Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1179: The **** is boundless, understanding is the boat

   Zhu Di’s decision made Jin Zhong and Xia Yuanji the equivalent of obtaining the imperial decree, so the generals in the capital were shocked.

   "Teacher, even the sergeants are a little apprehensive, maybe they don't know what they can do when they go back. But they all hope that after retirement, at least their children and grandchildren won't have to join the army."

  Ma Su smiled and said, "Master Xia asked the disciple to give an idea, and the disciple said something nonsense. He is just looking for a reason."

   "He wants to drag me into the water, otherwise he has no idea."

   Fang Xing said, "They are all old foxes. Why does Xia Yuanji endorse the restructuring of military households? It is just for taxation of those lands."

  Once the sergeants who specialize in farming are retired, the land can actually settle them, but Xia Yuanji wanted to put them on new land.

   "Those are all cultivated land, just sell it for money, and there are taxes to be collected every year, Xia Yuanji's abacus crackles, and the household department inside and outside can increase the income a lot."

   "He is testing his attitude as a teacher. If you would rather be punished than telling you, he would just laugh it off."

   The weather is getting colder, and Fang Xing's family started Mao Dong.

   Tudou is full of energy, and is running desperately with a small windmill in the yard.

  Pingping on the door frame, eagerly wanted to go out.

   Fang Xing and Ma Su paced in the yard, passing by potatoes from time to time.

   "Jin Zhong is even more understandable. Once the military household system is reformed, the power of the Ministry of War will be greatly increased, but the power of the Dudufu and the generals below are shrinking. This is the pros and cons. The key depends on the people."

   climbed out with difficulty, wobbly and wanted to go down the stairs.

"The Ministry of Households and the Ministry of War will join forces. Others will not be happy, so they either stand idly by or stumble. So this is what it means to let you experience as a teacher. If you can’t see through those seemingly simple measures, People will dig pits and bury them."

At this time, Ping An began to descend the steps. After a few trials, he actually squatted down, and then went down one foot first, and then moved the other foot after standing firm. Although the speed was slow, it was very safe, so that he kept staring at the door. Mother Deng is useless.

  Tudou just ran over, and when he saw it, he greeted him, leading safely down the steps.

   Fang wakes up and smiles when he sees it, feeling that this kind of life can't be more comfortable.

  Ma Su is also a little hot, but Zhao is still young and has to wait a year or two.

   "Teacher, the disciple can see clearly. Don't even think about doing things in official circles. You can't lack vision and methods. Even the way of doing things has to be pondered. Otherwise, sooner or later, you will meet and be ruined."

   "That's true, but don't complain."

   After it was safe, he stumbled and ran to this side, and the potato was seriously protected by his side.

   "Life is profitable. I have said this many times. People who simply do things have long been overshadowed by others. And you only do things and don't know how to lead your subordinates? How do you communicate with each other?"

   Fang Xing’s point of view confuses Ma Su, "Teacher, the disciple feels that what Da Ming lacks is what he does."

   "Yes, no one denies this."

   Fang Xing ran Ping An, who ran in front of him, feeling that he was as cute as a bloated penguin, so he kissed him and said:

   "If you just do things, do things. If you want to be motivated, then he must learn to swim in the ocean, otherwise he will be drowned sooner or later."

   "Teacher, but Ju Baoshanwei is actually in the scope of the pilot, and the disciples don't understand it."

   "It's not that you don't understand, but you are afraid to understand."

   Fang Xing motioned for Ma Su to come with him, and the two of them sat on the stone bench.

   "Are you worried that your Majesty has opinions on being a teacher?"

   Fang Xing asked with a smile, and Ma Su said swiftly, "Yes, Daming is now in peace in both the north and the south, and the disciple is worried that your majesty will... unload the grievance and kill the donkey."

   "Others will, your majesty will not!"

   Fang Xing resolutely said: "Your Majesty is a male lord, understand? The male lord thinks about aggressiveness, and weakening oneself is what the former Song talent does."


   "Shang'er, hurry up, otherwise the place will be taken by others."

   Du Hailin pulled the car, his face flushed. On the one hand, he was ashamed. On the other hand, he hadn't done much physical work, so he couldn't hold it for a while.

   Duchamp is pushing the cart behind, and he has to stare at the things on the cart so that they don’t fall off.

   "Father, I worked hard."

   When the father and son got outside the big market, their backs and legs were already aching. Only when they were breathing, did they know what Ximei had suffered over the past few years.

   "Father, they didn't occupy our house!"

   The outside of the big market has been transplanted with big trees, and the empty space in the middle is full of stalls. The strangest thing is the front, but the best place is empty.

   Seeing the appearance of the father and son, a big man shouted: "Where is Ximei? This position is for Ximei. If you dare to occupy it, be careful to get caught in the office."

   A woman also laughed and said, "Sister Xi is married to the uncle's house, who dares to occupy her place."

   Du Hailin looked stiff and pushed the car to the empty seat, opened the tarp, and the familiar furniture made the people open their mouths.

   "Are you Ximei's family?"

   Du Hailin nodded embarrassedly, but Duchamp raised his head and said, "Yes, that's my sister."

   The big man came over and asked, "Didn’t your sister say...you are scholars? How did you come here to set up a stall? Don’t you feel ashamed?"

   Du Shang said plausibly: "Students have to eat too! Isn't it because they don’t work?"

   The big man said in surprise: "Hey! Those scholars who shake their heads all day long, let alone come out to set up a stall, they feel embarrassed even if they take something, but your home is fresh."

   Duchamp brought up the bowl of vegetables, and said: "That's a rotten scholar, not in my family, you know, the unity of knowledge and action, that's a scholar, otherwise it's... uh!"

   Duchamp spoke freely, but Du Hailin glared at him.

  The unity of knowledge and action, this was proposed by Fang Xing. If it were spread out, Duchamp's future imperial examinations would be difficult.

   But Du Hailin's complexion immediately eased ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because he thought, even if you don't say it, it is a fact that Ximei married the Fang family. If the examiner is narrow-minded, this will be enough to dismiss Duchamp.

   The father and son set up the stall and soon attracted a wave of customers.

   "This is Ximei's spring roll, right?"

   "Yes! It's my family, that's my sister."

   "Is the smell still there? Don't fool people!"

   "Well, my sister taught me how to make mistakes?"

   "Hurry up, I have to go to the market to do business!"

   "Just fine!"

   Even though I have practiced with a towel countless times at home, but the first time I started, Du Hailin was still in a hurry, and the guests were about to have seizures.

   "Father, let me do it."

   Duchamp was worried about affecting his business, so he overcame the task of making spring rolls.

   As soon as Duchamp got started, the action looked easy, and the spring rolls were wrapped up like this, Du Hailin was somewhat helpless to collect money from the side.

   After waiting for this wave, Duchamp said triumphantly: "Father, I practiced in the quilt for a long time last night!"

   "Good boy!"

   Du Hailin thumped his waist and suddenly felt that he was really useless.

   The big man saw that Du Shang was doing a good job, and when he was disappointed, he asked, "Then your sister is going to get married, right?"

   Du Shang smiled and said, "Yes, my sister will get married soon."

  :. :

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