Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1142: yield

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>History and Military

>Take the warehouse to Daming

>Chapter 1142 Submission Catalog Setting Bookmark CommentsChapter 1142 Submission

Novel: Bring the Warehouse to Daming Author: Sir Dybala Words: 4671

Thanks to the book friend: "Chi Yan's Nightmare Crazy" twice won!

Thanks to the book friend: "Listen to the book but not read the book"!


"You are happy. Flash Dance Novel Network"

Zhu Di looked at the yellow sheep on the shelf, his eyes moved, and then said: "Drinking in the army, I will punish it. You two will help me get a chair."

Fang Xing and the two left dingy, Zhu Di sat down on the grass, and Wang Fusheng persuaded: "Your Majesty, your body is still not well, the royal doctor said you can't eat meat."

Zhu Di disdainfully said: "Listen to them everything, so I can only drink some thin porridge every day, go, and cut some lamb."

Wang Fusheng didn't dare to resist, so he took the knife left by Fang Xing and the two of them to cut more than ten slices of mutton.

Zhu Di used a knife to eat, and Shun Shun picked up the wine bottle and took a big gulp, and said contentedly: "Sure enough, Fang Xing can eat it. The food made by the chef in my place can't taste the original taste at all, and it spoils the good things. ."

Sometimes Wang Fusheng can eat some of it, he thinks it's not as exaggerated as Zhu Di said.

When Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji came back, Zhu Di had already left, leaving an empty wine bottle and roasted whole lamb that had been sliced ​​off.

The two held back a laugh, and each went back to rest.


Zhu Di's body gradually healed, and from time to time he walked around and inspected.

And the ranger who was going to summon the Tatars also sent someone to spread the word, saying that it was only these few days, and it was Atai who came.

Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji accompanied Zhu Di to patrol around the camp. Hearing the news, Zhu Di stroked his beard and said: "It is Atai, if this person gives him a chance, it will be more difficult to deal with afterwards than Alutai."

Zhu Zhanji believed in Ma Youyan and looked at the sheep in the distance and said: "Grandpa Emperor, but the Tatar tribe has gone to the elite in the first battle. The tribes who have been summoned hate them so much, does Atai have no chance of a comeback? "

Zhu Di nodded and said: "Wala will stare at him. Unless he is willing to surrender to Wala, there is no possibility of turning over."

But will Atai surrender to Wala?

The three of them rode their horses to the side of the flock. When the captives saw Zhu Di, they knelt and yelled in panic.

"Your Majesty, they said they dare not slacken their efforts and let the sheep eat well every day, so that they can produce fat to survive the winter."

Zhu Di soothed his beard and said, "Daming should also have his own shepherd. When the northern frontier is settled down, he will raise more horses, cattle and sheep."

The cost of raising cattle, sheep and war horses in the Central Plains is too high to compare with the grasslands.

And this requires the firearm to be strong, strong enough to make the cavalry a target.

Although firearms are expensive to build, they have an advantage, that is, they can quickly become an army.

With Da Ming's manpower, if there were no restrictions, Fang Xing felt that the world would be in danger.


Atai came, and apart from the Ming army, there were only more than 20 guards and more than a dozen carriages, all of which were tributes to Zhu Di.

No one in the camp was on guard, someone led him in all the way.

Whether it is the grassland or the Central Plains, when camping, the largest and most beautiful tent must be for the most distinguished person.

Atai saw Alutai's big tent, but Jia Quan took him aside.

Just to the left of the big tent, there is a table and two chairs.

The tables and chairs are just built, and they are not even painted.

A man sitting on one side of the table saw Atai coming, he got up and said, "But Atai?"

Atai’s identity was a bit embarrassing. Daming would not recognize the so-called profuse sweats on the grassland, so there was no choice in the name.

"This is Xinghebo."

Interpreter introduced.

"It's... Xiao Wang."

Xiao Wang? interesting!

Fang Xing's eyes narrowed, then he pointed his finger at the chair opposite him and said, "Please sit down."

After Atai sat down, he looked around.

There was no one, except for him and Fang Xing, only the interpreter stood by.

"The autumn is high and fresh, and it is inevitable that you will feel bored in the tent. The grassland is on the ground. You and I represent Tatar and Daming. When you express your heart, what does Atai think?"

Atai smiled and said, "It's just what Xiao Wang meant."

Fang Xing's smile narrowed, and he sat up and said, "Alutai's wolf ambition, colluding with accomplices, and guilty of me, Daming, this crime is unforgivable!"

After speaking, Fang Xing stared at Atai with sharp eyes.

This is to set the tone, the tone of the communication between the two parties.

Atai said without hesitation: "It is, Alutai is domineering, and Xiao Wang has suffered so much. Fortunately, Daming presides over justice, so that our ministry can see the sun again."

Just be sensible!

Fang Xing nodded, someone brought tea.

If the tune is uncertain, it is still the enemy, and still want to drink tea? Go and be with Alutai.

Seeing Atai greedily drank the herbal tea in one sip, and then licked his lips eagerly, Fang Xing's eyelids jumped and said: "Currently, the forces on the grassland are entangled, and the Oala people are facing a struggle to integrate their internals. How are you going?"

