Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1118: Torture, revenge

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>History and Military

>Take the warehouse to Daming

>Chapter 1118 Killing, revenge (for the leader:'Haixiaozhu's pig', add more!) Bookmark and comment Chapter 1118 Killing, revenge (for the leader:'Haixiaozhu's pig', add more!) )

Novel: Bring the Warehouse to Daming Author: Sir Dybala Words: 4872

Thanks to the book friend "The Pig of Baixiao Pig", the 18th leader of this book was born!

The Ming army on the top of the mountain saw a large number of people, and did not see the long sword. Flash Dance Novel Network

Alutai wasted a lot of energy this time. In order to win over other forces, he cursed and swore that he had promised to leave all his 18th generation ancestors, and only then did he unite his 50,000 army.

But just now, the sound of the cannon was just less than a quarter of an hour, and it was actually defeated?

Several thousand household officials fled back in embarrassment. According to the rules, these people are going to be unlucky.

When people are in bad luck, they will always look for a chance to survive, even if they are ill-advised!

"Taishi, it's the Jubaoshan Guard of the Ming Army, and the cavalry, at least 10,000 people in total!"

A thousand officials said vowedly.

"No! Taishi, there are only a few thousand cavalry, those are not enough!"

A monstrous way of a thousand-household official, he once saw Alutai deal with a lying subordinate-‘Roasted Whole Sheep’

So he was ready to give it a try.

"Master, he lied!"

"The big guns of the Ming army are powerful, and they are as airtight as hail. The mountain pass is only more than 40 steps wide. It's too master, I can't rush through!"

Looking at the crying child-like hand kneeling in front of his horse, Alutai waved his hand, and the Qianhu official who spoke first was immediately taken down. The sword light flashed, and he sacrificed the flag.

Alutai said solemnly: "Can you see clearly?"

The thousand officials escaped, and hurriedly said: "I can see clearly, and I also saw the young man who is suspected of Fang Xing. He is standing with another young man.

"young people?"

Alutai's eyes lit up, and he turned around and said, "It seems that it was not specially here. It should be the child from Fang Xing who accompanied a certain big man's house to inspect. Opportunity!"

Everyone understood what he meant, and thought that if they could capture an important figure of Ming, not only would morale increase, but what would Zhu Di do?

Money, food, even... How about the territory of Doyan Sanwei?

Looking at those flushing faces, Alutai laughed and said, "Let's see what these Ming troops want to do. If they take the initiative to attack, it would be great."

The terrain here is wide, which is a good place for cavalry to play.

Qu Huan squinted at Alutai from the periphery, before turning his gaze, a shy smile appeared on his face.

"Master, if the Ming army on the mountain doesn't come down, let's not attack it!"

The leader of a tribe asked with blinking eyes.

Everyone knows that Yang Gong is to take human lives to fill. As a weak tribe, if you have used up your strength here, it is best to take the initiative to seek asylum from Alutai.

The key is that Alutai's reputation in the past was not very good, holding a strong soldier, but looking forward and backwards, he often likes to use the tribal men and horses that have just returned to attack, and he is also known as "testing loyalty."

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the leaders of the small forces around them all smiled strongly, obviously also worried about this.

Alutai glanced at the man, remembered him in his heart, and then smiled: "Yang Gong? That's what a fool can do. Go, let's go to the front and see how powerful the Jubao Mountain Guard is!"

A group of people galloped away surrounded by the brigade of cavalry, white clouds in the sky fluttered, and in the distance, a herd of cattle and sheep were like white clouds on the ground, floating everywhere. Flash Dance Novel Network

Not far down the mountain, the collapsed soldiers had already reorganized the queue, and someone came over and said: "Tai Shi, there are more than two thousand people missing."

This loss was great, but for the main force of more than 50,000 people, it didn't hurt the bones.

However, the morale can not be vented, Alutai said faintly: "Didn't you take a Ming army? Drag it out! Drag him to death!"

