Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1130: Accident

Chapter 1130

Thanks to the book friend: "Sky Cloud" rewards!


"The enemy is coming up!"

The fierce platoons of guns could not stop the brave men with iron shields. When they climbed to the top of the city, the enemy soldiers below were overjoyed and the cheers were deafening.


Lin Qunan sneered in his heart, waved his hand and let out of the city wall.

An iron shield came up first, and then the long sword swept across without even looking.

People appeared from the battlements one by one, and the iron shield took the lead.



The body can be covered under the city wall. When you stand up straight, the iron shield becomes a joke.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"


"Boom boom boom!"

In the smoke of gunpowder, a feast of massacre began, and the enemy army who was confused and looking for an opponent on the city wall was caught off guard.

People were constantly pouring out of the wall, without the protection of the iron shield, it suddenly became a target for a musket.


Qin University shot one down, then reloaded, and aimed again, feeling like he was practicing instead of killing the enemy.

The enemies swarmed and were knocked down on the city wall by platoons of guns, and gradually piled up. The following enemy troops saw the pile of corpses as soon as they appeared, and they retreated in horror.

Looking from the outside of Xinghe Fort, the sergeants who had originally attached the ant to attack the city all retreated one after another, then turned around and ran away.

"Go and see!"

Alutai suppressed his anger and ordered.

When someone beat up the horse, Aluta asked, "Can the scout be rewarded?"

Someone replied: "Taishi, no abnormality was found. The Ming Army of the Xuan Mansion was firmly suppressed by us at the Yehuling Pass."

Alutai shook his head, turned his eyes, and said categorically, "Master Ben feels something is wrong. Prepare for a while. This time I step back and pack my things."

"Master! But we have lost!"

How many men and horses were lost for this Xinghe Fort and for the Emperor's grandson of the Ming Dynasty?

If you quit, then quit?

A pair of eyes stared at Alutai fiercely, even holding the hilt of the knife in a hurry, it seemed that he didn't mind the fight on the spot.

Alutai said coldly: "If you lose, you will lose, but the foundation is still there. If you wait for the Emperor Ming's personal conquest, then you will lose your roots!"


The walls were full of corpses, and Li Jia followed Fang San to clean up together.

The so-called tidying up is actually making up the knife and then throwing it out of the city.


Someone nearby bounced from the pile of corpses, and then the gun shot fell to the ground.

"If you see it, this is the necessity of making up the knife."

Fang San's gaze was examined, and the spear in his hand pierced the neck of a human body. Sure enough, the man suddenly struggled violently, grasping the handle of the gun tightly with both hands, trying to break free.

Fang San pushed forward with all his strength, and the person flicked like a frog, slowly regaining his calmness.


Fang San was pulling out his spear, but at this moment, the enemy who had just been stabbed to death rushed forward, like a ghost.

"Three brothers..."

Without even thinking about it, Li Jia threw the spear in his hand, which miraculously penetrated this person.

After Fang San's body was tense, he suddenly relaxed, but as soon as this person fell, a big man behind him was exposed.

The blade of light flashed by...

"Three brothers..."

Fang San's face was completely stunned.

Fang Xing turned back when he heard the sound, just in time to see Fang San's head falling, but his body was standing, blood spurting from his neck...

"The third child!"

"Three brothers..."

Li Jia yelled sharply, and seeing the big man turned and ran towards the top of the city, he didn't know where the courage came from, so he flew over and grabbed his legs.

The two fell to the ground. The big man just wanted to sit up, but Li Jia pressed on him, useless his fists, opened his mouth, exposing Bai Sensen's teeth, and bit the big man's throat.

The man was in severe pain, and he immediately threw his fist to beat Li Jia's head, but as soon as he raised his fist, his throat hurt, and his strength disappeared.

"stand up!"

Xin Laoqi was the first to arrive at the scene, he grabbed Li Jia and dragged out a pipe.

"Three brothers..."

Xin Laoqi didn't look back, looked at the messed up man in his throat, and shook his head: "Why are you so stupid! Why are you so stupid..."

Li Jia spit out his throat, his eyes flushed looking at Fang Xing who came by, and knelt down and said: "Shanchang, the third brother died..."

"I see."

Fang Xing's tone was dull, his eyes swept over the headless corpse, and he said, "Come and sew the youngest man's head back. It burned after the war. If I brought him here, I'll take him home! "

Turning around, Fang Xing greeted Zhu Zhanji and said: "The enemy probably wants to run away. Whether your Majesty arrives or not, we must attack."

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said: "Okay!"

He knew that Fang Xing's chest was filled with anger and grief. If he did not attack at this time, Fang Xing would go crazy.

Fang San, there is no mountain or dew in the house, and his body is broad. As long as he is there, he is Fang Xing's human shield.

"Three brothers..."

Li Jia knelt and wept.



In the sharp whistle, the soldiers of the Baoshan Guard reflexively began to gather.

"Sun Yue, your ministry is optimistic about the two wings."

Fang Xing seemed calm and orderly.

"Open the gates!"


Outside the city, the grassland coalition forces were gathering their troops. Alutai looked at Xinghepu regretfully and shook his head: "This time we were not lucky. We happened to meet the Emperor Jubaoshan guard escorting the Ming Dynasty's grandson on a tour. Sin."

The tribal leaders were all pale, and this trip was considered a loss, and it was a big loss.

Originally, if they didn't go on the expedition, these fighters were all excellent laborers, cutting grass and collecting food to prepare for the winter, so there were few people!

Moreover, the casualties are not small, and the cries of the tribe will continue into the spring after returning.

If a family has lost a man, if it encounters heavy snowfall, it can only take refuge in others, otherwise it will become a corpse of a tough one overnight.


It was five hundred steps away from Xinghe Fort, and someone suddenly said, "They are going out? Taishi, the Ming army has opened the city gate!"

Alutai was startled and looked suspiciously.

The city gate of Xinghe Fort opened slowly, and Jubao Mountain Guard came out first.

There were many muskets, and as soon as they left the city, the arrays were formed like magic.

Then came artillery and cavalry.

Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji finally came out, they rode to the front, this time Alutai finally saw clearly.

"Taishi! The Ming Army does not have a car formation, can it fight?"

Alutai's eyes flickered, and he said: "Mingren's big guns are dangerous, and they retreat one after another. Who wants to test one or two?"

This is not willing to fight anymore.

Tuohuan felt clear in his heart, retreated to the very end, nodded towards his confidant, and the two immediately retreated back.

The two sides are in a stalemate, and no one is willing to retreat.

Fang Xing's hand holding the handle of the knife trembled several times~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and finally held back.

Jubaoshan Guards cannot enter, otherwise it would be dangerous to be surrounded by enemy forces.

But Alutai has the meaning of fleeing. If you don't enter, you will lose all your achievements!

Fang Xing turned his head and smiled, making Zhu Zhanji frightened.

"I brought Wu Yue's department forward, and you stayed behind."

Zhu Zhanji just wanted to dissuade, but Fang Xing had already ordered.

"Wu Yue's department is out."


Fang Xing drew a long knife, pointed at the enemy front that had retreated more than a thousand meters away, and shouted, "Go ahead!"

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