Atai said bitterly: "My department is already decadent, and it is absolutely not an opponent of the Oirat people."

Fang Xing just smiled and didn't speak.

The autumn wind blew, and the shepherd in the distance sang desolate songs, and Atai suddenly thought he was still in the tribe.

What does Daming want?

Atai suddenly asked with piercing eyes, "Xinghe Bo, what does Daming want? Xiao Wang can dedicate his loyalty to his majesty and will always be a courtier of Daming."

Fang Xing leaned back in his chair and said lightly: "Loyalty relies on deterrence by force, victories over and over again, and punishing careerists who instigate war. Daming never asks for loyalty from outsiders, but only benefits. , What benefit can you give Daming?"

Atai swears that he has never seen such a wise man who talks about benefits, even if he talks about benefits on the grassland, he will at least be a little bit obscure.

If the civil and military officials of Ming Dynasty were like this, the people on the grassland would probably be out of luck.

Seeing Atai thinking, Fang Xing said, "If not, then go back. Daming doesn't need an incompetent courtier."


Atai keenly grasped the word in Fang Xing's words, and immediately stated: "Xiao Wang is willing to accept the jurisdiction of Daming."

"Do you know the meaning of jurisdiction? Don't think about Jilu, the uncle will immediately appeal to your majesty, send troops to destroy you, and then concentrate on dealing with the Wala people."

Fang Xing made no secret of his murderous intentions, "Alutai was appointed and King Ning, but he has repeatedly provoked him. Now he is singing and dancing for his Majesty every day. After the prisoners of Peking, he can't live. This is what provoked Daming. End!"

Atai stared blankly at the distance, and suddenly smiled bitterly: "Daming is as bright as the sky, bright and dazzling, and the glory of Mengyuan is like the setting sun, but it doesn't light up the way home. The sheep are lost and the shepherd, but we But lost her head..."

The once brilliant Mengyuan Empire left a record that is difficult to catch up for future generations: sweeping the world!

Now the Mengyuan people are scattered and scattered, and in the final analysis it is the power struggle of the year.

"Power is a good thing, but you have to have that life to enjoy it first."

Fang Xing got up, Atai said bitterly: "Please tell your Majesty that Tartar is willing to shepherd the sheep for your Majesty."

The translator translated this sentence aloud, and the voice was directly transmitted to the large account on the side.

Novel recommendation: I am the great **** of Yuanshi, I became a portable grandfather, God of Ten Thousand Ways, God of War, picture volume, original hand, goddess-level game producer, prehistoric rise, nine suns, gods, abandoned women, doctors, peerless thief: waste wood, seven girls, evil love: Duke Gold Medal Strategy for the Folding Wing Bride: Good Morning, Wolf Boss! The evil emperor climbed into bed: After eating the poison doctor Xiao Kuang, the super-pink photomaster Barbaric wife: the spoiled concubine of the remnant king. : Find a mate for your mother

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Chapter 1142: Give in and take the warehouse to Daming-wuxiaworld

Thanks to the book friend: "Chi Yan's Nightmare Crazy" twice won!

Thanks to the book friend: "Listen to the book but not read the book"!


"You are happy. Flash Dance Novel Network"

Zhu Di looked at the yellow sheep on the shelf, his eyes moved, and then said: "Drinking in the army, I will punish it. You two will help me get a chair."

Fang Xing and the two left dingy, Zhu Di sat down on the grass, and Wang Fusheng persuaded: "Your Majesty, your body is still not well, the royal doctor said you can't eat meat."

Zhu Di disdainfully said: "Listen to them everything, so I can only drink some thin porridge every day, go, and cut some lamb."

Wang Fusheng didn't dare to resist, so he took the knife left by Fang Xing and the two of them to cut more than ten slices of mutton.

Zhu Di used a knife to eat, and Shun Shun picked up the wine bottle and took a big gulp, and said contentedly: "Sure enough, Fang Xing can eat it. The food made by the chef in my place can't taste the original taste at all, and it spoils the good things. ."

Sometimes Wang Fusheng can eat some of it, he thinks it's not as exaggerated as Zhu Di said.

When Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji came back, Zhu Di had already left, leaving an empty wine bottle and roasted whole lamb that had been sliced ​​off.

The two held back a laugh, and each went back to rest.


Zhu Di's body gradually healed, and from time to time he walked around and inspected.

And the ranger who was going to summon the Tatars also sent someone to spread the word, saying that it was only these few days, and it was Atai who came.

Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji accompanied Zhu Di to patrol around the camp. Hearing the news, Zhu Di stroked his beard and said: "It is Atai, if this person gives him a chance, it will be more difficult to deal with afterwards than Alutai."

Zhu Zhanji believed in Ma Youyan and looked at the sheep in the distance and said: "Grandpa Emperor, but the Tatar tribe has gone to the elite in the first battle. The tribes who have been summoned hate them so much, does Atai have no chance of a comeback? "

Zhu Di nodded and said: "Wala will stare at him. Unless he is willing to surrender to Wala, there is no possibility of turning over."

But will Atai surrender to Wala?