"Yes, drag him to death!"

In the previous demonstrations against Xinghe Fort, the main force was these small tribes, and the Ming army was hateful!

A limping Ming army was pulled out while walking, his immature face was completely blank. He looked at the group of nobles, allowing them to tie their hands with a long rope, and when he saw the bloodthirsty light in the eyes of the people around him, he woke up.

"No! No! I would like to drop..."

Being dragged to death by a horse is a peculiar punishment for the grassland, second only to being put into a cloth bag and trampled to death by a group of horses.

Alutai is proficient in Ming dialect, and when he heard that he disdainfully said: "If you are a thousand-family official, you can still have a life, are you worthy of the little sergeant? Go!"

The two Tatars separated the ropes and tied them to their horses, then mounted the horses, whistled, and started trotting.

"No! Spare my life..."

Facing death, this Ming army was scared. As soon as he yelled out, he was stumbled forward by a horse. Soon, when Ma Su gradually picked up, he couldn't keep up with the speed and fell heavily to the ground...

How does it feel to be dragged on the grass?

Very comfortable at first, like skating in winter.

But when the speed got up quickly, a scorching heat hits from the chest and abdomen, and gradually, the burning heat became hot...

On the top of the mountain, Zhu Zhanji put down his binoculars, his chest undulating sharply.

"That's our people!"

Everyone on the top of the mountain saw it, but in the sight of the telescope, Fang Xing could see the expression of the Ming army screaming wildly.

Putting down the binoculars, I saw that everyone was silent, most of them clenched their fists and looked hateful.

Fang Xing said lightly: "How many prisoners did you take?"

Lin Qun'an said, "Uncle, I took more than a hundred prisoners."

Zhu Zhanji vaguely knew what Fang Xing meant, and couldn't help but look sideways.

Li Jia didn't know what Fang Xing was going to do, he just looked down, not daring to look at the Ming army who was dragged around under the mountain.

"Come on!"

Fang Xing said lightly, at this time the two horses under the mountain were still circling, shouting from time to time, but they couldn't suppress the miserable howling of the Ming army.

The voice was faint, with great pain and fear.

Zhu Zhanji's breathing became more and more rapid, he suddenly turned sideways and said: "Let the artillery strike!"

Fang Xing shook his head and said: "The distance is too far, it will only consume iron bullets, provoke the enemy to ridicule, and detrimental to morale."

Zhu Zhanji closed his eyes in pain. This was the first time he saw Daming's people being tortured and killed by a foreign race. He hated it!


The prisoner was pulled up, and Fang Xing saw that the two horses were still running, but they slowed down. He knew what this meant was to delay the death of the Ming army prisoner and make him suffer more.

"Drag to the front! Cut it!"

Fang Xing briefly explained, then glanced at Li Jia, Fang San said, "Master let you go!"

"What are you going to do?"

Li Jia, who had been numb by the brutal impact of the battlefield, asked.

Fang San said: "Go behead, go!"

Fang San has been taking care of him all the time, just like his master, Li Jiana said: "But I... won't!"

Fang San said sternly: "Go!"

More than a hundred people were crushed and kneeled on the top of the mountain. The two enemy riders below found an abnormality and could not help but stop watching.

Alutai also saw it. He remembered Fang Xing's nickname, and couldn't help cursing: "Large and generous!"

Raising the long knife, Xin Laoqi shouted at the bottom with a dirt trumpet: "Brother, we have revenge for you!"

With intestines dragging behind him, the sergeant who survived for a while raised his head and looked towards the top of the mountain, and saw the row of reflective long knives in a daze. He couldn't help sighing, stretched out his hand, trying to catch his fellow...


The hand fell, and Xin Laoqi on the top of the mountain shouted: "Cut!"

