Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1113: Tough decisions

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>History and Military

>Take the warehouse to Daming

>Chapter 1113 Difficult Decisions Table of Contents Bookmark CommentsChapter 1113 Difficult Decisions

Novel: Bringing the Warehouse to Daming Author: Sir Dybala Words: 4974

Thanks to the book friend: "Oolong Tieguanyin" for the great reward!


When Fang Wu led the team sneaking back to the mountain pass, the thousand cavalry had been waiting for a long time.

Fang Wu glanced at Xinghepu's direction for the last time on horseback, and rushed towards the mountain pass.


Zhu Zhanji has arrived, and all members of Jubaoshan Guard have arrived.

"Grandpa Emperor estimated that Yanqing has already passed. If Alutai's entire army rushes, it will definitely be impossible to keep it!"

Based on the distance calculation, Zhu Zhanji was even more optimistic. If Alutai could surprise him, he could even penetrate Xuanfu and shake Daming.

"If they smashed the Xuan Mansion and forced the capital into force, the morale of both sides would be reversed. Even if Daming enters the grassland to retaliate afterwards, they only need to drive the cattle and sheep to the depths of the grassland. What can Daming do?"

In the vast grassland, Daming’s fragile supply line may break at any time. By then...

Zhu Zhanji was horrified, and stood up and said, "Brother Dehua, if this is the case, we might block Alutai from here."

Daming was flourishing at this time. If Alutai came to such an event, Zhu Di's prestige would be greatly reduced, and subsequent reforms could be declared dead.

According to Zhu Di's character, if something like this happened, he would lie down and try the courage, and then he would expedition north to the grassland again, and he would die if he couldn't win!

Yes, Zhu Di’s pride does not allow him to accept this failure. Once he fails, he would rather die on the battlefield than come back...

So far, thinking about Xiang Yu, refuses to cross Jiangdong!

"Then we must march into Yehuling immediately and hold the key. 35xs"

Wang He said impatiently: "If it is slow and the enemy comes in assault, there will be no danger to defend here by then!"

The cavalry commander Sun Yue said: "His Royal Highness, Xing He Bo, if our department is to seize the mountain pass, we can be condescending, regardless of defense or offense, without delay!"

Although Zhu Zhanji has the highest status, at this important moment, Fang Xing's opinions are the most important.

The feeling of being focused wasn't very good, Fang Xing closed his eyes, and the map he had watched the night before appeared immediately.

Opening his eyes again, Fang Xing took a hard breath and said: "Alutai is ambitious, no matter what, let's attack right away!"

"His Royal Highness, Fang Wu is back!"

"came back?!"

Zhu Zhanji said anxiously: "Call him in!"

What is lacking at this time is the enemy's situation, otherwise the decision would have been made long ago.

Fang Wu's hair was loose, looking at the panic, as soon as he came in, he said eagerly: "His Royal Highness, Alutai's entire army is dispatched, and fifty thousand people are up and down! They are surrounding Xinghe Fort."

Zhu Zhanji's complexion was ashen, and he went out and shouted: "Jia Quan, immediately ask me to report to Grandpa Emperor, that the whole army of Alutai is dispatched, and the soldiers are coming to Xinghe Fort!"

"and many more!"

Jia Quangang was about to turn around, and Zhu Zhanji said: "The army is hundreds of miles apart, no matter how urgent it is, we can't rush, wait a moment, let's discuss it."

Fang Xing gave Zhu Zhanji a wink, and then said, "Jia Quan, Lao Qi, guard the door."

Martial law was immediately enforced at the door, and Fang Xing went in with Zhu Zhanji.

"Fighting aid! Alutai must want to fight for aid!"

Fang Xing pointed to the direction of Yehuling and said, "Otherwise, with the hundreds of people guarding the broken city wall, Alutai can be destroyed in one fell swoop! Why stay in Xinghe Fort?"

"This is fun!"

Fang Xing somewhat wanted to adjust the atmosphere, so he said: "Aludai basically wants to lure the Wanquan defenders to attack and rescue, otherwise he will pull out Xinghe Fort. There are a lot of food, grass and weapons in Xinghe Fort. When they are fat, it is not a small harvest to bring them home. After all, they have become poor ghosts since I was in the Ming Dynasty!"

"The poor ghost is courageous. If it is me, it must be left behind two thousand cavalry to force Xinghe Fort, and the whole army will command Yehuling and break it in one fell swoop!"

