Daming

>Chapter 1093 Zhu Gaoxu's Hongmen Banquet Catalogue Bookmark and CommentChapter 1093 Zhu Gaoxu's Hongmen Banquet

Novel: Bring the Warehouse to Daming Author: Sir Dybala Words: 4982

"Who started?"

Chunmei looked back and saw Fang Xing, and then she also saw the knife behind.

The man rolled his sleeves and saw Fang Xing wearing a blue shirt. But it is not easy to dare to get ahead at this time, so he aggrieved: "Sir, that Chunmei alone dominates the front, and the younger ones can't continue their business!"

The daughter-in-law also yelled, "My lord, this is not her home, so why should she be alone!"

This piece of land is deep from front to back, and the left and right widths can only accommodate people after setting up a stall. The sides are reserved for planting trees, and the pits are dug.


Chunmei lowered her head and blessed her body, almost shocking the chins of the men and women.

I said! Uncle?

If it was an uncle, who would dare to object?

Now I can only hope that this uncle and sister Chun are no longer familiar.

"Why not find a knife?"

Fang Xing's words shattered the hopes of those men and women, but Chunmei stubbornly said, "Uncle, the little girl is not his own."

"Then do business in business!"

Fang Xing admired such self-respecting and self-reliant woman, so he sullied his face and said, "This is an unused place. You must be first-come-first-served when you do things. Otherwise, the order will be gone. Is there any rule?"

As for not allowing stalls to be set up at will, if Fang Xing dared to speak out, he would guarantee Fang's reputation tomorrow.

The men and women knew that this uncle knew Chun Sister when they heard it, and they all cowered and did not dare to look up. 35xs

Xia Yuanji and Zhu Zhanji were talking in low voices, but they had nothing to do with the little things in front of them.

"His Royal Highness, someone has already gone to the household department and wants to exchange gold and silver for treasure."

This is a good trend, and Zhu Zhanji said: "Take it slowly, it depends. If the money was run at that time, then it can't be redeemed, otherwise the prestige of the court and the center will be lost!"

Xia Yuanji nodded and said vigorously: "All those who have not been run have been replaced by him, and those who have been run have been driven out."

Zhu Zhanji reminded: "You have to pay attention to the illegal use of gold and silver in the localities, catch them and dispose of them together, don't be soft. Compared with the overall situation of the treasure, nothing is important!"

Of course, Xia Yuanji knew that when Beiping encountered a run, he almost stayed up for a few nights. Thinking of those tyrants and honorable men, how could he have the idea of ​​opening the net!

Fang Xing over there has already deterred a bunch of hawkers. Just when they felt that the future was not bright, Fang Xing pointed to the left and right and said: "Aren't you just disgusting and blocked by the front? Simple, wait a few days for planting. Tree, you can hang signs! Just write what you do, then who can stop you?"

"Huh! Right!"

"Thank you, uncle, the young one will ask a gentleman to write a sign tomorrow."

After a sound of thanks, Fang Xing turned around and waved at the knife. After he came over, he said, "You are here today to help Chunmei. Remember, be honest!"

There was still red in Xiaodao's eyes. He saw Chunmei's disgust, and bowed his head, he said in embarrassment, "Master, the little one knows."

Nima! Anyone who doesn't understand this is really a fool.

It turns out that this spring girl is looking for an uncle's family member!

What else is there to say, please be honest, everyone. Flash Dance Novel Network

So Xiaodao went to help with a cheeky, but Chunmei refused to let Zhu Zhanji look at it for a while.

Ordinary people, and the marriage is already fixed, you don't need to be too entangled in etiquette at this time.

"Brother Dehua, Uncle Han treats you at noon. Didn't you invite you?"

Fang Xing said in amazement, "No one in his house has come to notify me!"

"Who did you invite?"

Zhu Zhanji said: "Just me, and Uncle Zhao Wang."

Fang awakened and said: "The King of Han is very tempestuous. It is probably out of arrogance. If he wants to be fair to the prince, there will be some conflicts. It is probably not convenient for me to participate."

When Fang Xing returned home, she happened to meet Zhang Shuhui in the inner courtyard to expose her money.

