Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1185: The **** is also a human

Fang Xing climbed up the stairs with a calm posture.

After seeing Fang Xing alone, Xing Yong breathed a sigh of relief, and then sternly shouted: "Uncle Xing, the subordinates are ordered to come, is it possible that the treasure mountain guards are going to disobey your majesty?"

"Don't take a chicken feather as an arrow, flaunt your majesty in the name of your majesty, and your majesty will not reprimand the soldiers without guilt, and only you and other civil servants will take these brothers who serve the country improperly."

Fang Xing said lightly, just glanced at Xing Yong, and then walked to the front and said: "Be honest, don't make a fuss, don't let anyone win the lottery, don't bear it, remember to keep the style of Jubaoshanwei when you get to the place, let Daming Look at the common people, soldier! Not a bogey! Not a fool who doesn't know how to write!"

"It's all gone."

The two thousand people below immediately dispersed, Xing Yong was shaking with anger, and walked out with a stomped foot.

Wang He followed up and explained: "I said Lord Xing, these are all people who kill people without blinking. The entire Ming Dynasty is counted as they kill more people, and they are loyal to your Majesty. Are you planning to go back and file a complaint? Be careful? Your majesty is to blame! Last time our family remembered who it was, we had to toss, and then we all tossed ourselves."

Xing Yong stopped abruptly and looked back at Wang He, his eyes were red. Wang He was taken aback, stepped back, and screamed: "Sir Xing, what do you want to do? Ouch! Our family is not good at that bite!"

Lin Qun'an and others behind couldn't help but laughed.

This narrow Wang He!

Fang Xing thought he was really going to explain one or two things, but he didn't expect to feel that Xing Yong was suppressed in front of him.

Xing Yong pointed his finger at Wang He, stomped and snorted fiercely, and then hurried away.

Wang He came back and said proudly: "This guy knows that our family is here for fame, no matter what, he will stab him, our family will stab him first."

Wu Yue winked his eyebrows and said, "Supervisor, are you afraid that he will go back and sue you?"

"What is our family afraid of?"

Wang He froze for a moment, and then said imposingly: "Our family is the one who has been slapped on the shoulder by his majesty and his old man. What is Xing Yong?"

Fang Xing smiled, he knew that Wang He would soon regret it.

"Let's draw lots. People with good tactics should do more work, try to get rid of them, and keep them."

Fang Xing at the moment only hates that there is no position similar to that of later sergeants in the army, so that he can keep those sergeants with specialties.

Lin Qun'an took someone there, and Fang Xing stood on the stage, looking at the barracks with his hands in his hands, feeling a little melancholy in his heart.

"Gathering and dispersing are fate, and Xing He Bo has gotten to each other."

Fang Xing turned around and looked at Wang He who was laughing strongly, and said, "But regret it?"

"No! How can our family regret it!"

Wang He said hard, but his voice was a little weak.

Fang Xingshi smiled and said: "Don't worry, you are a supervising army. Xing Yong only dares to provoke a martial artist when he asks for a fame. It is obvious that he has a temperament. How can he dare to provoke you again!"

There are many eunuchs sent by Zhu Di, and dealing with Wang He often attracts the same enemies of other eunuchs.

The eunuch's heart is small, if you are hated by them, then prepare to wait for the black hand on the long eunuch's journey.

After thinking about it, Wang He explained: "The parents in the family are old, our brothers and family take care of them, life is also difficult, and there is a nephew who wants to study, our family will have to watch him get married! Otherwise! What is Xing Yong, our family dare to argue with his Majesty."

The **** has no children, and his attitude towards the children is a bit extreme, some hate them, and some are too wanting, so they turn to their nephews.

"If it weren't for my parents, our family wouldn't care about him!"

Wang He said stiffly.

This guy clearly transferred his feelings to his nephew, but he refused to admit defeat.

"Our nephew is smart, Xinghe Bo, let's tell you! Our nephew has entered the county school and is among the best!"

"That's not bad!"

