Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1135: Father and Son, King and Minister

Chapter 1135 Father and Son, Monarch and Minister

Thanks to the book friend: "Momoioi" for the great reward!

Thanks to the book friend: "Beijing Ming Ye"'s great reward!


"Gao Xu hasn't come back yet?"

Zhu Di was patrolling around, and Yang Rong followed him and said, "Your Majesty, with the British public, there must be nothing wrong."

Zhu Di frowned and said, "Where's Fang Xing? That's bold, and I'm not afraid that Alutai will have an ambush in front of him."

Yang Rong is a little jealous. There is no ambush in Alutai. Lao Zhu's words are like caring about the younger generation. If it is spread out, how many people will want to eat Fang Xing's meat and drink his blood!

"Your Majesty, Xing He is well-measured, and he must be back soon."

Yang Rong was also not sure where Fang Xing was, and he even sneered after hearing that Fang Xing was chasing Alutai for revenge on his family.

Reckless people!

After ten literati heard Fang Xing's actions, nine and a half people would say that he was a reckless person, lacking in conspiracy.

Zhu Zhanji also said: "Grandpa Emperor, scout Baihu followed. Even if it is lost, you can still withdraw."

"Don't underestimate your opponent. Alutai has to stand tall for many years, he must have his strengths. Underestimating others, it will be a disadvantage."

Zhu Di couldn't help but feel a little sorrowful when he remembered his experience in Jingnan.

The old man hated interruptions when he remembered. At this time, someone was roaring in the distance. Zhu Di looked up, his temples were blown by the evening breeze, and a few strands of white hair made Zhu Zhanji's heart trembled, his eyes turned cold, and he looked far away.


Hearing this voice, Zhu Zhanji couldn't help shaking his head, and couldn't help laughing.

Zhu Di sighed: "Your Han Wang is innocent, but your temperament is dry."

The words were ominous, Zhu Zhanji's body shook, and hurriedly said: "Grandpa Huang, Uncle Han has no heart, grandson knows."

Zhu Gaoxu roared like a tiger who had been imprisoned for half his life before he was about to wreak havoc.

"Father, I took more than 3,000 people, hahahaha!"

Under the torch shining, Zhu Gaoxu rushed over, flew off the horse, turned around and pointed to the back: "Father, you see, they are all captives. Didn't you say that you want people to build roads? Are these people enough? If you don't have enough children, you will catch them. Some come."

The surrounding sergeants approached, and the torches shined brighter. Zhu Gaoxu just turned around and looked at Zhu Di in kindness, like a child showing off to his father.

Zhu Di beckoned, and Zhu Gaoxu came over with a smile, then bowed his head slightly, as if he had rehearsed countless times.

Then, under Zhu Zhanji's onlooker, Zhu Di touched his back and said: "Okay, my son is brave and brave, look back and celebrate!"

benign countenance!

Zhu Zhanji suddenly felt sour in his eyes.

"Emperor father, your son also arrested a close official of Alutai. Who knows that this person scolded you. The son was not angry for a while, so he killed him, Father..."

Zhang Fu commanded people not far away to gather the prisoners and clean the battlefield, especially the cattle and sheep, as well as the war horses.

Zhu Zhanji stayed in place, watching Zhu Di and Zhu Gaoxu walk towards Zhang Fu, Zhu Gaoxu also supported Zhu Di easily, and the smiles of the father and son bloomed without a trace of hypocrisy.

Countless prisoners were escorted back, and the cows and sheep that had been gathered, suddenly there was noisy surroundings.

Xue Lu also came back. He laughed and dismounted to report his record to Zhu Di, and the laughter resounded across the grassland.

What's worse?

Zhu Zhanji looked around, but could not see Fang Xing's figure.

"His Royal Highness, Chen De has gone with Xuanwu Guard."

Jia Quan said with comfort.

Zhu Zhanji gave a hum.

Xuanwuwei was shocked in today's battle. Under the impact of the enemy, the queue was chaotic, and the guns were scattered. Eventually, the enemy broke into the front and suddenly became a mess. If there is no reinforcement, it is estimated that he will be defeated.

Chen De knew he was guilty, but the crime was not his alone, and the instructor Suzaku guard could not run away.

This is Chen De's idea of ​​making sin and meritorious service.

"Xuanwuwei will practice behind closed doors when he goes back, and Chen De will have no good results if he doesn't get a good appearance."

Zhu Zhanji felt that this matter was difficult to choose, and it would always be a lot worse to let Suzaku guard do the exercises, but if you let Jubaoshan Guard do the exercises, then everyone would not be safe, and Fang Xing was probably unwilling.

Just like Lin Chong in the Water Margin.

The so-called 800,000 imperial military coach is actually just a cover.

The former Song Dynasty gathered the most elite forces in the country to form the Forbidden Army, and there were many instructors in the Forbidden Army, and Lin Chong was one of them.

But this instructor mostly teaches some people. If he teaches ‘800,000’, the civil servants will immediately let him die!

Therefore, Jubao Mountain Guard could not teach Suzaku Guardian and then Xuanwu Guardian, which was not in line with the current structure.

Before the literati completely eliminated the wariness and disdain of the warriors, which warrior might threaten everyone, then he must be the target of public criticism.

It must be fast after removing it!

Therefore, Chen Dedai's mentality of meritorious deeds was so strong that when his scream came, Zhu Di couldn't help saying something unstable.

But when he heard him clearly, Zhu Di was also stunned.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty! Caught Alutai! Caught Alutai!"

Zhu Di's body shook, so that Zhu Gaoxu had forgotten his envy, and hurriedly supported him and said, "Father, what's wrong with you?"

Zhu Di held his forehead with one hand, squinted his eyes and said, "It's just a little dizzy, it's okay."

Long-distance raids, all the way to the wind, this kind of crime is only young people can bear.

In the dark night, Chen De rushed first, and then a fire illuminates the night sky.

A group of people and horses came under the night sky, but they were unexpectedly silent.

It was Fang Xing and his party who came. Zhu Di stood there with his beard fluttering until Fang Xing got off his horse, and Fang Wu came over with Alutai with one hand behind him.

"The sinner deserves death!"

As soon as Fang Wu threw Alutai on the ground, he knelt down and pleaded guilty.

As soon as Zhang Fu waved his hand, someone put the torch over, and Fang Wu grabbed Alutai's hair and lifted his head so that Zhu Di could see this face clearly.

White skin, high nose, deep eyes, none of these can be faked.

Zhu Di squinted his eyes and said: "King Hening, I have been in Beiping for a long time, but you have been unable to recruit you so many times. I am helpless. Today, when you and my ruler meet, it is on this **** grassland. What can you do? Do I sing and dance?"

The kings of the Central Plains like to use captive enemy chieftains as waiters or dancers to demonstrate their martial arts.

"The minister is willing."

Alutai was no longer a hero at the moment, and his flattering appearance was embarrassing.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhu Di couldn't help laughing, and then said: "Slay the fat sheep and move the wine out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I share it with the soldiers!"

"Long live your majesty!"

When the news spread, the soldiers couldn't help being overjoyed and all cheered.

But Fang Xing quietly took the family members to the darkness...

Fang San was lying on a pyre. No woman in Xinghe Fort dared to sew human heads. In the end, the family members did it themselves, but they were unskilled and looked a little slanted.

Fang Xing walked to the firewood pile, looked at Fang San’s remains, and said, "You can rest assured, your son will be handed over to me from now on. Ping An still lacks a close-fitting servant, so let him follow him when he is older. Bar."

"Bring people up!"

After Fang Xing finished speaking, his face became cold and he ordered.

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