Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 2 Chapter 1189: Disadvantage and cheap

Thank you for the "little little temper" who hasn't shown up for a long time. Any disagreement is a reward of 100,000!


When Fang Xing came out of the Ministry of Households cursingly, Ma Su was checking the data of previous years.

"Xing He Bo cursed! He cursed us, Master Shang Shu, to scrape a layer of oil even when a fly flies in front of you."

"Flies have to scrape a layer of oil in front of them? Tsk tsk! Xing He Bo doesn't understand us adults. The more you say this, the more proud he will be."

"But... I heard that the money given by the adults is not much, and most of them are paid with iron ore."

"Isn't that a matter of the Ministry of Engineering?"

"That's right! Since the Ministry of Engineering wants to take advantage, how can it be done without any effort?"

"My lord's calculations are really good! We counted Xing Hebo and Song adults all at once, and we were relieved."

"Xing He Bo prides himself on being shrewd, but this time he was fooled by our adults, hahahaha!"

After the two people left, Ma Su walked out of the corner.

It wasn't that he wanted to eavesdrop, but that there was nowhere to hide, and it was so embarrassing for everyone to come out.


Ma Su shook his head and went back with a smile.


"Xia Yuanji has lost!"

Fang woke up to find Zhu Zhanji and said triumphantly: "He thought that using iron ore subsidies was a gain, but what he didn't expect was that when we passed the steel formula to the Ministry of Industry, what price would the iron ore cost? "

Zhu Zhanji was also happy when he heard it, "How much did you give?"

"a lot of."

Fang Xing said with satisfaction: "We won't have to spend money on iron ore in the future!"

Xia Yuanji will probably regret it later, but Zhu Zhanji regrets it now, because Fang Xing's words finally spread, and Zhu Gaochi ordered him to enter the palace immediately.

In the womb, Wanwan was resting on the lap of the princess, she was probably crazy, she didn't even notice Zhu Zhanji coming in.

Zhu Gaochi is facing the temptation-a bowl of steaming almond milk.

After the salute, Zhu Zhanji's eyelids jumped, watching Zhu Gaochi drank the milk in a few mouthfuls, and hiccups, this was satisfied.

Wiping his mouth, Zhu Gaochi asked: "I heard that your mansion can't even get monthly money? Is there such a thing?"

The prince said in a low voice: "How do you spend the money? Why don't you talk about it? Your father can still subsidize you."

Zhu Zhanji said in surprise: "If there is nothing, the child can still handle it. It's just that I was nervous last year, but it won't be impossible to pay the monthly money. Who said this?"

"Song Li!"

Zhu Gaochi said leisurely: "Song Li talked to people in the Ministry of Industry, and still said with admiration, saying that you will spend your wealth for the country!"

Zhu Zhanji's heart trembled, his eyes turned slightly, and he saw that the princess was only gently tapping Wanwan's back, but Zhu Gaochi was smiling, and couldn't see anything coming.

"Father, as early as a few years ago, Xing He and Haier invested a lot of money into the workshop. Thinking about dividends, Haier invested step by step. Until now, I haven't seen the money and benefits."

Zhu Gaochi's smile narrowed, and he shouted: "What's the trouble with spending some money to contribute to the country? If it's not enough, just come and be your father."

Zhu Zhanji respectfully said: "Yes, father. Recently, my child has been short of money."

Zhu Gaochi's fat face trembled and said to Liang Zhong: "Go, get some money for Zhanji."

Liang Zhong went, and Zhu Zhanji said embarrassedly: "Thank you father. The child is so old, and the father has to pay for it. It's really..."

Zhu Gaochi said earnestly: "The workshop is my father. I heard that those firearms come out of it. You have some elements in it. Only when you wake up did you dare to get it. Otherwise, he thinks his life will be long? !"

Zhu Zhanji quickly realized: "Yes, the child was still young, so I wanted to make some money, thank my father for his teachings."

Seeing the harmony between the father and the son, the princess smiled and said: "Say quietly, don't wake up Wanwan, and, Zhanji, if you are short of money, I will also have some, and I will give it to you when the time comes."


Wanwan woke up, looked up from the prince's lap, and said with joy when she saw Zhu Zhanji: "Big brother, but take me to the running water table?"

The running water table where the knife married was well done, and many people praised it afterwards.

Zhu Zhanji coughed dryly: "It's gone now, let's wait for next time."

If it was a running water table to celebrate a good harvest, Zhu Zhanji would take Wanwan to eat it without any problems, but a knife would get married. If Zhu Zhanji went with Wanwan, it would arouse endless speculation from the outside world.

Wanwan pouted dissatisfied, and the princess comforted: "Next time, or let your eldest brother take you to the first fresh meal."

If this word is spread out, it will make the jealous eyes of women in the palace red.

On weekdays, what kind of female virtue is everyone learning, and they have to learn all kinds of things that princesses should learn, and want to go out of the palace? That is extravagant hope.

But Wanwan was able to go out often, even if she just went to Fang's house to play, she still made those eyes red with jealousy.

This is petting!

The women in the palace are all looking for this thing, from when Zhu Yuanzhang let go of her mother for the young girl, to when the Quan clan favored the sixth palace, it made people jealous.

Over time, the envy, jealousy and hatred of Wanwan in the palace gradually turned into jealousy, so Zhu Zhanji beat the people around Wanwan to make them keep an eye on her surroundings.

Zhu Gaochi hesitated, "Wan Wan is getting bigger and bigger. Remember to wear a veil when you go out."

Zhu Zhan basically thought that Wanwan would be forbidden to leave the palace, but he couldn't help but laugh because he was only allowed to wear a veil.

Wanwan frowned and said, "Father, I'm so depressed with a veil!"

The crown princess touched her head affectionately and said: "Women have to wear a veil when they go out. Those who don't have a veil are ordinary women, do you understand?"

Wanwan looked at Zhu Gaochi and said aggrievedly: "My face is itchy under the veil."

Zhu Gaochi was furious at first, and when he saw Wanwan's pitiful appearance, he sighed: "No matter, I will take more cars and show up less in the future."

Wanwan cheered, got up and saluted in a hurry, saying that she was going to learn to paint, and ran away.

"This girl..."

The princess couldn't help but smile easily between her eyebrows.

Zhu Gaochi said with a dry cough: "The restructuring of military households has a huge impact, as well as martial arts, which is even more important. Have you heard the opinions of those martial arts outside?"

Zhu Zhanji looked down and said: "Father, the problem of martial arts comes from the source of students, and Xing Hebo also believes that there should be no generals, so it is best to introduce foreign students to attack the original pattern."

Zhu Gaochi hummed, "This is the truth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Once the gate is formed, it will be too backwards. It must be guarded."

Zhu Zhanji responded. At this time, the atmosphere was a little weird. When the princess saw this, she smiled and said: "Zhanji should also go to see Zhanzhen and the others when Zhanji comes back, and also persuade them to study hard."

Zhu Gaochi nodded and said: "Go, let them make less noise, your grandfather is in the palace, and he wants to play in the palace in one day, and he can't take his heart."

Zhu Zhanji agreed, and then went to find Zhu Zhanyi.

Zhu Zhanzhen was at the age when people hated dogs. When Zhu Zhanji arrived, he was shouting a few eunuchs to dig a tree, but he didn't yell at him.

After the tree was dug down, Zhu Zhanyi asked someone to carry it in, saying that it was going to be planted by the window, so that the sun would not be so scorching.

"Go back and add meat to you!"

Zhu Zhanyi said with a smile, not at all like a bear kid.

Zhu Zhanji watched from the corner, until no one was in front of him, then he went back.

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