Fang Xing said casually that if Confucianism does not change, the road will only become narrower in the future-studying is just to avoid food, to be exempt from service, and to be an official!

Wang He entangled: "Xing He Bo, our family bought a few of your books last time and mailed them. I don't know if I have studied them."

Fang Xing said with a smile: "To learn or not to learn, that is fate, the way of science is simple, but it is difficult to be refined, the choice is fate."

Wang He sighed: "Although our family has a lot of knowledge, our brother is stubborn, and I don't know if I can listen. Hey!"

This is an eunuch, a military eunuch.

He is not as insidious and cunning as described by later generations. He kind of likes to care about things, don't suffer losses, and love revenge.

But he is not bad-hearted. On the contrary, he often mingled with Wu Yue and the others like a child, fighting over trivial matters every day...

"If you want to learn, go to my place to get a hardcover set and send it back."

The scientific books on the market are not of good quality, and Fang Xing has some manuscripts in his hand, which are beautifully decorated.

Wang He arched his hands and said, "Then thank you Xinghe Bo, our house will go another day."

Fang Xing nodded and said, "I will trouble you to stare more during the camp. If there is any abnormality, please send someone to call me."

Wang He said: "Xing Yong's servant must have gone to the palace to file a complaint, Xing He Bo, a lesson for Yu Linwei!"

Both Yulin and two guards were unlucky because of the trouble. If Xing Yong went to Zhu Di to file a complaint, saying that Jubaoshan Guards did not cooperate with each other, he even made a fuss... He was also an accomplice.

"Well, I'll go into the palace to plead guilty."

Fang Xing made up his mind, let's take the initiative, lest Lao Zhu feel that his face has been swept away.

Slowly entered the palace all the way, and was taken in outside the palace.

Lao Zhu was not in a good mood, his eyes narrowed, implying evil spirits.

Xing Yong was no longer there when Fang Xing entered, and he didn't know what the result was.

Zhu Di looked at him coldly without speaking.

"Uh... Your Majesty, the minister just wasn't used to seeing him playing official powers, and was afraid that he would anger the soldiers, so he persuaded him..."

Under the gaze of Lao Zhu, Fang Xing said nonchalantly: "As soon as he left, he threatened in front of more than two thousand people. It was for the rest of a hundred battles, and he blew him once, and he became angry, and he was angry at Lin Qun'an and the others. If the minister did not go, there would definitely be a conflict today."

Fang Xing did not evade that he suppressed the conflict, which made Zhu Di's complexion a little darker.

"This time the three guards and horses are moving together, don't miss it. Go back and let them cooperate well, and if they make a lot of noise, they will deal with Yu Linwei!"

Lao Zhu played 50 rebounds each, but Xing Yong suffered a loss.

Fang Xing responded quickly, not mentioning anything about Habayashi.

"What happened to Habayashi, it can be seen that the military's heart is unstable. It is impossible to imitate the way of gathering Baoshanwei. This batch of them all went back to farm..."

Lao Zhu said it for this reason~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If Fang Xing plays stupid again, I promise to get a paperweight today.

"Your Majesty, there are not enough channels."

Fang Xing said straightforwardly: "If Daming's workshops are everywhere, Chaozhong can come forward to guarantee the interests of the working people, Your Majesty, that is a ready-made method of resettlement!"

"So many workshops, who are you selling to?"

Zhu Di is not very clear about this after all.

Fang was conscious and confident: "The first thing we have to do is to let the people have surplus money on their hands. With the surplus money, Daming can be safe and secure before they dare to spend. And spending will bring taxes and bonuses to merchants and workshops. Someone will follow suit soon, and this will be driven by profit."

"With such a large population of Daming, if you have surplus money on hand, your Majesty, think about it, it will be terrible!"

Once Daming's domestic demand is stimulated, it will be the world's largest market, directly crushing everything.

Zhu Di groaned: "At that time, the merchants are running around, there are busy traffic, but the hearts of the people have changed..."

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