Those treasures and copper coins will turn green and rot sooner or later if they are not often taken out to dry.

The entire yard was filled with treasures and copper coins. The maids were flipping cautiously, and they had to be wary of strong winds.

Zhang Shuhui squatted on the ground, her skirts spread out in all directions, and a head of blue silk was scattered randomly on her shoulders. This beauty made Fang Xing forget about Zhu Gaoxu.

"Why don't you take out the gold and silver?"


Zhang Shuhui slowly got up and said with a smile: "Those gold and silver are attractive, so let's not dry it. The big deal will come when I go to the household department to pay the fire, and ask them to re-melt."


Fang Xing saw Tudou and Ping An playing outside the threshold of the main house, so he walked over and took a look.


Tudou was carrying Ping An to count the treasures, and the pile of treasures was crumpled. After playing, Fang Xing judged that it was basically scrapped.

But if it is scrapped, it is scrapped!

Fang Xing squatted in front of them, touched the top of Tudou's head and said, "Where is the bell?"

Potato pointed to the back garden triumphantly, and then exclaimed: "Bell..."

Fang Xing touched Ping An's face and said with a smile, "Isn't Ping Ping called father?"

Ping An was very serious about counting money. He first crumpled a treasure bill into a ball and threw it aside, and then went to rub the second one. It was very organized.

"Sure enough, it's my son, he's smart!"

Fang Xing leaned over to pick up a lot of treasure dumplings, which was also money anyway! This mother-in-law actually used it to play with the child, which is really big enough.

A big hand was stretched out to pick up his own things, he was relieved, and then he looked at Fang Xing blankly.

"Son, you can play with paper, money...Ouch!"

Zhu Gaoxu likes to eat at No.1 Fresh, so Ye Qing is also familiar with this prince.

Serving in the private room, serving in the menu.

Zhu Gaochi took the menu and applauded: "Your menu still has paintings, they look alike, but if you can get some dishes for the guests to taste, it would be even better."

Ye Qing nodded and said yes, but smiled bitterly in his heart: That's why it doesn't lose money!

The elders were inviting guests. Zhu Zhanji was not slow to arrive, and he was greeted by Chang Jianxun at the door.

"His Royal Highness, this is the first time my prince has a treat this year!"

Chang Jianxun wanted to highlight Zhu Gaoxu's attention to this matter, but Zhu Zhanji thought of Zhu Gaoxu's rebellion.

Without ambition, those who eat carrion for a living will leave you.

"Zhanji is here, come and order, please order today, I will treat!"

Zhu Gaoxu proudly handed the menu to Zhu Zhanji, the light flashing in his eyes made Zhu Zhanji's heart tremble, and he couldn't help but think of Fang Xing's evaluation of this king of Han.

——Lonely, eager for recognition! Longing for friendship!

"Uncle Han is polite."

Zhu Zhanji ordered two dishes at random, and was about to ask about Zhu Gaoxu's current situation, when he heard a scolding from downstairs.

At the gate, Chang Jianxun was facing off with Zhang Chu.

Zhu Gaosui looked at this scene with a smile outside the gate, and said: "What is the trouble! Other people still do business? Go up!"

Zhang Chu bent his back slightly, his eyes fixed on Chang Jianxun, the two slowly stretched out their hands, and then stepped back.

Ye Qing stared coldly at the top of the stairs. After the two separated, he went down and said: "I have seen your Highness, and your Highness is here today. The shop is flourishing, please go upstairs."

Zhu Gaosui looked up at Ye Qing and said with a smile: "I heard that Peiping's No.1 Freshman depends on your efforts to make an improvement. It really is a talent!"

This is a venomous snake, a venomous snake that spit out venom anytime and anywhere.

Ye Qing said faintly: "The prince is absurdly praised, please go upstairs."