Novel recommendation: I am the great **** of Yuanshi, I became a portable grandfather, God of Ten Thousand Ways, God of War, picture volume, original hand, goddess-level game producer, prehistoric rise, nine suns, gods, abandoned women, doctors, peerless thief: waste wood, seven girls, evil love: Duke Gold Medal Strategy for the Folding Wing Bride: Good Morning, Wolf Boss! The evil emperor climbed into bed: after eating the poisonous doctor Xiao Kuang, the super-pink physicist Barbarous wife: the spoiled concubine of the remnant king, the evil doctor and abandoned concubine: the arrogant and cold king lightly loves the Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms. I am the emperor, who am I afraid of

There is no next chapter in the previous chapter

Chapter 1118-Killing, Revenge

Thanks to the book friend "The Pig of Baixiao Pig", the 18th leader of this book was born!

The Ming army on the top of the mountain saw a large number of people, and did not see the long sword. Flash Dance Novel Network

Alutai wasted a lot of energy this time. In order to win over other forces, he cursed and swore that he had promised to leave all his 18th generation ancestors, and only then did he unite his 50,000 army.

But just now, the sound of the cannon was just less than a quarter of an hour, and it was actually defeated?

Several thousand household officials fled back in embarrassment. According to the rules, these people are going to be unlucky.

When people are in bad luck, they will always look for a chance to survive, even if they are ill-advised!

"Taishi, it's the Jubaoshan Guard of the Ming Army, and the cavalry, at least 10,000 people in total!"

A thousand officials said vowedly.

"No! Taishi, there are only a few thousand cavalry, those are not enough!"

A monstrous way of a thousand-household official, he once saw Alutai deal with a lying subordinate-‘Roasted Whole Sheep’

So he was ready to give it a try.

"Master, he lied!"

"The big guns of the Ming army are powerful, and they are as airtight as hail. The mountain pass is only more than 40 steps wide. It's too master, I can't rush through!"

Looking at the crying child-like hand kneeling in front of his horse, Alutai waved his hand, and the Qianhu official who spoke first was immediately taken down. The sword light flashed, and he sacrificed the flag.

Alutai said solemnly: "Can you see clearly?"

The thousand officials escaped, and hurriedly said: "I can see clearly, and I also saw the young man who is suspected of Fang Xing. He is standing with another young man.

"young people?"

Alutai's eyes lit up, and he turned around and said, "It seems that it was not specially here. It should be the child from Fang Xing who accompanied a certain big man's house to inspect. Opportunity!"

Everyone understood what he meant, and thought that if they could capture an important figure of Ming, not only would morale increase, but what would Zhu Di do?

Money, food, even... How about the territory of Doyan Sanwei?

Looking at those flushing faces, Alutai laughed and said, "Let's see what these Ming troops want to do. If they take the initiative to attack, it would be great."

The terrain here is wide, which is a good place for cavalry to play.

Qu Huan squinted at Alutai from the periphery, before turning his gaze, a shy smile appeared on his face.

"Master, if the Ming army on the mountain doesn't come down, let's not attack it!"

The leader of a tribe asked with blinking eyes.

Everyone knows that Yang Gong is to take human lives to fill. As a weak tribe, if you have used up your strength here, it is best to take the initiative to seek asylum from Alutai.

The key is that Alutai's reputation in the past was not very good, holding a strong soldier, but looking forward and backwards, he often likes to use the tribal men and horses that have just returned to attack, and he is also known as "testing loyalty."

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the leaders of the small forces around them all smiled strongly, obviously also worried about this.

Alutai glanced at the man, remembered him in his heart, and then smiled: "Yang Gong? That's what a fool can do. Go, let's go to the front and see how powerful the Jubao Mountain Guard is!"

A group of people galloped away surrounded by the brigade of cavalry, white clouds in the sky fluttered, and in the distance, a herd of cattle and sheep were like white clouds on the ground, floating everywhere. Flash Dance Novel Network

Not far down the mountain, the collapsed soldiers had already reorganized the queue, and someone came over and said: "Tai Shi, there are more than two thousand people missing."

