Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1159: Disgusting rumors, see through Xu Jingchang

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   With Zhu Di’s return from a big victory, the strange stories in Beiping City have been reduced a lot, and the literati are silent.

   is just that a person has a mouth, which is used to eat and talk.

   There are some people in this world who talk very little, but some people feel that the sky is collapsed without speaking.

   "I heard that Na Xing and Uncle's family died in battle?"

   The two literati met on the street. Although it was late autumn, it was not too cold in Beiping, but the two were like joints, trying to control their facial muscles when speaking.

   "Well, I heard that the head was chopped off. It's a pity, why didn't he die?"

"This is called the Thousand Years of Disaster. I heard that he also captured Alutai himself. This is a beautiful scene. I have a few classmates who actually sang something, but the Dragon City Flying Commander was here and I didn’t teach Huma to do the Yinshan Mountain. , Tut tut! Stupid not stupid! Stupid not stupid! I stabbed a few words and asked them if they would be willing to join the military household registration, hahahaha! You didn't see it, you are all dumbfounded."

   "The man's momentum is too strong, some people say that he at least wants to be a man."

   "Fart! Two earls of his family, and then a prince, is the next step to be the same as the Xu family?"

   "That's impossible! The Xu family are relatives in-laws, and they have made great contributions to the founding of the country. Others want to stand side by side, and the Xu family guesses they are going to kill!"

   "Someone is spreading such things, saying that the Fang family will have a two-country public in the future."

   "It's not too big to watch the excitement! It's just that the Xu family is now a waste, and I remember to practice his son all day long, by the way, I am still making money outside, I am afraid it is useless."

   "It's just disgusting and disgusting him, suppressing his momentum."


   Guan Yongji did receive those words, so he went to find Xu Jingchang.

   On the martial arts field of Dingguo Gongfu, Xu Jingchang was watching people instruct his son to practice martial arts.

   "Duke Guo, someone outside said that it is... Uncle Xinghe is afraid that he is going to be promoted."

   Xu Jingchang said in surprise: "Promoting to a Marquis doesn't mean anything, right?"

Guan Yongji smiled bitterly and said: "It's nothing. I even feel that Xinghe Bo will not be promoted. However, there is a lot of rumors in the outside world. This is to provoke the relationship between the Dingguo government and the Fang family. Don't check it!"

Xu Jingchang said disdainfully: "The father of Fang Xing saw that he was a person who would not be a minister of power, otherwise he would not interfere with the grandson's backyard! And that academy, everyone knows, as long as the students of the academy are prosperous, Fang Xing You have to avoid it, at most it is to give Taisun an idea behind the scenes, otherwise you think your majesty will keep watching?"

   Guan Yongji remembered Zhu Di's methods, and shook his head: "If it is a sign of Xinghe Bo's powerful ministers, your majesty will definitely take action. Those villains are in vain!"

   Xu Jingchang said with a smile: "Xinghe Bo returns triumphantly, so that the father of the country will go to congratulate Yihe, which can be regarded as an explanation to the outside."

   Guan Yongji quickly persuaded: "Master Guo, let's go again in a few days."


   Xu Jingchang was a little dissatisfied when his interest came.

   Guan Yongji said: "In this northern expedition, one of Xing Hebo's family members died in battle, and they are setting up a mourning hall outside the main house!"

   Xu Jingchang got up and said, "What are you afraid of? My family is also born in a general family. Is it still afraid of this?"

   "Duke Guo, I'm afraid it will be inconvenient at this time."

   Xu Jingchang shook his head and said, "How long has it been since the Northern Expedition? The sorrow that should have disappeared, otherwise Fang Xing, the master, will be incompetent. Then, if you go there, you will say that I invite Xinghe Bo to drink."

   Guan Yongji smiled bitterly, and then went to Fangjiazhuang.

   When I arrived at Fangjiazhuang, I saw that it was Fang Jay Lun who was outside the mourning hall. Guan Yongji was grateful for his foresight, and went over with the sacrifice.

   Fang Jay Lun can be regarded as a senior housekeeper anyway, so his memory is not bad, and he smiled and said, "Mr. Guan, this is..."