Novel recommendation: I am the great **** of Yuanshi, I have become a portable grandfather, Wandao, God of God, God of War, picture volume, original hand, goddess-level game producer, prehistoric rise, Nine Suns, gods, abandoned women doctors, gold medal strategy: Good morning, wolf-like BOSS! Peerless Thief: The Seventh Miss Evil Love: The Duke’s Winged Bride The Evil Emperor Climbs To Bed: After Eating the Poison Doctor Xiao Kuang, the Super-Princess Physician Evil Doctor Abandoned Concubine: The arrogant Leng Wang, lightly loves the barbaric wife: The Remnant King’s Agent's favored concubine, genius Mengbao: Find a maternal lover, the Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms to rise again, I am the emperor, who am I afraid of?

There is no next chapter in the previous chapter

Chapter 1093 Zhu Gaoxu's Hongmen Banquet, Bringing the Warehouse to Daming-wuxiaworld

"Who started?"

Chunmei looked back and saw Fang Xing, and then she also saw the knife behind.

The man rolled his sleeves and saw Fang Xing wearing a blue shirt. But it is not easy to dare to get ahead at this time, so he aggrieved: "Sir, that Chunmei alone dominates the front, and the younger ones can't continue their business!"

The daughter-in-law also yelled, "My lord, this is not her home, so why should she be alone!"

This piece of land is deep from front to back, and the left and right widths can only accommodate people after setting up a stall. The sides are reserved for planting trees, and the pits are dug.


Chunmei lowered her head and blessed her body, almost shocking the chins of the men and women.

I said! Uncle?

If it was an uncle, who would dare to object?

Now I can only hope that this uncle and sister Chun are no longer familiar.

"Why not find a knife?"

Fang Xing's words shattered the hopes of those men and women, but Chunmei stubbornly said, "Uncle, the little girl is not his own."

"Then do business in business!"

Fang Xing admired such self-respecting and self-reliant woman, so he sullied his face and said, "This is an unused place. You must be first-come-first-served when you do things. Otherwise, the order will be gone. Is there any rule?"

As for not allowing stalls to be set up at will, if Fang Xing dared to speak out, he would guarantee Fang's reputation tomorrow.

The men and women knew that this uncle knew Chun Sister when they heard it, and they all cowered and did not dare to look up. 35xs

Xia Yuanji and Zhu Zhanji were talking in low voices, but they had nothing to do with the little things in front of them.

"His Royal Highness, someone has already gone to the household department and wants to exchange gold and silver for treasure."

This is a good trend, and Zhu Zhanji said: "Take it slowly, it depends. If the money was run at that time, then it can't be redeemed, otherwise the prestige of the court and the center will be lost!"

Xia Yuanji nodded and said vigorously: "All those who have not been run have been replaced by him, and those who have been run have been driven out."

Zhu Zhanji reminded: "You have to pay attention to the illegal use of gold and silver in the localities, catch them and dispose of them together, don't be soft. Compared with the overall situation of the treasure, nothing is important!"

Of course, Xia Yuanji knew that when Beiping encountered a run, he almost stayed up for a few nights. Thinking of those tyrants and honorable men, how could he have the idea of ​​opening the net!

Fang Xing over there has already deterred a bunch of hawkers. Just when they felt that the future was not bright, Fang Xing pointed to the left and right and said: "Aren't you just disgusting and blocked by the front? Simple, wait a few days for planting. Tree, you can hang signs! Just write what you do, then who can stop you?"

"Huh! Right!"

"Thank you, uncle, the young one will ask a gentleman to write a sign tomorrow."

After a sound of thanks, Fang Xing turned around and waved at the knife. After he came over, he said, "You are here today to help Chunmei. Remember, be honest!"

There was still red in Xiaodao's eyes. He saw Chunmei's disgust, and bowed his head, he said in embarrassment, "Master, the little one knows."

Nima! Anyone who doesn't understand this is really a fool.

It turns out that this spring girl is looking for an uncle's family member!

What else is there to say, please be honest, everyone. Flash Dance Novel Network

So Xiaodao went to help with a cheeky, but Chunmei refused to let Zhu Zhanji look at it for a while.

Ordinary people, and the marriage is already fixed, you don't need to be too entangled in etiquette at this time.

"Brother Dehua, Uncle Han treats you at noon. Didn't you invite you?"

Fang Xing said in amazement, "No one in his house has come to notify me!"

"Who did you invite?"

Zhu Zhanji said: "Just me, and Uncle Zhao Wang."