This loss was great, but for the main force of more than 50,000 people, it didn't hurt the bones.

However, the morale can not be vented, Alutai said faintly: "Didn't you take a Ming army? Drag it out! Drag him to death!"

"Yes, drag him to death!"

In the previous demonstrations against Xinghe Fort, the main force was these small tribes, and the Ming army was hateful!

A limping Ming army was pulled out while walking, his immature face was completely blank. He looked at the group of nobles, allowing them to tie their hands with a long rope, and when he saw the bloodthirsty light in the eyes of the people around him, he woke up.

"No! No! I would like to drop..."

Being dragged to death by a horse is a peculiar punishment for the grassland, second only to being put into a cloth bag and trampled to death by a group of horses.

Alutai is proficient in Ming dialect, and when he heard that he disdainfully said: "If you are a thousand-family official, you can still have a life, are you worthy of the little sergeant? Go!"

The two Tatars separated the ropes and tied them to their horses, then mounted the horses, whistled, and started trotting.

"No! Spare my life..."

Facing death, this Ming army was scared. As soon as he yelled out, he was stumbled forward by a horse. Soon, when Ma Su gradually picked up, he couldn't keep up with the speed and fell heavily to the ground...

How does it feel to be dragged on the grass?

Very comfortable at first, like skating in winter.

But when the speed got up quickly, a scorching heat hits from the chest and abdomen, and gradually, the burning heat became hot...

On the top of the mountain, Zhu Zhanji put down his binoculars, his chest undulating sharply.

"That's our people!"

Everyone on the top of the mountain saw it, but in the sight of the telescope, Fang Xing could see the expression of the Ming army screaming wildly.

Putting down the binoculars, I saw that everyone was silent, most of them clenched their fists and looked hateful.

Fang Xing said lightly: "How many prisoners did you take?"

Lin Qun'an said, "Uncle, I took more than a hundred prisoners."

Zhu Zhanji vaguely knew what Fang Xing meant, and couldn't help but look sideways.

Li Jia didn't know what Fang Xing was going to do, he just looked down, not daring to look at the Ming army who was dragged around under the mountain.

"Come on!"

Fang Xing said faintly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, the two horses under the mountain were still circling, shouting from time to time, but they couldn't suppress the miserable howling of the Ming army.

The voice was faint, with great pain and fear.

Zhu Zhanji's breathing became more and more rapid, he suddenly turned sideways and said: "Let the artillery strike!"

Fang Xing shook his head and said: "The distance is too far, it will only consume iron bullets, provoke the enemy to ridicule, and detrimental to morale."

Zhu Zhanji closed his eyes in pain. This was the first time he saw Daming's people being tortured and killed by a foreign race. He hated it!


The prisoner was pulled up, and Fang Xing saw that the two horses were still running, but they slowed down. He knew what this meant was to delay the death of the Ming army prisoner and make him suffer more.

"Drag to the front! Cut it!"

Fang Xing briefly explained, then glanced at Li Jia, Fang San said, "Master let you go!"

"What are you going to do?"

Li Jia, who had been numb by the brutal impact of the battlefield, asked.

Fang San said: "Go behead, go!"

Fang San has been taking care of him all the time, just like his master, Li Jiana said: "But I... won't!"

Fang San said sternly: "Go!"

More than a hundred people were crushed and kneeled on the top of the mountain. The two enemy riders below found an abnormality and could not help but stop watching.

Alutai also saw it. He remembered Fang Xing's nickname, and couldn't help cursing: "Large and generous!"

Raising the long knife, Xin Laoqi shouted at the bottom with a dirt trumpet: "Brother, we have revenge for you!"

With intestines dragging behind him, the sergeant who survived for a while raised his head and looked towards the top of the mountain, and saw the row of reflective long knives in a daze. He couldn't help sighing, stretched out his hand, trying to catch his fellow...


The hand fell, and Xin Laoqi on the top of the mountain shouted: "Cut!"

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