Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1104: Koque, fishing

After Zhu Di dealt with the political affairs, he went to the back.

"Fang Xing loves me."

Zhu Di drank the herbal tea, and said in Wang Guifei's surprised eyes: "I have released a message this time, but some of the ministers are admonishing, but they are just admonishing."

After drinking the mouthwash, Zhu Di's spirits improved: "Xia Yuanji and Jin Zhong are just imaginary stories. The two old foxes probably smelled the smell and refused to take the bait!"

"Only Fang wakes up!"

Zhu Di said with satisfaction: "If anyone in the entire dynasty wants me to live a hundred years, Fang Xing must be the first person, and the rest of the people probably hope that I will die sooner, so they won't have to tremble like this."

"His Majesty……"

Concubine Wang was shocked, and hurriedly dissuaded her: "Your Majesty, Daming still needs you!"

Zhu Di stroked his beard and said, "Yes, Daming can't lack me!"

"It's just that most of the officials are eager for me to die sooner, but Fang Xing and they think that Ming is too young to be me, interesting! Hahahaha!"

Zhu Di laughed, his expression happy.

"Those people are looking forward to my early death, so that the weak prince will come to power, so that they can get in and out of their hands and go to the office with ease every day."

Concubine Wang shook her head and said, "Your Majesty, those people are just wishful thinking. Your body has improved a lot in the past few years."

Zhu Di nodded: "The prince's methods are not bad, but he is too biased towards the civil servants. This is because he put a rope around his neck, so stupid!"

"The emperor father knew the greedy and despicable nature of civil servants, kill! If you are greedy, kill! Look at it, look at the history books, which dynasty and which generation was so clean when the emperor was there? I also inherited this advantage, but For more than ten years, corruption has begun again, all **** it!"

The concubine Wang Gui nodded uncontrollably. Although Zhu Yuanzhang was secretly described as cruel by the literati when Zhu Yuanzhang was there, at that time, Daming was playing Meng Yuan while recuperating.

If it weren't for the battle of Jingnan, Daming's current situation would be much better.

"Governance of officials is the root of the rise and fall of the dynasty, and the core is the crony!"

Zhu Di stood up and said: "The upper and lower shelters are like a circle surrounded by a circle, blending with each other. If these circles can't be broken, it will really become a ruling and a literati ruling the country!"

Concubine Wang Gui smiled and said, "It's just that the princess has just set the pot on fire, and I don't know if it will hinder the marriage in the future."

Zhu Di disdainfully said: "How can those Xunqi children who don't know how to be motivated can be worthy of Wanwan? I also look down on those literati, they are all rats!"

Wang Guifei smiled helplessly: "But sooner or later you have to get married!"

Zhu Di stretched his waist and said, "I'm still here, so don't worry, let's wait for the time!"

"Your Majesty, Master Liu of the Duchayuan is asking to see you outside the palace."

The **** appeared.

Zhu Di asked: "Just him?"

"Your Majesty, there are many Yushis, and they are kneeling outside the palace now, and I beg your Majesty to meet."


In the Ministry of War, Jin Zhong is reprimanding his subordinates.

"Then Yang Rong has already called his name. He said that the upper and lower corpses of our military department have vegetarian meals, leisurely travel, military affairs are slack, and Ma Zheng does not repair. He also said that most of the erosion of the former guards was the responsibility of our military department. Can you hear it clearly?"

"I heard it!"

Ma Su also shouted from below, he is a rookie, and he has no grade, so his posture is aloof.

But in a blink of an eye, he saw Fang Xing appear in his sight.

Fang Xing arched his hands at Jin Zhong, then retreated to the side without disturbing Jin Zhongxun's words.

Jin Zhong nodded slightly, and then continued: "Shame! This officer was scolded by His Majesty. The anger in this heart is not small. Why are you waiting to relieve your worry?"

The old guy started to play hooligans, Fang Xing smiled and took a few steps back.

"Stop talking? It's all rubbish!"

Jin Zhong was furious, and spitting out: "From tomorrow...No, from now on, you will be busy with the officer, check all the soldiers and horses everywhere, and if you don’t know it, don’t think about it. Every day, I will roll to the side wall to feed the horse!"

The old guy has always looked like an old man Shangshu, but when he went crazy today, everyone noticed that this old guy is very angry!

"Get out of here!"

The people below, as if they were amnesty, went back separately. Jin Zhong walked towards Fang Xing and said, "Look at your costume, but you just entered the palace for admonition? Killed a few ministers?"

Fang Xing nodded to Ma Su, then smiled bitterly: "Master Jin, Fang was crossed out by your majesty's orders."

Jin Zhong pointed his finger forward, and the two walked around together.

"If you cross it out, it means that the official guessed it correctly, and your majesty is really fishing!"

Jin Zhong's calmness and non-concealment made Fang Xing a little surprised. He nodded and said: "In the case of Shandong, some people say that your majesty is too cruel. This is looking for death! I bet that your majesty did not intend to kill so many people because of hearing it. These strange words hurt the killer!"

Jin Zhong said triumphantly: "Your Majesty has changed since the last time. Besides, even if you want to make alchemy, you won't make a big fuss. Second, the treasure of money made your Majesty be more alert to the literati. This is just to find a reason. Test one or two to see who is loyal! And you..."

Jin Zhong patted Fang Xing's shoulder, and said enviously: "You are young. After this admonition, your majesty will definitely have a good impression of you. As for the old man, your majesty is already cursing the old and not dying for a thief!"

"Yang Rong snooped on his Majesty's intentions, and then went crazy. None of the six clubs escaped. He was impeached one by one. Tsk tsk! The Ministry of War is not a big problem, but there are many problems with Jian Yi!"

The staff department is in charge of personnel affairs, and the household department is in charge of money bags.

Xia Yuanji has done more to reform the treasures and support the finances of Ming Dynasty.

But Daming’s official governance showed signs of declining, Jian Yi...

"My lord, Liu Guan has brought the historians to quell!"

Damn it!

Fang Xing was shocked, but Jin Zhong stroked his beard and said, "This Liu Guan is really cunning. He has not had a good reputation for investigating the hospital over the years. After the Shandong case, Yushi's reputation is even more stinky. He wants to make a comeback! "

Fang Xing frowned and said, "Did he see it?"

Jin Zhong shook his head and said: "It shouldn't be. This is the fact that the official understands your majesty's temperament. I'm not sure yet. Liu Guan doesn't have that vision."

Fang Xing admired: "Liu Guan usually doesn't say anything, but this is amazing!"

Jin Zhong nodded and said, "Do you think anyone can be a high official?"


The knockout of Duchayuan shook the entire capital city, but Zhu Di only ordered Liu Guan to take the people back in the end.

"Your Majesty, is this faint?"

"What kind of elixir, didn’t the first emperor also send that Xu Fu to take the virgins to sea to find the immortal medicine, but Xu Fu was a liar, and he took the virgins to Yingzhou~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to take charge by himself. One country."

"How did you know?"

"Hey! It's not that Daming had captured the Wa country. Xing He Bo sent someone to dig out his family's ancestral grave and found Qin Shi's things. Only then did I know that Xu Fu had arrived in the Wa country."

Rongchang Bo Li Zhi was drinking with a few friends. Of course, a woman must have it.

"That's a **** pill!"

Li Zhi was half drunk, holding a half-fruit woman in one hand and kneading, and said: "If you can eat one, the ten girls of Ye Yu are also common! Maybe they can rise..."

Immediately he pressed down on the woman beside him, buried his face in the soft and greasy pile for a burst of madness...

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