Fang awakened and said: "The King of Han is very tempestuous. It is probably out of arrogance. If he wants to be fair to the prince, there will be some conflicts. It is probably not convenient for me to participate."

When Fang Xing returned home, she happened to meet Zhang Shuhui in the inner courtyard to expose her money.

Those treasures and copper coins will turn green and rot sooner or later if they are not often taken out to dry.

The entire yard was filled with treasures and copper coins. The maids were flipping cautiously, and they had to be wary of strong winds.

Zhang Shuhui squatted on the ground, her skirts spread out in all directions, and a head of blue silk was scattered randomly on her shoulders. This beauty made Fang Xing forget about Zhu Gaoxu.

"Why don't you take out the gold and silver?"


Zhang Shuhui slowly got up and said with a smile: "Those gold and silver are attractive, so let's not dry it. The big deal will come when I go to the household department to pay the fire, and ask them to re-melt."


Fang Xing saw Tudou and Ping An playing outside the threshold of the main house, so he walked over and took a look.


Tudou was carrying Ping An to count the treasures, and the pile of treasures was crumpled. After playing, Fang Xing judged that it was basically scrapped.

But if it is scrapped, it is scrapped!

Fang Xing squatted in front of them, touched the top of Tudou's head and said, "Where is the bell?"

Potato pointed to the back garden triumphantly, and then exclaimed: "Bell..."

Fang Xing touched Ping An's face and said with a smile, "Isn't Ping Ping called father?"

Ping An was very serious about counting money. He first crumpled a treasure bill into a ball and threw it aside, and then went to rub the second one. It was very organized.

"Sure enough, it's my son, he's smart!"

Fang Xing leaned over to pick up a lot of treasure dumplings, which was also money anyway! This mother-in-law actually used it to play with the child, which is really big enough.

A big hand was stretched out to pick up his own things, he was relieved, and then he looked at Fang Xing blankly.

"Son, you can play with paper, money...Ouch!"

Zhu Gaoxu likes to eat at No.1 Fresh, so Ye Qing is also familiar with this prince~www.wuxiaspot.com~ serving in the private room and serving in the menu.

Zhu Gaochi took the menu and applauded: "Your menu still has paintings, they look alike, but if you can get some dishes for the guests to taste, it would be even better."

Ye Qing nodded and said yes, but smiled bitterly in his heart: That's why it doesn't lose money!

The elders were inviting guests. Zhu Zhanji was not slow to arrive, and he was greeted by Chang Jianxun at the door.

"His Royal Highness, this is the first time my prince has a treat this year!"

Chang Jianxun wanted to highlight Zhu Gaoxu's attention to this matter, but Zhu Zhanji thought of Zhu Gaoxu's rebellion.

Without ambition, those who eat carrion for a living will leave you.

"Zhanji is here, come and order, please order today, I will treat!"

Zhu Gaoxu proudly handed the menu to Zhu Zhanji, the light flashing in his eyes made Zhu Zhanji's heart tremble, and he couldn't help but think of Fang Xing's evaluation of this king of Han.

——Lonely, eager for recognition! Longing for friendship!

"Uncle Han is polite."

Zhu Zhanji ordered two dishes at random, and was about to ask about Zhu Gaoxu's current situation, when he heard a scolding from downstairs.

At the gate, Chang Jianxun was facing off with Zhang Chu.

Zhu Gaosui looked at this scene with a smile outside the gate, and said: "What is the trouble! Other people still do business? Go up!"

Zhang Chu bent his back slightly, his eyes fixed on Chang Jianxun, the two slowly stretched out their hands, and then stepped back.

Ye Qing stared coldly at the top of the stairs. After the two separated, he went down and said: "I have seen your Highness, and your Highness is here today. The shop is flourishing, please go upstairs."

Zhu Gaosui looked up at Ye Qing and said with a smile: "I heard that Peiping's No.1 Freshman depends on your efforts to make an improvement. It really is a talent!"

This is a venomous snake, a venomous snake that spit out venom anytime and anywhere.

Ye Qing said faintly: "The prince is absurdly praised, please go upstairs."

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