Fang Xing had already substituted himself into the role of Alutai. He slammed his fist on the map and raised his eyebrows: "Encircling Xinghe Fort, Alutai is timid! He is afraid of your Majesty! He is afraid to die! "

Zhu Zhanji's breathing was a bit short, facing a formidable enemy, he knew how difficult it was for Zhu Di to make a decision during the Northern Expedition.

"Da Ming can't be defeated!"

Zhu Zhanji said with piercing eyes: "Even if we fight all of us, including me, we must stop Alutai on the line of Yehuling! Otherwise, when the news of Daming's Northern Expedition reaches Alutai, he will only have There are two options, one is to immediately break Xinghe Fort, and then grab a hand to return to the teacher, and the other is... Just as Xing Hebo said, he will be able to make a surprise attack."

Who will make the decision?

Zhu Zhanji gritted his teeth and said: "Our department..."

"My team immediately rushed to Yehuling."

Fang Xing will not let mistakes and Zhu Zhanji side by side. If this decision is wrong, the annihilation of the entire army is also his responsibility, so Da Ming still has a future.

Zhu Zhanji’s complexion remained unchanged, but Fang Xing did not give him a chance, and said: "I will send people to Wanquan Hexuan Palace immediately. We said that Fang Xing said that if you don’t want to die, you should assemble quickly, at least hold on to Wanquan. ."

Fang Xing went over, but at this moment he was not afraid, calmly said: "In addition, send at least ten teams of messengers to chase your Majesty's army and tell the situation here."

This arrangement couldn't be more appropriate. Ten teams of messengers, even if they were intercepted midway, could eventually arrive.

Jia Quan outside the door immediately went out to make arrangements, this kind of thing must be his.

Fang Xing smiled: "Since it's decided, let's go."

"Beep Beep Beep..."

The stern whistle made the whole village move.

More than a dozen groups of messengers rushed out of the village with one person and two horses. Immediately, a group of sergeants quickly assembled under the command of the Shangguan, and quickly gathered at the entrance of the village.

The civilians also drove out the convoy, and for a while, the whole village was full of people.

At this time of chaos, Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji came.

"The cavalry set off immediately."

Now that he made a decision, Fang Xing would not hesitate at all.

Sun Yue clasped his fists, and then went with his cavalry.

The queue of Jubao Mountain Guards can always give Fang Xing infinite confidence. He just glanced at it, and then said, "Is there anyone else who wants to leave a message for the family?"

No one responded to this cruel question. According to Jubaoshanwei's habit, they had left their suicide notes before the expedition, mostly ghostwriting.

"Then go!"

Fang Xing nodded, and then said to the lame man: "The people in your village will be evacuated immediately, and you will return after the war."

If it is broken, the village at the critical point will no longer exist.

The lame nodded, and his affection for this uncle who could still remember the civilians before the war greatly increased.

When Jubaoshan Guard left, the village was immediately messed up. Some people went to the beacon tower to report, and some went to inform the whereabouts of the villagers, lest the guards returned and could not find their families.

The lame man looked into the distance and said worriedly: "This battle is together, and I don't know who will win or lose, your Majesty? Where is the army of his old man?"

Whenever there are foreign enemies, the people who have become accustomed to relying on Zhu Di are the first to turn their sights in the direction of Beiping.


Zhu Di was on the march, and Zhang Fu was by his side.

Wherever he can see, there are heroes, and Zhang Fu said enthusiastically: "Your Majesty, this time when you are out of the fortress, the ministers are only worried about Alutai's escape. If it is like this, the vast grassland will not make it difficult for the army to go deep."

Zhu Di nodded and said: "I know very well, but Jin Yiwei's eyeliner can't go deep, otherwise I will personally take the lead in Qingqi raid! Plough the court to sweep the hole!"

This was Huo Qubing's method, Qingqi made a surprise attack.

Zhang Fu was very quiet and thoughtful, and said with a smile: "If this is the case, please follow me, and be a sergeant!"

Zhu Di laughed loudly and said, "Unfortunately, Alutai is like a frightened bird. I dare not meet with me. Otherwise, I will finish all my work, and then I will go to clean up the Wala people!"

With Zhu Di's laughter, the team that couldn't see the side meandered away...