   Guan Yongji said: "My country's grandfather heard about the loyal servant, and he was deeply moved, so he asked Guan to come and worship."

   Fang Jielun said in horror: "Ouch! This... Fang San is just a family member, the grandfather of the country is too serious, please."

   After going in for a sacrifice, the ignorant Fang Zhuan thanked him, and Guan Yongji kindly said: "Your father is a hero. You will be taken care of by Uncle Xinghe in the future. You will definitely have a good life, well."

   Fang Zhuan nodded ignorantly, and two farmers came over to let him drink water, which made Guan Yongji sigh.

   "Is that such a young boy?"

   asked Guan Yongji after going out.

"is not that right!"

   Fang Jaylun shook his head and said: "His mother had a dystocia when he gave birth to him, and now Fang San has gone again. Some people say he has defeated his parents!"

When Guan Yongji arrived in the front hall, Fang Xing was angry.

   "What kind of **** to kill your parents? Difficult delivery is because of inadequate medical skills. Fang San died in battle and sacrificed his life for the country. Later, let the housekeeper go and clean up those long-tongued women and kill this evil spirit!"

   Huang Zhong had no choice but to say: "Everyone in the world is like this, it will be fine in the future."

   A safe and personal servant, as long as he doesn't make a big mistake, he will be the best choice for the steward of Xinfeng Bofu from now on.

   "Master, see you Guan Yongji from Dingguo Gongfu."

   Fang awoke, Huang Zhong immediately said: "Recently, someone in Beiping City said that Fang's family would follow Xu's family in the future. It is a two-country father, and it is estimated that this person came for this matter."

Fang Xingshi smiled and said: "As long as the two parties become the duke of the two countries, the Fang family will not be far from decadence in the future. Besides, the status of the future honoraries may not be stable, so the ability is true. Not to rely on."

   Huang Zhong felt that the proprietor was really open-minded. He felt that Fang Xing's original intention was not that way, just because his identity was somewhat sensitive. If the title is too high, he might take him down with him before Zhu Di goes.

  The emperor's secret order to let you commit suicide and enjoy it, can you do it?


   First Xian, Ye Qing brought the guys out to greet him.

   "Congratulations to the master on the triumphant victory."

  Fang Xing nodded, and when he went upstairs, he said to Ye Qing: “Let’s do less of these vain heads in the future, our family doesn’t need to be pompous.”

   Ye Qing hurriedly pleaded guilty.

   "No problem! Just pay attention next time."

   There were a lot of people just now, and he saved Ye Qing's face, but now he wanted to say a few words.

   "If our family is too ostentatious, it will be self-inflicted. Those people are staring all day, thinking about finding a mistake, and then ganging up and attacking it, understand?"

   Ye Qing nodded, then opened the door of the private room.

   "Dehua! Hahahaha!"

   Xu Jingchang looked at the red light on his face, UU reading www.uukanshu.com obviously had a good day recently. He got up and walked over, "I heard that you captured Alutai, brother I envy!"

   Fang woke in, Ye Qing closed the door outside.

   "Duke Dingguo has won the award, no luck. At that time, Alutai was like a bereavement dog, with only a few people around him. It was a bargain for me."

   After the two sat down, Fang Xing saw that it was a hot pot, and said, "Ding Guo Gong is a pleasure."

   After a few greetings, the two began to drink.

   After half full, Xu Jingchang put down his chopsticks and said calmly: "Brother, I heard the rumors outside, and put your heart in your stomach. Brother, I know the virtues of those villains, but I just want to kill with a knife."

   Fang Xing nodded and said, "I'm here to say something that is taboo, and I won't admit it later."

   Xu Jingchang listened carefully.

   "Your Majesty, Fang will not make any progress in the title."

   Xu Jingchang sighed: "I was a little guessing, but you said that it confirmed those ideas. But you are young, and you will go all the way with Taisun, and you will definitely be better than my brother in the future!"

   Fang awoke and smiled, "Good mixing is only a means, and my purpose is just to see Daming across the world. For this reason, I opened a college and became enemies with the literati. What is the benefit of being here?"

   Xu Jingchang sighed: "You are ambitious, but I just want to pass on the Dingguo branch. It's not shameful."

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