Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1187: Physical victory

Brothers, the monthly ticket rankings have been declining! Sir thinks it can be rescued, please ask for a ticket!


When Zhu Di and his party arrived at Jubao Mountain Guard, Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji were already waiting.

Zhu Di got off his horse, looked at the soldiers in line to meet each other, and asked, "Does Zhanji have no homework today?"

This question made the civil servants relieved.

As long as Zhu Di still insists on Confucianism first, then any science is just a joke.

"Grandpa Emperor, today my grandson stopped homework for half a day."

Zhu Zhanji used to accompany Zhu Di into the barracks and said, "Grandpa Emperor, there are grandchildren in Zhu Gui. If someone wants to use the things invented here in the future, he has to give money, otherwise the grandchildren will invest in these years. Everything is gone."

Zhu Di frowned and said, "What kind of money is charged for things that are beneficial to the country and the people?"

Jin Youzi and Lu Zhen in the back looked at each other and couldn't help but smile.

His Majesty the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, who actually cares about money like a merchant, is really... unprecedented!

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said: "Grandpa Emperor, if there is no return for the investment, then who will research new things at such no cost in the future? Everyone just waits for others to make it out and imitates it directly or does it?"

Zhu Di said: "You are reasonable. The year before last, I said I didn't have any money. I borrowed a lot from me, right?"

Zhu Zhanji said straightforwardly: "Grandpa Emperor, the Ministry of Engineering has taken a lot of ore. Grandson has already figured it out at the beginning of this year, and only what you owe is left."

The money the grandson owed grandfather was a funny thing to Zhu Di, so his brows were soft and he went all the way to Zhu Fang.

Zhu Fang changed into a new dress today, and when he saw Zhu Di panicked, he quickly led the craftsmen to salute.

"No need to be cumbersome, let me see that car quickly."

Zhu Fang was very excited. He took Zhu Di to the side of the railroad track and said, "Your Majesty, this is the railroad track. It saves a lot of light and saves a lot of goods. ."

Zhu Di squatted down, knocked on the rails with his fists, and touched the sleepers, and asked: "If there is this thing in the water transport terminal, many people will be redundant, right?"

After getting up, Zhu Di saw a pile of iron blocks piled up at the end of the railroad track, as well as an erected pulley block. He nodded and said, "This is what the wharf looks like."

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said, "Grandpa Emperor, you should take a look first."


Zhu Di got up, Fang Xing asked Zhu Fang to drive the carriage over.

The carriage is huge, and it has four wheels, drawn by four horses.

Is this illegal?

The thought flashed past, and Lu Zhen immediately smiled bitterly.

This is a truck, not a person.

"Your Majesty, these are just ordinary horses, just because the carts need to be loaded with goods, they are built to be more solid."

Zhu Di went to check in person, and the officials followed suit. For a while, the railroad tracks and carriages were full of people.

Zhu Di couldn't be more familiar with the horse, and he could tell it at a glance. He mainly checked the carriage.

"Well, let's get started."

The carriage went up the rails along the specially left slope. Zhu Fang yelled. The craftsmen easily lifted the iron block with the pulley block and put it in the carriage.

"Grandpa Emperor, an iron block is eighty catties."

Zhu Zhanji proudly watched the pulley block lift the iron block easily.

One, two, three...

Yang Rong was already numb, and Jin Zhong asked loudly from the side: "That Xinghe Uncle, how much is it?"

Fang Xing didn't count, and said casually: "I don't know, I have to fill it up in the end, maybe one hundred yuan."

I go! Eight thousand catties!

Zhu Di was quite impressed by the dock. When he led the army and began to overcome difficulties, he set off from Tian/Jinwei.

Tianjin Wei was called Zhigu at the time, and the goods from the south were transported here by water and transported to the north.

Remembering that when the army set out, the ants-like civilians on the dock were transporting heavy goods, Zhu Di couldn't help but show nostalgia.

If there were such methods at the time, how many civilians could be saved!

Fighting is to burn money, but also to burn people.

Regardless of ancient and modern times, the army’s luggage is transported in place step by step by relying on human and animal power.

So how about this horse-drawn rail car?

