Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1157: Indifferent Peiping

   The last three days of this month, brothers and sisters, ask for monthly tickets!


   Beiping in late autumn looked a little bleak, the master of the empire had not returned from the expedition, and the atmosphere was a bit low.

   Zhu Gaochi has received the news of the big victory, and is arranging people to go out and publicize it widely.

   Yang Shiqi is very happy to accept this task. He feels that the north and the south of Daming are safe, and it is time for him to live steadily from now on.

After    and Jin Youzi reconciled, Yang Shiqi said: "Your Majesty has captured Alutai in the victory of the Northern Campaign. Since then, Daming will have no foreign troubles. The time has come for my generation to show off."

   Jin Youzi calmly said: "Master Yang, don't think that everything is going well, and there is still Vala!"

  Yang Shiqi is very optimistic: "After this battle, Wala will inevitably panic. I am afraid that internal divisions will last for several years. Wait until then..."

   Jin Youzi nodded and said, "That's the case, but that person will definitely not give up. Under his bewilderment, Taisun is afraid that he will never get tired of it!"

  Yang Shiqi frowned and said: "Since there is no foreign trouble, if he wants to confuse the king, then he will be impeached. No matter who it is, he can't cover the sky with one hand!"

Jin Youzi sighed: "This time he and Taisun succeeded in an adventure and captured Alutai again. This fame will definitely become more and more famous. Both civil and military, how many people's dreams are realized by him so easily, this Where is my generation!"

  Yang Shiqi shook his head and said, "This official is going, and we have to consider this matter a little bit. Your majesty's class teacher must be coming soon, so be more cautious."

   Jin Youzi understood this kind of words that were similar to the secret words. He smiled and said: "Go, your majesty is here, it's just a few days of trouble for the reward."


   After Zhu Gaochi explained the matter, he asked Zhu Gaosui about his situation.

  Liangzhong said: "His Royal Highness Zhao often goes to the Buddha recently. It is said that he is praying for his majesty. Every time he has to stay for a long time, it is very hard."

   "Really? He is interested."

   Zhu Gaozhi said unchanged face: "I heard that the King of Han killed a happy one, gratifying!"

   Liang Zhongxiao smiled and said: "His Royal Highness expected to kill the enemy like this a long time ago. This time he followed his Majesty and was later sent to Yehuling to clean up. It's a pity."

  Zhu Gaochi nodded and said: "Zhan Ji has also experienced this time, it can be regarded as an escape from the dead, and he will definitely grow up in the future."

   "That is, His Majesty Taisun is heroic, it is said that His Majesty is very happy!"

   "Well, Xing He Bo is not bad this time, but the father will not be promoted to the title again, I hope he will not complain."

When Liang Zhong heard this, he immediately laughed and said: "His Royal Highness can rest assured, Xing He Bo himself said that the two earls in the family are already panicked, and both sons are guaranteed, and they dare not ask any more. Otherwise, it is self-defeating."

   Zhu Gaochi said lightly: "He knows how to advance and retreat, but some people are domineering! Domineering!"

  Liangzhong knew who he was talking about. Last month, an in-law of the old Zhu family came to visit and begged Zhu Gaochi, saying that he wanted one of his children to study at Zhixing Academy.

   According to reason, this is a one-sentence thing, but whoever wanted to solve the problem just turned his head back. The tough said academy has rules and admissions cannot be special.

   This time, Zhu Gaochi, who had promised, was unable to step down, so he sent Liang Zhong to go, but he was closed.

  Lao Jie's temper came up, but he didn't even have Zhu Yuanzhang back then, and in the end he could only let his father lead the people.

  Liang Zhong said cautiously: "His Royal Highness, that academy is indeed not an exception."

  Liang Zhong remembered that it was only that Yue Baoguo made an exception to get in, but what happened to Yue Baoguo was sympathetic, and no one could blame it.

   Zhu Gaochi coldly snorted: "No matter, since he is determined to fight in the academy, the palace will fulfill him!"

   The future prince made a speech, the old Jie probably won't even think about putting on official uniforms in this life.


   Jie Jin was also very dissatisfied with this, and was spraying wildly at Lu Changbo.

   "Is the royal family great if you only know about favoritism? And it's just nepotism. If this class of people enter the academy, it is conceivable that the old man will vomit blood with anger!"

   "This matter will become a rule in the future, and this door is not allowed to be opened!"

   Jie Jin was angrily, Lu Changbo smiled bitterly: "Mr. Jie, can you talk about the two sons of the head of the mountain? And those from the Fang family."

  'S words touched Lao Jie's lung tube. He glared at Lu Changbo and said, "Is that a nepotism?"


   Lu Changbo is speechless, this is a typical double standard!

   Seeing Lu Changbo's dissatisfaction, Xie Jin said, "The academy was originally run by Dehua. His descendants must be close to the water tower. I'm afraid they can be teachers when they enter school."

   This Lu Changbo was convinced. He nodded and said: "Yes, other people's children can go to learn Confucianism, but the mountain leader can't. That's a real slap in the face!"

   Jiejin's face turned a little, and said: "Dehua should be here these few days. Let the students be honest. Most of those who come back from the battlefield have bad tempers. When the time comes, they will be angry, and the old man can't keep them."

   Lv Changbo nodded and said: "In fact, it's okay. It's just a few fights. Shan Chang didn't say, as long as it's not bullying classmates, as long as it's not a flyying dog, can you just open your eyes and close your eyes when it comes to fighting?"

Xie Jin shook his head and said: "You haven't seen that. Dehua came back from the conquest, and for a while, his eyes were red and murderous! When he comes back, the old man has to persuade him to stay in the temple for a few days. Dissolve hostility."

   Lu Changbo didn't expect Xie Jin's topic to turn so fast. When he was not laughing or crying, Xie Jin hurriedly got up and said: "By the way, Yoyo had a bite of food last night. I have to go back and have a look. I have to ask someone to call me."


   Lv Changbo looked helplessly at Xie Jin and ran away~www.wuxiaspot.com~ remembering that Xie Zhenliang was still in the academy, he couldn't help but worry a little about his long future.

   It's not a good thing that grandfather pampered too much!

   But compared to the royal family, this is really just a small matter.


   Jiejin arrived outside the main house of the Fang family and was about to enter when he heard the sound of horseshoes.

   turned around, Xie Jin saw Fang Xing, and the family members, but everyone did not have the joy of returning home, they looked a little heavy.

  Who is over?

   Jie Jin took a look and found that Fang San was missing, so he sighed and went in first.

   This is the Fang's housework, and it is not easy for outsiders to intervene.

   Fang Qi and Fang Ba who stayed behind saw that Fang San was missing, and Xin Lao Qi was holding a jar and suddenly bowed his head and choked.

   Outside the gate, Fang Xing and Jia Ding dismounted, and Zhang Shuhui and Xiao Bai, who were greeted by him, turned pale when they saw the jar in the hands of Xin Laoqi.

   "Where is Fang Zhuan?"

   This kind of time is not suitable for recounting old love between husband and wife.

   Zhang Shuhui knew, and said, "At his uncle's house."

   Fang wakes up and said to Jay Lun, "Uncle Jay Lun asked someone to pick him up, and let him follow him in peace."

   Fang Jay Lun stomped his foot, and said in tears: "How did this happen! How did this happen!"

   Fang Xing said: "Fang San died in a battle, not ashamed. Alutai won't live long. I will go and take his head to pay tribute to Fang San."

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