Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1100: Zhu Di showed power, 0 officials watched punishment

Fang woke up to the Ministry of Households, and the so-called delivery was nothing more than a signature and a custody. Please search (品#书……网) to see the most complete! The fastest newest novel

Xia Yuanji went out in person and asked Fang Xing to sign and **** him.

"Two books of mathematics, one dictionary, and one physics. Those craftsmen have been printing them. The current balance is more than 37,000. Do you want to cash it out?"

Xia Yuanji asked seriously.

Fang Xing sighed and signed, "It's not enough! Master Xia, I gave the Ministry of Household the idea of ​​building a big market, isn't it good?"

Xia Yuanji said with a stern face: "You are ambitious and want to spread these books all over the Ming Dynasty, but have you ever thought about it, so cheap books, someone will buy them and burn them?"

"Of course I thought about it."

Fang Xing said nonchalantly: "But how many people can there be? Most of them are Confucian scholars, right? Half of them bought and burned, but I still earned the remaining half. These people will be..."

"What is it?"

Xia Yuanji stared and said, "Is your weapon for digging the corner of Confucianism?"

Fang Xing smiled and said, "What is digging a wall? Master Xia, I'm just digging a corner for Daming! You all know that the cycle of chaos will inevitably happen in this dynasty, but who has tried to solve it? Or you can't find the reason, and you are blind. ?"

Xia Yuanji frowned and said: "You'd better not go out and talk about this, otherwise it will be a real sword and a real gun next time! Open guns are easy to hide, and secret arrows are hard to guard. You should not fight against them!"

Fang Xing put his pen down and moved his wrists a bit and said: "There are good people in Confucianism, and there are not too many. But in this atmosphere, no matter how good people are, they must follow the crowd, otherwise they won't be allowed in the world. I'm right. "

"This is called a sauce tank. Everyone is fighting in the sauce tank. Whoever wants to make the sludge but not stain it is an alien, and the alien has to be suppressed!"

Fang Xing's words are always so aggressive, Xia Yuanji sighed: "That person was only encouraged by someone to do such a stupid thing. Dehua, for his youth and vigor, can you let him go? "

Fang Xing turned around and looked out the door, with a deep gaze: "Master Xia, even you think that humanity is pitiful, showing his success in building momentum."

Old Xia Yuanji blushed and argued: "No! Dehua, you don't know. Your Majesty appointed the criminals in the Shandong corruption case this morning. Do you know how many people are going to kill?"

Fang Xing shook his head, he felt that the officials should die!

"Master Xia, if you went to Shandong to see the tragic situation of the hungry people, you would know that none of the officials had been wronged!"

Xia Yuanji smiled bitterly: "One hundred and seventy-four people! One hundred and seventy-four people! Now they have been taken to the West Market, your majesty can't wait for a moment, the horse is going to kill and gain power!"

Fang Xing’s eyes warmed. He knew that Xia Yuanji was reminding himself: The officials in Shandong were dead and injured, and their old times are all over the world. If you are still struggling with a scholar who wants to be famous, you are really making enemies for yourself. .

"Fine, but according to the law, he should not be forgiven for any sin, I promise not to clean him up."

An idiot, Fang Xing is still not in line.

Fang Xing graciously agreed, Xia Yuanji smiled and said: "That's right, today your Majesty also asked the Baiguan to go to the West Market to see the execution. The official is here, you can do it yourself."


Fang Xing shook his head and said, "Master Xia, go by yourself, I'll go home."

Although many heads were cut off by himself on the battlefield, they were all foreign races. Shandong officials...

Fang Xing and Xia Yuanji walked out of the household department together. A **** was waiting outside. When Fang Xing saw Fang Xing, he said, "Your Majesty has explained that Xing He Bo Ma is going to the West Market and not allowed to leave early!"

Fang Xing took a deep breath and asked, "Who will supervise the beheading?"

The **** said: "Master Lu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites."

Damn it! Old Zhu is so cruel! Actually let Lu Zhen go to supervise the cutting.

Fang Xing nodded, and then headed to the West Market with Xia Yuanji.


West Market, when Fang Xing and Xia Yuanji arrived, they were already crowded.

Of course, as an official, there is a special channel to enter-although most of them don't want to enter!

Passed through an open shop, and finally reached the execution ground.

In the past, the execution of torture was at most a corner, but today's battle is so big that all the people onlookers have been driven to the periphery.

There were no seats. Several hundred officials walked on the left and stood together. Fang Xing saw many acquaintances and arched his hands.

On the right, there is a shed with Lu Zhen sitting in it. At this moment, he is giving orders without expression.

"Take the offender!"

Following Lu Zhen's order, the surrounding crowd dispersed, and teams of criminals were brought in.


These people were still wearing official uniforms not long ago, and they were very impressive, but now they are shivering in the face of the anger of the people.

Rotten vegetable leaves, pebbles, unwanted things...

This is a tacit procedure, and it can be regarded as a rectification of the emperor's name-you see, the people are so angry, it shows that I killed them to conform to the hearts of the people!

Among these people, Fang Xing saw the former Qingzhou Zuowei commander Liao Dongchang and others, as well as the Qingzhou prefect...

"Kneel down!"

In the large open space between, these officials were ordered to kneel down, everyone was shaking, and some were even incontinent.

No one called for injustice!

Fang Xing found this problem and asked Xia Yuanji: "Aren't they afraid of death?"

Xia Yuanji stroked his beard and said, "My official once asked an official who was pardoned before his sentence. He said that at that time, his throat seemed to be filled with gravel and he couldn't speak."

"Yes, there is a big horror between life and death! Few people can figure it out!"

Xia Yuanji smiled and said, "Lü Zhen will suffer next!"

Fang Xing was puzzled and looked at the shed.

When the criminals arrived, Lu Zhen got up and walked out of the shed, followed by two small officials, identifying the criminals one by one.

——This is to verify the body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, if the offender thinks he is wronged, he can ask the supervisor for help on the spot.

Lu Zhen obviously didn't want anyone to call him wrong, so the process was very fast.

The young officials around him took out a booklet that recorded the criminal's appearance and crimes, and checked them one by one, and had to correspond to the wooden sign behind the criminal.

The names of the offenders on the wooden sign match the crimes one by one, and their appearances match, and no one complains. Then the next procedure must be carried out.

In front of countless people, Lu Zhen cheered up and checked one by one. There were more than one hundred people. This was not an easy job.

After the inspection, Lu Zhen's complexion was ashen, not knowing whether it was fear or something.

"Being stared at by more than a hundred dying people, everyone will be scared!"

The officials on the sidelines joked, but they couldn't laugh anymore.

——The executioner has entered the arena!

Ten executioners entered the arena with their chests straight and shy!

It stands to reason that these criminals have to be tied to wooden stakes to facilitate execution, but today there are too many people, so they have adopted the method of assistance.


With Lu Zhen's order, the two of them went to hold a criminal's back and ordered him to bow his head.

"Otherwise, you won't die with ten knives, so you can be smart and lower your head, and give you a good time!"

The criminal was dominated by great fear and almost dropped his head to his chest.

"I don't want to die...I don't want to..."

The blade of light flashed by, the head fell to the ground, blood spurted wildly...

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