When the carriage was full, a man came to sit in front of the carriage, flicked the whip, and the four horses moved together.


Eight thousand kilograms is probably just a number for the civil servants, but after seeing the number of iron pieces, they all doubt whether the four horses can pull it.

With four horses on each side, it was a bit difficult at first, but after the carriage moved, the movement became easier.

The coachman was sitting on a seat added to the front of the coach, holding a whip in his hand, and after yelling, the coach gradually accelerated.


Yang Shiqi has rode in carriages and ox carriages countless times and knows the speed of carriages.

But this carriage can pull eight thousand catties of goods, and it can run so easily and fast. If there is nothing, what if it is pulling people?

Just in this crazy thought, Yang Shiqi heard someone exclaiming: "I'm going to rush out!"

The speed of the carriage is getting faster and faster, but the railroad tracks are so long.

Yang Rong glanced at Fang Xing, but it was calm and calm.

Pretending to be mysterious!


There was a strange noise from the carriage in front of it, and then the carriage began to slow down.

Slowly, the carriage finally stopped a little before the end of the track.


Liu Guan with better eyesight said in surprise: "This coachman didn't get out of the cart, how did the cart stop?"

Huaxia’s carriages and ox carts have a long history, but the way they can brake is very shabby.

The first way to brake is before going downhill, the coachman puts down a stick attached to the carriage, and the stick pulls the rope. The coachman runs to the back of the car to pull the rope, and the stick rubs against the wheel. This is the brake.

The second type is to lean against a ‘brake stick’ at the back of the car. When it is about to slow down, the driver gets down and tilts the car backward. The stick rubs against the ground to achieve the purpose of slowing down.

But the coachman didn't get out of the car just now!

After getting closer, everyone saw that the driver was still in the car, and their interest suddenly increased.

Most of these civil and military officials travel on horseback, but their family members have to travel by car.

In recent years, incidents of scaring horses have not happened rarely, and the coachman has no time to react and can only pull the reins desperately.

If you can brake, how much work can be saved!

Fang Xing watched with cold eyes and saw Liu Guan, Jian Yi, and Jin Youzi walking past, then squatted down and looked at the wheels carefully, looking for the brakes.

Others, especially Wu Xun, including Lu Zhen, were all around the carriage, carefully watching the structure of the carriage, and inspecting the railroad tracks.

"What's the reason for this?"

These four horses are so easy that everyone thinks that two horses are fine.

Zhu Fang was squeezed outside, sweating profusely: "Your Majesty, this is..."

"You come in and talk."

Everyone got out of the way, and Zhu Fang came in and pointed to the rails and wheels and said, "Your Majesty, the wheels are cast, have outer edges, and coincide with the rails below, so the running resistance is very small."


Jin Zhong looked dumbfounded.

Zhu Fang nodded and said: "Yes, it is resistance. The friction between the wheel and the ground is the resistance. This kind of track coordination can reduce the resistance to a minimum. Once the speed is started, the inertia will be greater and the horse will suffer. The power is also small..."

Jin Zhong was still ignorant. Zhu Fang reluctantly picked up a stone and rubbed it on the ground, saying: "If there is no rail, the wheels of the wagon will rub against the ground like this, creating a lot of resistance. The rails and tracks are relatively smooth, and the resistance is just the same. Can be reduced."

"Furthermore, with four wheels, the horses don't have to carry a load, they only need to pull the cart. This is not only stable, but also saves horsepower."

Looking at a group of dumb courtiers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhu Di said blankly: "Who taught these?"

Zhu Fang didn't think of anything else at all, and blurted out: "This is the science taught in the academy."


The officials who were still wandering around the carriage just now seemed to have been caught in the fixation method and were motionless.

This invention that saves time, manpower, and waste is something in science?

Zhu Zhanji said: "Grandpa Emperor, this theory is in the physics book. As long as you study it hard and work hard, most people can understand it. It's impossible to say that someone can invent something more powerful someday."

Is everyone Yao and Shun?

Qunchen's eyes are complicated, and his heart is tangled.

Zhu Di said lightly: "Everyone, take a look and see what else this car can do."

As a result, the uncomfortable officials again began to'research' unwillingly and unwillingly.

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