Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1181: notify

  Thanks to the book friend: "Zhao Sanhua" for the great reward!


   Before the opening of the banquet, many representatives from Jubaoshanwei came, and the gifts they gave were also very heroic.

   One by one wooden boxes moved in, and the knife opened and took a look. Many of them were trophies seized during the expedition.

   "Is this a taboo?"

   Detaining some spoils privately, this is a custom, if the autumn is really innocent, everyone knows it, it will have to wait hundreds of years.

   Shen Hao, who came to give the gift, said with a grin: "Made! I have been entangled with them for a long time, and then I won the game. Put things away quickly. Let's drink."

   can find a chance to drink, for the people of Shen Hao, it is Chinese New Year.

   So the knife knew that all the people who could come were after a fierce fight, and said: "Then take it, and the gift will be returned at that time. The banquet will be ready immediately and it will be opened outside."

   Shen Hao didn't even look at the bride, and ran away as soon as he slipped a cigarette. He was afraid that Fang Xing would know that he would be ordered not to drink at that time.


   The next morning, Fang Xing got up early and sat in the main hall with Zhang Shuhui.

   It didn't take long before Fang Jay Lun brought the knife and Sister Chun to come.

As soon as    came in, Chunmei blushed like sunset, she didn't dare to lift her head, she just held a wooden plate.

   Muhua laid on the mat, and the knife took Chunmei down on her knees.

   "Thank you, sir...Knife stayed in Fang's house for the rest of my life."

   Xiaodao's eyes flickered a little, it was the reflection of tears.

   Fang Xing smiled and said, "I'm overjoyed today, I should be happy, don't be like a child."

   Chunmei hurriedly offered a wooden plate with dried meat, chestnuts and dates.

   This is a standard ceremony. Zhang Shuhui's return gift is sweet wine, which will be served by Fang Jay Lun.

   There are procedures behind, but that means that the new wife must be filial and support her uncle in the future.

   Fang Xing said: "The knife used to be alone, one person was full, and the whole family was not hungry. After that, you have a daughter-in-law, and you have a good temper and live your life well."

   The knife responded quickly.

   Zhang Shuhui smiled to Chunmei: "You are a virtuous and capable person. You will have to take charge of the knife in the future. You are all a family. Don't be polite at home."

   Next, Xiaodao will take Chunmei to sacrifice to the ancestors, and Zhang Shuhui urges them to go quickly, don't miss the hour.

   After the two left, Zhang Shuhui was a little silent. Fang Xing saw it and smiled and said, "I was wronged back then. It was easier to get married than a knife."

   Zhang Shuhui was taken aback, then turned her head and said: "Husband, my concubine body didn't think about it. The days are spent, and no wedding ceremony can be compared with the concubine's current days. The concubine is content."

   Fang wakes up thinking about what happened back then, and can't help feeling a little leisurely and fascinated: "We didn't have a bad life back then. Now it looks like a beautiful scene, but the husband still wants to go back to the past. Our family lives here quietly."

   Zhang Shuhui smiled and said: "Husband, men are all around, you are a talented person, it would be Daming's loss if you don't have an official position!"

   "How can it be so exaggerated."

   Fang wakes up with a humble mouth, but thinks of Daming's changes over the years, and can't help feeling a little emotional.

   "I hope Daming can lay out the frame before Tudou grows up."


   Daming’s framework seems simple: government officials, economics, industry and commerce, the military, and finally...

   Gathering at Baoshanwei, Fang woke up and asked the people who went to the banquet yesterday to get up.

   Before Lin Qun'an could answer, Wang He said in anguish: "We are staring at it! If you dare not afford it, just wait for punishment!"

  Wang He, this didn’t happen, did you have an eye attack?

   At this time, the morning exercises are over. The sergeants have just finished their breakfast and are resting.

   Fang Xing and others came to the lobby.

   "Call all the officials of Baihuguan and above."

   When the people arrived, the lobby was full of people, and Fang Xing said straightforwardly: "Your Majesty has decided to open a pilot for military household registration. Among them is our Jubao Mountain Guards."

   Military household registration may be cancelled. The news has spread around Beiping a long time ago. These generals have heard of it and discussed it.

   It’s just that no one would have thought that it would be so fast, and Jubaoshan Guards was still the first batch.

   "Uncle, this...it's difficult! Everyone was prepared to stay in the army for a lifetime, but they were caught off guard. What they could do when they went out was a black eye. It was terrifying!"

   Wu Yue drank a bit more last night, still a little dizzy, but his bold style remained the same.

   Fang swept around, and said lightly: "This matter is a foregone conclusion. We are now discussing how to do it, not whether to do it or not."

   "Ten years are divided into one period, and we are also divided into ten years, taking the number of six adults, and replacing them all within ten years."

Fang Xing said decisively: "We are more than 2,000 people, and the six achievements are more than 1,300 people. This is not counted as a hundred artillery houses. These more than 1,000 people will gradually retire within ten years and will not hurt their muscles and bones. ."

   This is the first time that Daming has retired an active sergeant, and immediately even Lin Qun'an is at a loss.

   Fang Xing said: "Your task is to do a check based on your own situation, make a booklet of candidates who are suitable for retirement, and then send it in."

   After speaking, seeing everyone not moving, Fang Xing frowned and said, "Go, this is a good thing."

   Lin Qun'an took the lead to resign, and the officers dragged out, leaving only Fang Xing and Wang He.

  Wang He is not used to it, but since it was Zhu Di’s decision, he must have raised his hands in favor, but he was a little sad.

   "Those people will be able to return home now, our family has to stay here, hey! There is no heir behind him, who will give our family the end of the care in the future!"


   Fang Xing is really not used to Wang He, whose eyes are red, and his nose is still twitching.

   "Aren't you nonsense! In the future, you just accept an apprentice in the palace, and there will be us at that time~www.wuxiaspot.com~How could it make you lonely and helpless!"


   Wang He stared at Fang Xing, as if what he had just heard was an illusion.

   Fang Xing said helplessly: "Everyone has been together for so many years, you still don't understand my nature? That said, maybe you will be able to mix in a good place in the future. There are a lot of apprentices and grandchildren below, which are more free than us."

Wang Heng said: "The great **** in the palace has not been able to accept an apprentice for so many years. It can be seen that he has to be taboo even if his status is high. Our family wants to be motivated, but we are afraid that we will become lonely in the future. , I have to die if I can't make it right."

   Fang Xing couldn't laugh or cry and said, "Just like you, whether you are the prince or grandson, you won't be allowed to go to the position of the eunuch, don't worry."

   Wang He felt that Fang Xing was underestimating himself, and he couldn't help but argued: "Our family was in the palace back then, but it was very promising. If it weren't for being pushed out by others, I would have to get a palm print **** now!"


   This side was talking nonsense, and after the hundred household officials went back, they summoned their subordinates to ask who would retire, and there was a frantic questioning immediately.

   "My lord, is this true?"

   "It's true, six adults, retired in ten years."

   "That year there were only a hundred people, and a hundred households would have five or six people, hey!"

   "Stop it a bit, think about what you do when you go home. If there is no way out, then you might as well stay and eat the royal food!"

  :. :

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