The three of them rode their horses to the side of the flock. When the captives saw Zhu Di, they knelt and yelled in panic.

"Your Majesty, they said they dare not slacken their efforts and let the sheep eat well every day, so that they can produce fat to survive the winter."

Zhu Di soothed his beard and said, "Daming should also have his own shepherd. When the northern frontier is settled down, he will raise more horses, cattle and sheep."

The cost of raising cattle, sheep and war horses in the Central Plains is too high to compare with the grasslands.

And this requires the firearm to be strong, strong enough to make the cavalry a target.

Although firearms are expensive to build, they have an advantage, that is, they can quickly become an army.

With Da Ming's manpower, if there were no restrictions, Fang Xing felt that the world would be in danger.


Atai came, and apart from the Ming army, there were only more than 20 guards and more than a dozen carriages, all of which were tributes to Zhu Di.

No one in the camp was on guard, someone led him in all the way.

Whether it is the grassland or the Central Plains, when camping, the largest and most beautiful tent must be for the most distinguished person.

Atai saw Alutai's big tent, but Jia Quan took him aside.

Just to the left of the big tent, there is a table and two chairs.

The tables and chairs are just built, and they are not even painted.

A man sitting on one side of the table saw Atai coming, he got up and said, "But Atai?"

Atai’s identity was a bit embarrassing. Daming would not recognize the so-called profuse sweats on the grassland, so there was no choice in the name.

"This is Xinghebo."

Interpreter introduced.

"It's... Xiao Wang."

Xiao Wang? interesting!

Fang Xing's eyes narrowed, then he pointed his finger at the chair opposite him and said, "Please sit down."

After Atai sat down, he looked around.

There was no one, except for him and Fang Xing, only the interpreter stood by.

"The autumn is high and fresh, and it is inevitable that you will feel bored in the tent. The grassland is on the ground. You and I represent Tatar and Daming. When you express your heart, what does Atai think?"

Atai smiled and said, "It's just what Xiao Wang meant."

Fang Xing's smile narrowed, and he sat up and said, "Alutai's wolf ambition, colluding with accomplices, and guilty of me, Daming, this crime is unforgivable!"

After speaking, Fang Xing stared at Atai with sharp eyes.

This is to set the tone, the tone of the communication between the two parties.

Atai said without hesitation: "It is, Alutai is domineering, and Xiao Wang has suffered so much. Fortunately, Daming presides over justice, so that our ministry can see the sun again."

Just be sensible!

Fang Xing nodded, someone brought tea.

If the tune is uncertain, it is still the enemy, and still want to drink tea? Go and be with Alutai.

Seeing Atai greedily drank the herbal tea in one sip, and then licked his lips eagerly, Fang Xing's eyelids jumped and said: "Currently, the forces on the grassland are entangled, and the Oala people are facing a struggle to integrate their internals. How are you going?"

Atai said bitterly: "My department is already decadent, and it is absolutely not an opponent of the Oirat people."

Fang Xing just smiled and didn't speak.

The autumn wind blew, and the shepherd in the distance sang desolate songs, and Atai suddenly thought he was still in the tribe.

What does Daming want?

Atai suddenly asked with piercing eyes: "Xing He Bo, what does Daming want? Xiao Wang can dedicate his loyalty to his majesty, who will always be a courtier of Daming~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fang Xing leaned back in his chair, faintly Said: "Loyalty relies on deterrence by force, victories over and over again, and punishing careerists who instigate wars. Daming never asks for loyalty from outsiders, but only benefits. What benefits can you give him? "

Atai swears that he has never seen such a wise man who talks about benefits, even if he talks about benefits on the grassland, he will at least be a little bit obscure.

If the civil and military officials of Ming Dynasty were like this, the people on the grassland would probably be out of luck.

Seeing Atai thinking, Fang Xing said, "If not, then go back. Daming doesn't need an incompetent courtier."


Atai keenly grasped the word in Fang Xing's words, and immediately stated: "Xiao Wang is willing to accept the jurisdiction of Daming."

"Do you know the meaning of jurisdiction? Don't think about Jilu, the uncle will immediately appeal to your majesty, send troops to destroy you, and then concentrate on dealing with the Wala people."

Fang Xing made no secret of his murderous intentions, "Alutai was appointed and King Ning, but he has repeatedly provoked him. Now he is singing and dancing for his Majesty every day. After the prisoners of Peking, he can't live. This is what provoked Daming. End!"

Atai stared blankly at the distance, and suddenly smiled bitterly: "Daming is as bright as the sky, bright and dazzling, and the glory of Mengyuan is like the setting sun, but it doesn't light up the way home. The sheep are lost and the shepherd, but we But lost her head..."

The once brilliant Mengyuan Empire left a record that is difficult to catch up for future generations: sweeping the world!

Now the Mengyuan people are scattered and scattered, and in the final analysis it is the power struggle of the year.

"Power is a good thing, but you have to have that life to enjoy it first."

Fang Xing got up, Atai said bitterly: "Please tell your Majesty that Tartar is willing to shepherd the sheep for your Majesty."

The translator translated this sentence aloud, and the voice was directly transmitted to the large account on the side.

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