Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1169: Swimming in the lake, complaining, falling into the water

   School has started, I wish Sir’s students and book friends: Great progress in your studies this year! Bullish! ! !

   Zhu Gaoxu is a little bit contradictory. He never fakes colors with outsiders, but he is very loyal to people who are pleasing to his eyes.

   So Fang Xing thinks he is suitable to be a friend!

   Seeing Fang Xing feel a little depressed, Zhu Gaoxu stopped making fun of him, and asked, "Who is it? Wait for the king to clean him up!"

   Fang Xing put down the hip flask, burped, and sighed: "It's an ancestral system."


   Zhu Gaoxu was startled, gritted his teeth and pondered.

   This person is really suitable for being friends!

Seeing that Zhu Gaoxu was really thinking of a way, Fang Xing picked up the teapot and drank, then chewed the tea and said: "I want to ask your Majesty to start martial arts school, but because of the ancestral system, it is impossible to recruit good students, so upset! "

When Zhu Gaoxu heard this, he was relieved, and asked someone to send another pot of wine, and said, "How boring you are! Are the soldiers and children of the guards not the best candidates? Why have to look for them from outside? student?"

Fang Xing relieved his irritability, and said lazily: "Those are all military households, passed on from generation to generation, are they all heroes from generation to generation? Just say that His Royal Highness gave birth to so many sons, but not everyone can be successful, right? "

   Zhu Gaoxu waved to the women, and immediately there was a sound of silk and bamboo, and the two women danced on the side.

"Zhanji is good, but it's still tender. Zhanyong is a person who has no vision. If he becomes the king, he will definitely be killed. Zhanji can't see it, but he will definitely be unpromising when he grows up. As for the rest, they are all I was taught not to be top, to be obedient, not promising!"

   Zhu Gaoxu slapped the table, the voice was dull, long and singing.

   "Throwing Nanyang as the main concern, the north and east conquests do a good job, the world and the world are all at the same time, and the heroes are not free to be transported..."

what! How elegant? !

   Fang Xing looked at Zhu Gaoxu in surprise, waiting for him to follow up...

   "Thousands of miles...mountains and rivers...thousands of miles...mountains and rivers..."

   Fang Xing's gaze turned into jokes, Zhu Gaoxu became annoyed, threw the wine glass out, and cursed: "What **** poem! Inexplicable! This king is disgusting after reading it!"

   Fang Xinghe laughed and said, "It's a **** poem, hahahaha!"

The two laughed in unison, and then Zhu Gaochi poured a pot of wine heroically, his eyes flushed and said: "What a **** ancestral system! What the emperor said back then was the ancestral system, and what the emperor said would become the ancestral system, eldest brother. , Zhanji... Daming wants so many ancestral systems!"

Fang Xing laughed and said: "Exactly, the ancestral system should be like the law. If it is necessary, limit it, and don’t make too much of what is not necessary. Then the descendants of the world will be worried when they look at the ancestral system, because in this frame, what I can't do it!"

Zhu Gaoxu drank a pot of wine again, felt hot, took off his outer clothes, laughed: "Mr. morning, he tried his homework, and there was this poem among them. My sons are all useless, and they have memorized dozens of times. This king remembers it!"

Fang Xing was relieved, then took a sip of wine, and saw Zhang Tianjing's worry on the side, and smiled: "What are you afraid of! Everyone knows about the ancestral system, but I don't dare to say it for the Venerable." ! Besides, Confucianism likes to do these things. Any ancestral system that is beneficial to them is a good ancestral system. What is not good for them is questionable."

   Zhang Tianjing was on the edge and stopped talking, feeling that these two topics really broke through the sky.

   What if someone listens to it?

   After drinking too much, Zhu Gaoxu patted the table and scolded King Zhao, and then scolded the thief, God, trapped him in Peking and was not free.

Fang Xing drank too much and cursed others, but it was a literati. He exposed the face of the literati from the inside to the outside, and made Zhang Tianjing, a Confucian son, restless on the side, but he did not dare to refute, otherwise Zhu Gaoxu would throw him into the lake. Go inside.

   When the two drank too much, they hooked up and sang. From the small tune of the brothel to Fang Xing, they sang an inspiring song. It was just howling ghosts.

   The women stood on the side with expressionless faces, and the dancing stopped-they couldn't dance anymore! The rhythm was all messed up by these two people.

   And the people in the Han Palace were also suppressed by the singing. Someone ran to the backyard and asked the group of women to go out and persuade them, worried that they would fall into the lake.

   What Zhu Gaoxu wants to do, who dares to persuade?

   The singing was arrogant and domineering. Not long after, a maid stumbled in and shouted: "That's not good! Your Highness Hexing and Uncle fell into the water!"


   "Two uncomfortable! Here are you!"

   Zhu Di trembled with anger when he heard the news, and called people to fetch Fang Xing and Zhu Gaoxu.

   Zhu Gaochi was reporting, and he slowly said: "Father, second brother and Uncle Xing are probably happy to drink wine, besides, this is their first time...that...that...that..."

   Under Zhu Di's gaze, Zhu Gaochi was silly and couldn't make up anymore.

   The two elders were actually visiting the lake in early winter. You can swim the lake when you visit the lake. They even drank too much and sang. It is said that everyone in the palace thinks that their prince is crazy.

   and also fell into the water. It is said that the two were happy and jumped down together.


  Wait, wait, wait until Zhu Di has finished dealing with the political affairs, then there was a sneeze outside.

   "Ah cut!"

   "Ah Qiu!"

   Two guys with dripping hair came in.

   Zhu Gaochi glanced at it: Zhu Gaoxu's complexion was red, probably because he was hot in drinking, even cold water can't get rid of it.

   And Fang Xing was more miserable, and his face was pale.

   Zhu Di held the Yuan with both hands, and said coldly: "Let's talk about it, what are you two crazy about?"

   Zhu Gaoxu said: "Father, the children are just..."

   Fang Xing was afraid of the nonsense, and said quickly: "Your Majesty, your feet slipped."

   "Why did the two slip into the water together?"


   Fang Xing hurriedly said: "That...the palace came to the court~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and was taken by the court."

   Zhu Gaoxu hurriedly agreed: "Yes, my father, my feet slipped, and my son woke up trying to save the party, but his feet slipped too."

   Nima! What is a pig teammate? This is it!

  The slippery foot is just a reason to bring Zhu Di down the stairs. Everyone knows it is fake, but it's okay for you to superfluously superfluous. This is not to trouble yourself!

   "Go back! Study behind closed doors for a month!"

   Sure enough, Lao Zhu went crazy and roared at Zhu Gaoxu.

   Zhu Gaoxu wiped off the water stains on his face, and said nonchalantly: "Father, it's just falling into the water, and the son is not a woman. You don't need to rest at home for a month, right? The son is leaving now!"

   Seeing Zhu Di mentioned the paperweight, Zhu Gaoxu's hero didn't suffer from the immediate loss, so he left if he didn't care about his loyalty.

   Fang woke up and moved his feet slightly. He wanted to follow, but Zhu Di snorted coldly on it. He pointed to his hair and said: "Your Majesty, the minister must go home and take a hot bath, otherwise he will get sick!"

   Zhu Di stared at him condescendingly, squinting Fang Xingfu's presbyopia.

   "I heard that you are a little dissatisfied with Xuanwuwei?"

   "There is nothing, my lord!"

   Fang Xing said innocently: "Your Majesty, the minister is not so narrow-minded. Besides, Xuanwuwei has nothing to do with the minister. The minister is just watching."

   "Nonsense! Bullying!"

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