Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1106: Yuquan Mountain

After giving instructions, Fang Xing set up a banquet and left the two for dinner.

The Fang family's meals made Meng Ying feast on her, and she toasted frequently during the banquet.

After the three of them were slightly boiled, Meng Ying said: "Xing He Bo has a good idea, but I heard that Xing He Bo still wants to take the South China Sea by sea. Then there is a problem..."



Fang Xing and Zhang Fu said at the same time, and then the three pointed at each other, and the hearty laughter spread far away.

Meng Ying drank too much, he patted his thigh and said: "Your Majesty and Taisun are going to review Xuanwuwei, Xinghe Uncle today, Your Majesty is really to you...not bad!"

Fang Xing understood the meaning of these words in an instant. He arched his hands towards the palace and said with a serious expression: "Fang only knows Da Ming, your majesty loves him so much."

Zhang Fu smiled and said, "Your Majesty ordered me to come to you for a meal. By the way, everyone talks about our thoughts on the attack on the outside of Ming Dynasty."

Meng Ying ate a piece of stewed pork, squinted his eyes and enjoyed it for a moment, and then said: "There must be a strategy in both the north and south directions. If you rush up, Daming's population and financial resources will be problematic."

Fang Xing said with a smile: "Don't do it! Those people in the south are vulnerable. If it weren't for the jungle to be completely cleared, I would now take the initiative to invite Ying to conquer."

Meng Ying's eyes shrank, and she toasted: "Long live your Majesty!"

Fang Xing was already a little dizzy between pushing the cup and changing the cup.

Meng Ying banged on the table and sang: "But if the Dragon City Feijiang is here, don't teach Huma to fight the Yinshan Mountain!"

Fang Xing also banged on the table, Zhang Fu smiled and watched from the side.

"What is Xinghebo's ambition?"

Meng Ying looked very happy and invited her to drink again.

Fang Xing finished his cup of wine, and sang the dish with his chopsticks: "Gou Li country lives and dies. How can we avoid misfortune and happiness..."

Not knowing how much he drank, Fang Xingling Ding got drunk and was carried back to the backyard.


When he woke up, Fang Xing ying and yelling with a headache, Zhang Shuhui hurriedly delivered the sober soup to his mouth.

"What's the smell?"

Fang Xing frowned and drank the hangover soup, then lay down to recover.

Before long, the knife was waiting outside the door.

"Master, you and Baodinghou later drank with your arms around your shoulders and gave him a punch."


Fang Xing felt that his head was about to explode and kept humming.

Xiaodao said: "Master, at that time, Baodinghou always asked where Meng Xian had gone. You said you don’t know, maybe it broke the void and went to another world. Later, Baodinghou asked from time to time, and you gave him a punch. , The corners of the mouth are broken."

"Oh! Got it."

Fang Xing was relieved, thinking that you, Meng Ying, are suspicious of me, right? It's a pity that my brother is tight-lipped.

"Master, later you said..."

"What did I say?"

Fang Xing just wanted to sleep now, even if he was dazed.

"You said that Zhuquewei can't teach good apprentices, and Xuanwuwei will have to suffer several losses if he fails to do it in the future."

Fang awoke with a cry, feeling that he was right, Zhuquewei, who taught his apprentices to the second way traffickers, would only get worse and worse.

The experience of firearms against the enemy is not rich enough, this is the flaw of Suzaku Guard.

"Master, you said in the end...The store in the big market will be worth a thousand dollars in the future, and the rent can't be rented. Then Baoding wants to sublet one from our house, you..."

"I promised?"

Fang Xing asked.

"No, you said that Master Xia still has a few shops in his hands, let Baoding look for relationships by himself."

Damn it!

Fang Xing covered his eyes with his hands and felt a terrible headache.

"Xia Yuanji tried my best to find me! Go! Tell your wife, let's go out for a few days with our family, oh! Go to Taisun's Mansion and ask Taisun to report it for me."

Xun Qi has to report for a long time.

