Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1121: Rush battalion

The early autumn morning was a bit cold. Following Fang Xing's order, the carts were outside, the artillery was in front, and the personnel were inside.

A car formation was formed in this way, slowly moving towards the dim lights in the distance.

The scout was most active at this time, constantly sending news to the rear.

"The enemy didn't find it."

"The left wing did not find the enemy!"

"The right wing did not find the enemy!"


"The front arrived outside the enemy camp!"

After half an hour of trekking, Daying is already in sight.

Fang Xing put down the binoculars and ordered: "The artillery strikes forward, give it a few shots!"

Twelve artillery guns were pulled up, and Fang Xing pointed to Sun Yue and said, "The cavalry is ready. If the enemy is not prepared, they will make a surprise attack after the artillery bombardment!"

The stars on the horizon have dimmed, and soon, purple will appear in the east.

The artillery lined up close to the camp. Shen Yao saw that the scout in front had killed the sentry position with a crossbow arrow.

After loading up, Shen Yao raised his knife.

"Enemy attack..."

A scream from the camp made Shen Yao hesitate for a while, and then shouted, "Ignite!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

Flames erupted from the muzzle and the iron bullet was fired. Shen Yao shouted: "Quick, quick! Load up, let's play a few more rounds!"

The people in the camp yelled at the horse, and it was messy.

Fang Xing was overjoyed, and when he was about to make the cavalry assault, there was a shock from the two wings.

"Master! There is an ambush!"

Fang Wu beat his horse, Fang Xing nodded and said, "Alutai is cunning and cautious. This shows that, get ready, let's go straight in."

Dark shadows appeared on the left and right sides, and the car formation took shape in an instant, and then they drove towards the big camp.

Fang Xing divided the twelve artillery into two parts, six in the front and six in the back, all prepared shotguns.

"go ahead!"


Alutai woke up after the first shot of the cannon. He was lying down in his clothes, and when he got up he ran out of the big tent and gathered the men and horses surrounded by the guards.

Tuohuan came first, and Alutai's eyes flashed over, and then said: "The prepared ambush is used, summon your troops, let's go ahead."

Tuohuan nodded, regretting coming too soon.

The sound of shelling came from the front before the assembly of the horses and crew was complete.

"Has the Ming Army not retired yet?"

Alutai was stunned.

"Master! The Ming army has attacked!"

Alutai looked at the front, gritted his teeth and said: "That Fang Xing, this is a place to die and then resurrect, he is broken, let's go, let's go and take a look."

"Da Ming Wan Sheng!"

The sound of the artillery rumbling, the passage was opened in front, and the musketeers lined up, and the entire car array wrapped the whole army in sync.

Those disheveled enemies wielded long swords, formed groups under the shouts of the officers, and the archers were also organized. All in all, it proved that this army is not a mob.


"Boom boom boom boom!"

As soon as the archers assembled, they suffered heavy casualties from platoons of guns. Amid the screams, they fled around.

The large camp in front of me was spacious, and enemy troops were running towards it everywhere.


The artillery became a mobile firepower point at this time, and the ambushes on the left and right wings were bombarded by the cannon slopes at the head and tail of the cart, and countless people fell.

Then a volley of muskets stopped the momentum of the enemy's assault.

The car array rushed into the camp, like a fire-breathing hedgehog, quickly advancing forward.

"be quick!"

Fang Xing sat on horseback and looked around, shouting, "Alutai may ignite after a while!"

Alutai is cautious, but if he can kill his enemies, he will not be stingy to let some of his subordinates die.

Zhu Zhanji was horrified, and shouted: "Speed ​​up!"

The carts are all drawn by cows and horses, and the civilians are driving in the inner circle, and the speed is not slow.

A team of enemy riders appeared in front, all wearing heavy armor. Fang Xing laughed and said, "Set the fire! Let Alutai see what his heavy ride is!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The artillery turned, and immediately shot out a wave of shotguns.

The iron **** and steel **** scattered, and the so-called heavy armor suddenly became a joke.

With blood arrows flying ahead, Lin Qunan hurriedly directed two volleys.

When I looked again, there was no one in front of me, only a horse stood there alone, turning helplessly.

The enemy troops on the left and right watched this scene dumbfounded, and stopped advancing in unison.

That's a heavy cavalry!

The heavy-armored cavalry who was leaned by Alutai as the Great Wall was killed by a round of shelling. What is this Nima?

The chasers behind had already approached. Before they could draw their bows, six artillery pieces used shotguns to teach them how to behave.

Alutai is right in front, looking at the car array advancing towards him like a monster, he angrily said: "Get off, take your people, go and open a hole, you don't need to worry about the follow-up! "

This promise is not clever, because after opening the mouth, the unhappy subordinate will either rush in or be trampled to death by the horseshoe behind.

You can’t move forward or backward, this Nima is a death squad!

But looking at Alutai's calm expression, Tuohuan knew that he could not refuse, otherwise Alutai would abandon the Ming army and wipe out himself with all his strength.

"follow me!"

After getting off the horse and getting on the horse, the haze in Alutai's eyes grew deeper and deeper. He turned around and said: "Follow closely, if there is a backer, kill!"

This is to force a break to consume it!

The chiefs of those tribes still had eye **** hanging around their eyes, and they each made their own calculations.

Alutai regretted it in an instant, and remedied: "If you can't take the time for a stick of incense, let them go!"

When Tuohuan heard this, the fierce color in his eyes gradually faded.

Someone asked, "Master, are we going to kill them in the wild?"

Alutai nodded and said: "Exactly, from here to Xinghe Fort, if they run with all their strength, one day can be there, but can they? Procrastinate to tomorrow, they will always show flaws, when the time is... From this Taishi, you can divide the fire gun into 50%!"

"What about the grain?"

Poor these poor people, really afraid of being poor, they don't have to produce, they are looting everywhere like wild dogs.

Alutai said: "The food and grass are divided according to the head. In addition, whoever contributes more will be divided."

This is like a qualified leader, and the tribal leaders nodded one after another, expressing their approval of this plan.

The cheating side is ready~www.wuxiaspot.com~ rushed out a few horses ahead, driving away the cavalry who were blocking the road.

"Go away! Go away!"

Tuohuan took a deep breath, he knew he couldn't keep his strength, otherwise Alutai wouldn't mind fighting with the Ming army to kill himself.

Alutai sat on horseback, staring coldly at Fuxing.


At this time, Xinghuan could not use his father's reputation to boost morale, nor could he use his own ambitions to cheer his subordinates, so a thousand words finally came together into a killer word.

Two thousand cavalry, this is the elite under Tuohuan's command.

In Daying, a place that is not too spacious, the soldiers are expensive and not too expensive. As long as you open a breakthrough, you will dare to kill from the side and let Alutai face the counterattack Ming army.

The horseshoe stepped on, and gradually gathered into a thunder, rushing through.

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