Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

: Remarks about the author

Today, a reader posted a post. It probably means: I don’t know how you keep reading. Anyway, I can’t read it anymore. I read the first few chapters on the shelves where I wrote about food. This kind of book is actually Put it in the history category... Behind it is trampling on this book in disdain!

I saw this kind of posts before, and Sir Jiebi would go back. But now I have seen too many sprays and deleted the matter.

Unexpectedly, this reader was unhappy when the review was deleted. I probably felt that if I sprayed you, you would have to bear it. So I subscribed to the noon update chapter. I followed the story and said how to see the harmony in the book review area. , It turns out that a group of brains are deleting posts!

So far, what do you think of the Jazz?

I saw in the book review area that the reader’s fan value is a trainee, which is equivalent to nothing. Do I keep disgusting with such posts?

So the Jazz was talking about it: You are playing the keyboard if you don't subscribe, and you are slandering this book if you don't subscribe. Why should I be used to you? !

Subscription is the motivation for the author to write it down. You don't think it looks good, no one is pulling you to read it, right?

You just leave, you have to be disgusted by the author and book friends before you leave. You think this is quite proud, don't you?

The most important thing is that you said you were talking about something, but would you dare to repost the content of your post in the talk?

Are you talking about something? It's all venting!

A book friend probably saw the talk and didn't understand the situation, so he misunderstood a little. Here, Sir, I would like to talk about his attitude.

This kind of post is hanging there, it is disgusting book friends-co-authoring, you are elegant, and you have IQ! (I don’t know how you keep watching, anyway I can’t watch it anymore.)

I don't bother you, delete the matter.

But you continue to swear when you come to talk, this is too much!

The author needs to subscribe to eat, and keeping that kind of spray stickers is just smashing his own job.

You smashed my job, according to some authors' disposal, that is, to top this post, and then hang it.

Jazz will not do such things to vent his anger, he just deleted the matter.

Jazz said in the group that fate comes and fate, come and go free, can it be easy to say and disperse? You have to utter bad words, do nothing, and don't be forgiving, so that there is no benefit except to show your bad temperament!

That's it. I didn't want to issue a single chapter, but I saw that some book friends seemed to be complaining, so I gave an explanation.

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