Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1124: Killing God with a compassionate breath

Chapter 1124

The enemy army did not expect that the Ming army would flee towards the right wing, and rushed to the front of the car formation under inertia.

At such a close distance, Fang Xing could see those panicked faces.

Dense shots shot out, good fellow!

Fang Xing lowered his eyes slightly, but Zhu Zhanji had already turned his head and couldn't bear to see the tragic situation.

Li Jia saw it, and he fixedly watched the flesh and blood flying around, watching the enemy soldiers being beaten into a sieve, and then his mouth opened wide, roaring, and falling down the horse.

He even saw the eyeballs of an enemy hung out of his eye sockets, but he didn't feel it. He just rode his horse to the side desperately, and was finally knocked down by a shot.

The guns blasted, the enemies in front of him seemed inexhaustible to kill, the smoke covered the front, and only the howls were heard.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

After another round of bombardment, the shotgun ripped through the gunpowder smoke, and someone shouted: "The enemy has escaped!"

"Miscellaneous army! Alutai is reluctant to consume his strength after all, and wants to wait for the opportunity to move. What a pity!"

Fang Xing let out a long laugh, and then the sound of cannons stopped behind, confirming Fang Xing's words.

The general laughed, his morale increased, Shen Yaoming put on an iron bullet and stopped after two consecutive rounds.

"Great victory!"

Sun Yue was already numb, and brought the Qianhu official who made the mistake to Fang Xing's side.

"Are you a former underling of Han Wang?"


"Thirty sticks! Execute after the war!"


The appearance of this person stroking his neck reminded Fang Xing of Zhu Gaoxu, but he did not feel soft and said coldly, "What is the task for you?"

"Lure the enemy."

"To lure the enemy to lure the enemy, they all went hand in hand, and left more than a dozen brothers. Is this to lure the enemy? At a little distance, you obviously want you to lean on the right, but you want to circle on the left. If it is a big battle, Ben will cut it now. Your head, to warn the whole army!"



Alutai was waiting three miles on the right. Behind him were densely packed cavalry, all of which were one man and two horses.

The scout said: "The left wing took the lead in attacking. The result was too close to the car formation and was dispersed by the Ming army. Then the Ming army lured our army blocking the front to bypass the car formation. The Ming army fired all its guns and was also dispersed. casualties……"

Alutai interrupted: "How is the Ming Army now?"

Slot Nima! Those tribal leaders are here! You talk about the casualties, is this too little thing about Lao Tzu?

"The Ming army is still advancing in the direction of Xinghe Fort."

Alutai looked solemn and turned around and said, "Mingren is crazy! They want to rescue Xinghe Fort!"

Fu Huan shrank behind the crowd this time, her shy smile disappeared, staring at Alutai coldly.

Alutai summoned a lot of forces with the slogan of death and coldness, and he was one of them-he had to come, otherwise Alutai would kill him who was still weak.

"what should we do?"

Alutai waved his fist angrily and said: "Fight! Hit Xinghe Fort immediately, this Ming army will become a soilless tree! We can eat them!"

This idea immediately ignited everyone's hope.

Yes! If Xinghe Fort can be laid down, this Ming army will become a lone army, with nowhere to rely. Slowly grinding, sooner or later it will become everyone's mouth food.

Think of those fire guns and big guns, think of those half-length armors, and suddenly these chiefs are all looking greedy, like a group of wild dogs, preparing to enjoy a carrion meal.


In Xinghe Fort, when a group of black cavalry appeared in the distance, Zhang Yu's heart was as cold as ice.

"Enemy attack..."

The horn sounded, the sergeants in the fort hurriedly climbed up the city wall, and the people took the initiative to carry ordnance and supplies.

Lin San was carrying kerosene, and seeing Tang Saier rushing up the city with a long knife, he shouted, "Sail, come down!"

Tang Saier turned his head and his eyes were particularly bright: "My husband, I want to kill the enemy and serve us!"