Novel recommendation: I am the great **** of Yuanshi, I become a portable grandfather, Wandao, God of God, God of War, picture volume, original hand, goddess level, game producer, prehistoric rise, nine suns, gods, abandoned women, doctors, peerless thief: waste chai, seven misses, gold medal strategy: early Ann, wolf boss! Nie Ai: The Duke’s Winged Bride The Evil Emperor Climbs to Bed: After eating the Poison Doctor Xiao Kuang, the Super-Princess Physician Evil Doctor Abandoned Concubine: The arrogant Leng Wang lightly loves the savage wife: the spoiled King’s spy, the spoiled concubine, and the genius Meng Bao: Find a grandfather for your mother

There is no next chapter in the previous chapter

Chapter 1113: difficult decision, take the warehouse to Daming-wuxiaworld

Thanks to the book friend: "Oolong Tieguanyin" for the great reward!


When Fang Wu led the team sneaking back to the mountain pass, the thousand cavalry had been waiting for a long time.

Fang Wu glanced at Xinghepu's direction for the last time on horseback, and rushed towards the mountain pass.


Zhu Zhanji has arrived, and all members of Jubaoshan Guard have arrived.

"Grandpa Emperor estimated that Yanqing has already passed. If Alutai's entire army rushes, it will definitely be impossible to keep it!"

Based on the distance calculation, Zhu Zhanji was even more optimistic. If Alutai could surprise him, he could even penetrate Xuanfu and shake Daming.

"If they smashed the Xuan Mansion and forced the capital into force, the morale of both sides would be reversed. Even if Daming enters the grassland to retaliate afterwards, they only need to drive the cattle and sheep to the depths of the grassland. What can Daming do?"

In the vast grassland, Daming’s fragile supply line may break at any time. By then...

Zhu Zhanji was horrified, and stood up and said, "Brother Dehua, if this is the case, we might block Alutai from here."

Daming was flourishing at this time. If Alutai came to such an event, Zhu Di's prestige would be greatly reduced, and subsequent reforms could be declared dead.

According to Zhu Di's character, if something like this happened, he would lie down and try the courage, and then he would expedition north to the grassland again, and he would die if he couldn't win!

Yes, Zhu Di’s pride does not allow him to accept this failure. Once he fails, he would rather die on the battlefield than come back...

So far, thinking about Xiang Yu, refuses to cross Jiangdong!

"Then we must march into Yehuling immediately and hold the key. 35xs"

Wang He said impatiently: "If it is slow and the enemy comes in assault, there will be no danger to defend here by then!"

The cavalry commander Sun Yue said: "His Royal Highness, Xing He Bo, if our department is to seize the mountain pass, we can be condescending, regardless of defense or offense, without delay!"

Although Zhu Zhanji has the highest status, at this important moment, Fang Xing's opinions are the most important.

The feeling of being focused wasn't very good, Fang Xing closed his eyes, and the map he had watched the night before appeared immediately.

Opening his eyes again, Fang Xing took a hard breath and said: "Alutai is ambitious, no matter what, let's attack right away!"

"His Royal Highness, Fang Wu is back!"

"came back?!"

Zhu Zhanji said anxiously: "Call him in!"

What is lacking at this time is the enemy's situation, otherwise the decision would have been made long ago.

Fang Wu's hair was loose, looking at the panic, as soon as he came in, he said eagerly: "His Royal Highness, Alutai's entire army is dispatched, and fifty thousand people are up and down! They are surrounding Xinghe Fort."

Zhu Zhanji's complexion was ashen, and he went out and shouted: "Jia Quan, immediately ask me to report to Grandpa Emperor, that the whole army of Alutai is dispatched, and the soldiers are coming to Xinghe Fort!"

"and many more!"

Jia Quangang was about to turn around, and Zhu Zhanji said: "The army is hundreds of miles apart, no matter how urgent it is, we can't rush, wait a moment, let's discuss it."

Fang Xing gave Zhu Zhanji a wink, and then said, "Jia Quan, Lao Qi, guard the door."

Martial law was immediately enforced at the door, and Fang Xing went in with Zhu Zhanji.

"Fighting aid! Alutai must want to fight for aid!"

Fang Xing pointed to the direction of Yehuling and said, "Otherwise, with the hundreds of people guarding the broken city wall, Alutai can be destroyed in one fell swoop! Why stay in Xinghe Fort?"

"This is fun!"

Fang Xing somewhat wanted to adjust the atmosphere, so he said: "Aludai basically wants to lure the Wanquan defenders to attack and rescue, otherwise he will pull out Xinghe Fort. There are a lot of food, grass and weapons in Xinghe Fort. When they are fat, it is not a small harvest to bring them home. After all, they have become poor ghosts since I was in the Ming Dynasty!"

