Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1149: Buy people's hearts and force the dog to jump the wall

  Wang He and Zhong Ding have left with a sense of interest, and Fang Xing does not shy away from reminiscing with Jin Yiwei's people alone.

   smiled at the black hole again, and Shen Yang said, "After Ji Gang's luck, his hands and feet are not clean."

   Fang Xing frowned and said, "The hands and feet in Jinyiwei are much more dirty, and if you have done a great job, you can at least offset the damage."

   Shenyang smiled bitterly: "The lower official also pulled a person out at the time."

   Privately shielding the suspect, this charge is not small.


   The once-sunshine youth has now become a shaggy, unshaven man who has lost a front tooth. Fang Xing is really sigh of fate.

   Shenyang said embarrassedly: "That person is kind to the officials."

   "Is there a clear distinction between grievances and grievances? It's not bad, but it's a pity that I used the wrong technique."

   If Shenyang asked Zhu Zhanji at that time, as long as it was not for rebellion or for serious crimes, at least his credit could be used to offset it.

   "How did the teeth fall?"

   An unmarried young man who lacks a front tooth can imagine the difficulties in the future.

   Shen Yang grinned and said: "That was last year, I'm under the official..."

   "Meeting old friends, have a drink at the bar."

   Fang wakes up and finds a box, takes out a small jar, a large piece of beef jerky, and some peanuts and other snacks.

   When Fang Xing opened the small jar, she smelled the fragrance of wine, and Shenyang's throat couldn't help sliding.

   "Good wine!"

After pouring the wine, Shenyang raised a glass with both hands and took a big sip, and said contentedly: "Last year the official and two of his men were discovered. More than a dozen people were chased and killed. They were lucky enough to kill them, but the tooth was shot by an arrow. Fortunately! The arrow lost its strength and didn't go through the throat. The officer escaped from death and went back and got drunk. Unfortunately, there were no gods and Buddhas to worship. "

   Shen Yang said it was light, but Fang Xing could feel the hardship of living on the blade.

   "Drink it."

   Shenyang was already impatient with the wine, Fang Xing got up and said, "After drinking, go back to sleep, and then come and tell me about the situation here."

  Shenyang was gnawing on beef jerky, and when he heard the words, he salivated his face and said: "Don't be uncle, you can say it now, or else..."

   As he said, he looked at the wine and food on the little table.

   This is to be taken home for others to enjoy, Fang Xing asked: "Well, what did Yang Zhu just say is different?"


Shenyang swallowed the beef and said: "Alutai is newly defeated, and Tartar is panicked. After Atai goes to meet with His Majesty, it will be more rainy. Until you arrive with the army, those talents have converged. But there are a lot of people watching in secret."

   "If it weren't for worrying about the Wala people, these chiefs would immediately start fighting with them. So uncle, don't..."

   Shen Yang's eyes were bloodshot, looking exhausted, he said in a straightforward manner: "The official is reckless, uncle famous general, naturally watching the fire."

   Fang Xing sighed slightly: "The young man who was so glamorous in the past has become like this now. There is nothing more bizarre in life than this!"

   At that time, Shenyang was still a little admired, but when the two met again, they were stunned.

   Shenyang loosened his hands, and the beef jerky fell on the small table, then bounced and fell to the ground.

   He suddenly covered his face and lowered his head, his body trembling slightly.

   Fang Xing sighed. He had been optimistic about Shenyang, thinking that he could even take over the post of Jin Yiwei commander after Zhu Zhanji ascended the throne, but...

   "Do you want to go back?"

   Fang wakes up and misses the old, he never hides this.

   Shen Yang shook his head, and said with a nasal voice: "Thank you, uncle, it is better for the lower officials to commit crimes here."

   "Bring that box back."

   Fang Xing confessed and got out of the tent.

   Shenyang opened the box and saw that, except for the beef jerky, the others were all small jars. There was no need to open them. They were definitely good food and fine wine.


   Fang woke up to Atai's place, but met Cha Han.