What caused Fang Xing's headache was that Xia Yuanji's several shops were used for maneuvering. If the news spreads, it will take at most a long time, these shops will definitely not be able to keep them.


"My lord, there is a visitor from Fuyang Hou's Mansion, with a lot of treasures."

Xia Yuanji looked at Meng Ying, who was sitting across from him, and said, "In Baoding, the officer wanted to ask who had leaked the news."

Meng Ying touched the corners of her swollen mouth and said, "This time I ate lunch at Bo Xinghe's house."

Xia Yuanji knew that his trouble was coming, and he said angrily: "The official is not the master of this matter, it was Fang Dehua who paid for the rent!"

Meng Ying smiled and said, "Master Xia, it's not that you don't give money. Who do you rent to sell? How much is Meng to give."

Seeing that Xia Yuanji didn't want to let go, Meng Ying said, "Princess Yongping, you can't stop it. If you rent two rooms to Meng, Meng will block this matter for you."

Princess Yongping is not very spoiled now, and Li Maofang was angered by Zhu Di, and was severely beaten, and the women in the house were also dismissed.

The Fuyang Houfu, which is full of men, has now become a joke in the capital.

Xia Yuanji said with an itchy teeth: "Fine, but there is only one in Baoding! Otherwise, the officer will immediately go to see your Majesty!"

Meng Ying caressed his beard and said with a smile: "Then I will accept the affection. The people in Fuyanghoufu are naturally the job of the original, and Master Xia feels relieved."

Xia Yuanji hated him: "This official will find trouble with Fang Dehua!"

Meng Ying pointed to the corner of her mouth and said, "Yes, Master Xia helped Ben Hou beat him up."


The weather in early autumn was good, two horse-drawn carriages, seven knights all the way out of Beiping City.

At this time, there are not many people in the suburbs of Beiping, but wait a moment, when immigrants from various places come, these green mountains and green waters will slowly be eroded.

"Humans are the worms of the earth!"

In the distance, the green hills are faint, and the green water is in front of us.

Yuquan Mountain, good mountain and water!

Fang Xing turned around and said, "Shuhui, get off the car."

When the car curtain opened, a small head came out first and shouted at Fang Xing: "Father! I'm hungry!"

Fang Xing smiled slightly, got off his horse, and took the potatoes from the car.

"Let's have dinner later."

Then Zhang Shuhui and Grandma Deng, Fang Xing helped, and then went to a carriage behind.

Xiaobai handed out Ping An, then he jumped down lightly, looked at Yuquan Mountain, and couldn't help saying: "Master, the mountain behind is so high, are we going to climb?"

"Don't climb."

Fang Xing took Ping An in his arms and said, "You can't go up that mountain."

Mother Qin got out of the car and took the safe, Fang Xing walked to the front, Xin Laoqi said: "Master, the water here is good, shall we cook by the lake?"

Fang Xing walked to the lake, took a sip of the water with his hand, nodded and said, "Okay, just eat by the lake."

"Father! I want to drink too!"

This is the case for children, they want to follow when they see what an adult does.

"come over."

Fang Xing turned around and beckoned, Tudou ran over. Fang Xing hugged him and squatted down, teaching him to scoop water with his hands together.

How big is the child's hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After scooping up potatoes that I haven't drunk several times, I am addicted to playing. If Fang Xing hadn't hooked his collar, he would have been in the water.

Xin Laoqi ordered the people to take the picnic utensils and food materials from the carriage.

Zhang Shuhui and Xiao Bai were amused, and they looked at the lake from time to time, their eyes were gentle.

Fang San is an honest man with great strength. He used to be the main force of work at home. After becoming a family member, Xin Laoqi asked Zhu Fang to take action and built a broad sword for him based on his situation.

This broadsword is too heavy to be hung around the waist and can only be carried on the back.

As soon as Fang San brought the pot down, the corner of his eyes felt a flash. He looked carefully and shouted, "Seven brothers, someone!"

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