Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1151: Flesh Feast

   A mouse is collecting grass seeds, and its mouth is constantly moving. Suddenly, it stands upright and its head turns around...

   The mouse is cunning, but he can't see the sky.

   An eagle falcon was gliding in the air, and suddenly fell down.

   When the mouse noticed something abnormal in the sky above his head, he had no time to run a few steps, and was immediately enveloped in the shadow by the spread wings.

   The desperate mouse has nowhere to escape, and the falcon's eyes are coldly looking at his prey.

   A big meal is coming soon!


   In a whistling sound, the eagle falcon was startled suddenly, flapped its wings, and flew up at once.

   The mouse escaped abruptly, but did not avoid the wheel.

   Thanks to the grip of the tires, Fang Xing drove the off-road motorcycle to more than eighty yards, but didn't know that he had just killed a mouse who was about to collect food for winter.

   The high speed brings adrenaline rush, I only feel the heartbeat is accelerating, and the blood is boiling.

   The best way at this time is to sing loudly, but as soon as Fang Xing opened his mouth, he was filled with wind.


The camp of   Jubaoshanwei is mixed among the herdsmen, and there are always many people watching every time they drill, with mixed thoughts.

   Lin Qun'an nodded in satisfaction, and stopped the drill.

   Even if they are resting, the soldiers of the Baoshan Guard will not be casual, not to mention the wind, but the posture is still straight.

   The herdsmen who were onlookers were also satisfied, and went back in twos and threes.

   Don't pay close attention to collecting food and fodder at this time, just wait for the family to starve to death in winter.

   "The Ming army killed someone!"

   A shout full of hatred resounded through the periphery of the camp, and the scattered herdsmen were stunned.

   A pair of men and women staggered and hugged a young girl over. The woman's complexion was blue, her body was naked, and her skin was all blue and purple.


   Someone exclaimed: "It's Amur!"

   The girl's eyes, which were as agile as clear springs, had become sluggish, and she looked forward blankly.

   On the slender and white neck, a bruise handprint proves that she died of suffocation after abuse.

  How many young people have admired that flawless face?

   In the silence, hatred was brewing.

   The pair of men and women are Amur's parents. They walked outside the barracks holding the body of their daughter, and confided in grief and indignation about the murderer's crimes.

   "It's that Xinghe Bo, that beast!"

   "We were tied to the side and witnessed the beast encroaching on Amur. He...he is not a human!"

   There are obvious traces of rope binding on the hands of Amur's parents, which are very deep.

   The crowd gradually gathered, and after seeing Amur's tragic situation, the anger continued to accumulate.

   Lin Qun'an, Wang He and others are already standing behind the fence, watching all this with cold eyes.

   Wang He angrily cursed, "Gou Ri! If Xing He Bo wants a woman, he can still be guilty of using it? Let's see that someone is framing it!"

   Zhong Ding touched the short beard and said: "Look, this is my uncle's three-day deadline. Some people can't stand their temper, and the dog jumps the wall in a hurry!"

   Lin Qun'an licked his lips, "Then kill it. If you kill it, they will naturally behave."

   Wang He nodded and said, "Then kill! These people think that Xing and Uncle are out, we should be messed up, then let them see, let the chaotic officials and thieves see, we can't mess up!"


   Lin Qun screamed, and the array behind him quickly formed.

   "Go out of the way!"

   Shin Yao’s broken gong voice is easy to recognize.

   "At this time we have to look at our artillery! They all get out of the way!"

   The twelve newly exchanged cannons were pushed forward in a row, and the deep muzzle seemed to be a passage to hell, which made people look terrified.

   The herdsmen all stepped back, revealing Amur's parents.


   On the endless prairie, a motorcycle is racing.

   Fang Xing underestimated the flatness of the grassland, feeling that his **** is no longer his own.

   retracted the throttle and slowly slowed down, Fang Xing got a bottle of water out to drink.

   Fang Xing spread his legs apart and drank water while shaking his body. Suddenly he frowned and looked forward.

   The sound of horseshoes was heard, and Fang Xing muttered to himself: "At least more than a hundred rides, I really value someone on our side!"

   Fang Xing disappeared for a while, and when he came out again, he carried a camouflage backpack on his back, and the flexible elastic belt extended to the machine gun in his hand.

   "It's so heavy!"

   Fang Xing had already seen the black spot in the distance, he put the machine gun on the motorcycle, and then waited quietly.

   "Made! Less than a hundred! Misjudgment."

   The cavalry in the distance saw Fang Xing and rushed over with cheers.

   Fang Xing sat on the back of the motorcycle, aimed with one eye, and murmured: "Hurry up, hurry up!"

   The cavalry accelerates the impact, and the sound of horse hooves can scare people out.

   At one hundred paces, the prairie cavalry were surprised to see Fang Xing sitting on a strange object in a daze, but they were also ecstatic.

  -No matter whether you live or die, you will appreciate thousands of cattle and sheep, and fifty herdsmen!

  Important tasks always require major rewards, rewards that can make people crazy.

   These cavalrymen went mad without hesitation, and even the horses stopped pitying, and they rushed in frantically.

   "Hurry up! Get closer..."

   Fang Xing's index finger hooked the trigger and waited...

   The cavalry saw Fang Xing not running, and they didn't have any knives or guns in their hands, so they immediately put away their bows and arrows.

  ——The effect of being able to catch alive is even greater!

   is near!

   Fang Xing pulled the trigger when he could see the pimples on the cavalry faces.

   "His hiss..."

   Fang Xing's body was shaking, and the muzzle moved quickly.

   Similar to the sound of tearing cloth, the elastic band moves rapidly.

   The dense bullets rushed into the cavalry group, and suddenly, a feast of flesh and blood began.


   Outside the camp, Atai is trying to persuade.

   "Xing He Bo Nai is a nobleman~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If he wants Amur, he just needs to open his mouth, can he not give it?"

   Amur's parents shook their heads, only to cry.

   "Sweat! Mingren's dignitaries like to abuse women! That Xinghe Bo must have this hobby too!"

   said a man with a face full of wind and frost, and the people around him suddenly clamored.

   "Yes! The officials of those bright people are not good officials. I heard that they eat meat every meal, and there are many women serving them, and those women get beaten at every turn!"

   "I heard that it's no use beating to death. Just like our leader, he patted his **** and left."

   "Don't talk nonsense! Where did our leader kill someone?"

   "Yes, yes, yes! It's the nobles of Ming people, they are not good things!"


   Atai smiled bitterly and turned around and said: "Don't talk nonsense, this king is willing to guarantee Xinghe Uncle, if he did it, this king will commit the same crime!"

   Atai looked at everyone, some were meditating, some were sneering, some were...

   "Sweat! You went to Mingren, it is no longer ours! You will definitely speak for Mingren!"

   "Yes, what is the prince! That is from the Taishi, you are not worthy!"

   Someone outside is clamoring, Atai's eyes are slightly cold, and he whispered: "Prepare to enter Mingren's camp."

   Now the crowd is very passionate, if it breaks out, it doesn't matter whether you are sweating or the prince, a violent beating will most likely be dead.

  :. :

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