   Chahan was followed by a young girl. After seeing Fang awakened, the girl gave him a bold look, and then bowed her head shyly.

   Chahan smiled and said, "Xing He Bo, this is Amuer, a well-known beauty. She volunteered to serve you, and please accept Xing He Bo."

   There is no difference between the woman on the grassland and the goods. The girl raised her head and looked at Fang Xing again, with curiosity and joy.

   The face was very white, and his eyes were as smart as water waves. His small mouth was slightly opened, revealing a few teeth, and he looked at Fang Xing with expectation.

   Fang Xing said faintly: "I already have a wife and concubine in my uncle's house, thank you for your kindness."

   The girl didn't understand, she waited shyly and timidly.

   Chahan smiled and wanted to talk more, but Fang Xing glanced at him coldly, and immediately the guards of the family went down to Atai’s big tent.

   The girl knew she was rejected even if she didn't understand it, her eyes dimmed and her head bowed slightly.


  Sun Yue left and took the cavalry back, which made the tension dissipate a bit.

   The military discipline of Ju Baoshan Guard is excellent, and the herdsmen were afraid from the beginning to curiosity later. Gradually, those children like to stand outside the fence and watch in their free time.

   The prairie cavalry is usually a herdsman, a military-civilian unit, and the equipment is really shabby.

   So after seeing the soldiers of Jubao Mountain Guards neatly dressed, with distinctive weapons and mental states, the children exclaimed from time to time, and immediately covered their mouths, worried about being caught.

   After a simple array drill, Wang He received Fang Xing's order and squeezed out a smile, took more than a dozen sergeants, and carried a bag.

   The children hurried off when they saw someone coming, leaving only a girl squatting there, holding the fence with both hands, staring at them blankly.

Seeing everyone running away, Wang He's face turned black, and then remembered Fang Xing's explanation just now, only then did he show his smiling face, squatted on the ground, and said cheerfully, "The little baby is very gratifying, come here. There is sugar, take it to eat."

   Wang He took out more than ten pieces of white, oblong candy from the bag and handed it over.

   The girl took the candy blankly, and then stuffed it into her mouth, her eyes widened. She spit out the sugar in her hand and suddenly turned around and shouted a few words.

   "My father, she said it is sweet, sweeter than milk."

Wang He was satisfied when he heard that. He saw the children running back, and said kindly: "both, all, this is given to you by your majesty and his old man, as long as you listen to his old man's words in the future. It will get better and better, with sugar and fullness."

   Several men heard this behind them, and a haze flashed in their eyes.

   "Ming people are all liars and are still full? Except for the leaders, who can eat full? Only a few meals occasionally."

   "Could the Mingren give us food? That's really fun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ fake. I heard that people can't get enough to eat a few years ago!"


   After the children took the candy and ran home, Wang He smiled and shouted, "Slow down, be careful of falling."

   I'm sorry, those children are as vigorous as war horses, they can run better than Wang He.

   Seeing Wang He turning his eyes, several men pretended to be passing by and hurried away.


   "Uncle Xinghe, there is Jubaoshan Guard, so those people dare not make trouble!"

   Wang He is very sorry, but also a little worried.

   "If they wait until we are gone, then they will be in trouble, and Atai will definitely not be able to control it."

   Fang Xing fiddled with the compass in his hand, and said, "I have already agreed with Atai. At lunch, it was announced that each department will allocate the strongest soldiers to form an army according to the number of people, and it will be controlled by Atai."

   Wang He was shocked, "Xing He Bo, you are trying to force the dog to jump over the wall!"

   "Why not?"

   Fang awake and confidently said: "Those people are wearing Daming's boots, and they are not sure to say that Daming is a fool. If they are loyal, then they will know the proportions and the unfaithful..."

   Wang He showed a fierce look, waved his hand and cut: "Then kill! This is not the time for mercy!"

   Fang Xing nodded and said, "Fang San is gone. I only killed ten people as a funeral. Just more."

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