"The poor ghost is courageous. If it is me, it must be left behind two thousand cavalry to force Xinghe Fort, and the whole army will command Yehuling and break it in one fell swoop!"

Fang Xing had already substituted himself into the role of Alutai. He slammed his fist on the map and raised his eyebrows: "Encircling Xinghe Fort, Alutai is timid! He is afraid of your Majesty! He is afraid to die! "

Zhu Zhanji's breathing was a bit short, facing a formidable enemy, he knew how difficult it was for Zhu Di to make a decision during the Northern Expedition.

"Da Ming can't be defeated!"

Zhu Zhanji said with piercing eyes: "Even if we fight all of us, including me, we must stop Alutai on the line of Yehuling! Otherwise, when the news of Daming's Northern Expedition reaches Alutai, he will only have There are two options, one is to immediately break Xinghe Fort, and then grab a hand to return to the teacher, and the other is... Just as Xing Hebo said, he will be able to make a surprise attack."

Who will make the decision?

Zhu Zhanji gritted his teeth and said: "Our department..."

"My team immediately rushed to Yehuling."

Fang Xing will not let mistakes and Zhu Zhanji side by side. If this decision is wrong, the annihilation of the entire army is also his responsibility, so Da Ming still has a future.

Zhu Zhanji’s complexion remained unchanged, but Fang Xing did not give him a chance, and said: "I will send people to Wanquan Hexuan Palace immediately. We said that Fang Xing said that if you don’t want to die, you should assemble quickly, at least hold on to Wanquan. ."

Fang Xing went over, but at this moment he was not afraid, calmly said: "In addition, send at least ten teams of messengers to chase your Majesty's army and tell the situation here."

This arrangement couldn't be more appropriate. Ten teams of messengers, even if they were intercepted midway, could eventually arrive.

Jia Quan outside the door immediately went out to make arrangements, this kind of thing must be his.

Fang Xing smiled: "Since it's decided, let's go."

"Beep Beep Beep..."

The stern whistle made the whole village move.

More than a dozen groups of messengers rushed out of the village with one person and two horses. Immediately, a group of sergeants quickly assembled under the command of the Shangguan, and quickly gathered at the entrance of the village.

The civilians also drove out the convoy, and for a while, the whole village was full of people.

At this time of chaos, Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji came.

"The cavalry set off immediately."

Now that he made a decision, Fang Xing would not hesitate at all.

Sun Yue clasped his fists, and then went with his cavalry.

The queue of Jubao Mountain Guards can always give Fang Xing infinite confidence~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He just glanced at it, and then said: "Is there any more to leave a message for the family?"

No one responded to this cruel question. According to Jubaoshanwei's habit, they had left their suicide notes before the expedition, mostly ghostwriting.

"Then go!"

Fang Xing nodded, and then said to the lame man: "The people in your village will be evacuated immediately, and you will return after the war."

If it is broken, the village at the critical point will no longer exist.

The lame nodded, and his affection for this uncle who could still remember the civilians before the war greatly increased.

When Jubaoshan Guard left, the village was immediately messed up. Some people went to the beacon tower to report, and some went to inform the whereabouts of the villagers, lest the guards returned and could not find their families.

The lame man looked into the distance and said worriedly: "This battle is together, and I don't know who will win or lose, your Majesty? Where is the army of his old man?"

Whenever there are foreign enemies, the people who have become accustomed to relying on Zhu Di are the first to turn their sights in the direction of Beiping.


Zhu Di was on the march, and Zhang Fu was by his side.

Wherever he can see, there are heroes, and Zhang Fu said enthusiastically: "Your Majesty, this time when you are out of the fortress, the ministers are only worried about Alutai's escape. If it is like this, the vast grassland will not make it difficult for the army to go deep."

Zhu Di nodded and said: "I know very well, but Jin Yiwei's eyeliner can't go deep, otherwise I will personally take the lead in Qingqi raid! Plough the court to sweep the hole!"

This was Huo Qubing's method, Qingqi made a surprise attack.

Zhang Fu was very quiet and thoughtful, and said with a smile: "If this is the case, please follow me, and be a sergeant!"

Zhu Di laughed loudly and said, "Unfortunately, Alutai is like a frightened bird. I dare not meet with me. Otherwise, I will finish all my work, and then I will go to clean up the Wala people!"

With Zhu Di's laughter, the team that couldn't see the side meandered away...

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