Lin San still wanted to dissuade, but the horn outside the city became longer and longer, and then he felt the ground shaking.

"More than 20,000 rides!"

Yu Sanhuo tremblingly said: "The reinforcements are over, my lord, we are alone!"

Xin Zhao said solemnly: "Then fight for Daming! You die without regrets!"

Yu Sanhuo glanced at him, but saw Zhang Yu clenching the handle of the knife, and he dared not say anything that would shake the military's spirit.

In the rush of horses, Zhang Yu saw that the enemy troops who had besieged Xinghepu were busy carrying the ladders forward, and shouted: "The enemy is rushing to attack the city. Reinforcement must come. Everyone resists. There is hope in living!!"

Xinbang Zhao nodded and said: "That's right, if the reinforcements are defeated, the enemy will inevitably take a break before attacking the city!"

Yu Sanhuo murmured: "But who knows! Maybe the enemy has defeated the reinforcements and wants to take down Xinghe Fort, and then make an assault."

"The city is attacked! The enemy can't wait to attack the city!"

A group of cavalry rushed on horseback, arching their bows and arrows on the horseback, behind them, groups of footmen carrying the ladder closely followed.


Tang Saier did not have a shield. She was standing on the city wall. When the group of "dark clouds" rushed to a high point and descended, she brandished a long knife and swept away the arrow in a few strokes.

So many people!

Rounds of arrow rain suppressed the city’s head. When the ladder climbed up the city wall, Zhang Yu shouted: "Counter-attack..."


Behind the city, a puff of arrows lifted into the sky, and then planted.

A spoonful of gold juice poured down the ladder, and with the horrible howls that could make people have nightmares, the two sergeants pushed the ladder against the ladder.

The ladder swayed in mid-air, and finally fell back heavily.


Zhang Yu heard a woman's voice, he frowned and looked at it, just in time to see Tang Saier's backhand stab, blood flashed, and the enemy who had just emerged had already covered his throat and fell.

Immediately after Tang Saier's body was hidden, she slammed a knife away, and immediately a leg, the faces of the enemies who followed up looked flat...

"Good skill!"

At this time, as long as Zhang Yu is a helper, he is willing to accept it, not to mention a woman or a child.

Below the city, a team of archers approached, drawing bows and shooting arrows...

When he saw the arrow rain rising from before his eyes, Zhang Yu's heart twitched, and he yelled: "Shield..."

Wherever he went to find the shield in a hurry, just under Zhang Yu's eyelids, those arrows pierced down.

"Puff puff!"

Arrow into the flesh.

Amid the screams, the tacitly coordinated enemy forces took advantage of the situation and violently attacked the city.

Zhang Yu gritted his teeth and knocked over one person, but the rain of arrows just now killed more than 20 people in the city, and a gap appeared.

Even if it was only a short time, it was enough for the enemy to rush to the head of the city.

The spearman rushed forward bravely, but before that, a figure rushed into the enemy group, and blood splashed as the blade flashed.

The gray cloth was fluttering, Tang Saier's body continued to rotate, and the knife in his hand was like a fish in the water, always able to avoid the block, and then slid in to take away the limbs or blood.

Zhang Yu led the spearman to counterattack desperately~www.wuxiaspot.com~ several assassinations, and this drove the enemy away. When he was about to take people to support the right side, he saw an unforgettable scene.


Tang Saier's body soared into the sky, stepping on a long spear, her gray clothes had been dyed red with blood, but... her face was solemn, and with a kick, the opponent in front of her shattered her jaw and stumbled towards her. Back.

When he landed, Tang Saier squinted his eyes, picked up his spear, and gave it away...

The spear pierced the opponent's chest, and another enemy who had just stood firmly at the head of the city was also strung in. Then the people behind fell down the city, and dragged down the front one.

This is really a killer!

Still a killer with a compassionate breath!

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