Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1205: The big man who turned the tide

Fang Xing picked up, and just picked it up!

The Meng Ying's family sent a gift, but Fang Jaylun threw it out.

Liu Pu came in person and didn't see Fang Xing. Ma Su just sat with him politely and indifferently for a while, and finally he stomped his foot, saying that he was going back to find trouble with his father.

Jin Zhong didn't come, but when someone went to pay him a New Year's greeting, he talked about Fang Xing with a sorrowful expression, and he didn't know why for a while.

Gradually, there were more men in the capital, all of them in the dust, and then all over the world looking for inns.

In the past, when the capital was in Jinling, it was difficult for the northern candidates to take part in the test and accommodation. Now that the capital is moved to Beiping, the candidates in the south are also facing this problem. It is too late for the officials and merchants to build the guild hall.

Therefore, this year's test will be a grand event to test the reception ability of Peking Inn.

Yu Qian stood at the door of the inn and said with a serious face: "Why did you give my room to someone else?"

Xiao Er said with a tired face: "That person gave a lot of money. It's a rare opportunity for a small shop to make a fortune. Who can't get along with the money, don't you? The candidates from the north haven't arrived yet, take a look. Hurry up and find the next one."

The test will stop one subject, but the township test will not stop, so this year there are many more candidates taking the test than in previous sessions.

With two months left before the test, Yu Qian felt that other inns must be empty. But after he went to ask a few more, there were more rooms, but when the location and conditions were not as good as the one he had previously stayed in, the price was actually 10% higher.

It's too deceiving!

After several rounds of bargaining, Yu Qian said angrily that he would rather go to the temple to stay overnight, but the guys smiled proudly and let him go.

When he finds a temple, he can spend no money on lodging, but he needs money for meals.

Su Zhai, Yu Qian is convinced that he can stick to it.

But when the price of Na Su Zhai came out, Yu Qian was shocked.

So after staying all night, he wandered on the streets of Beiping again, but he didn't want to look at those hateful faces again.

Until an old man selling small wontons at a stall saw him unkempt and pitiful, and thought he had no money, he suggested that he go to the Southern officials for help, and gave him ten copper plates and a large bowl of wontons.

Yu Qian said that he was rich, but the old man drove him away without any explanation, and threatened him with a stick when he got closer.

"Thank you, old man."

Yu Qian only felt warm in his heart, and the eyes that he had encountered in the past few days had been warmed.

"Go, if those people don't accept you, you can go to the Zhixing Academy outside the city. I heard that they are on holiday, and they will definitely vacate many rooms. Uncle Xinghe’s kindness, you can definitely live in if you say something nice. ."

"Xing He Bo?"

Yu Qian thought of this notorious name in the south, and was startled.

The old man waved his hand and said, "Go, Xing He Bo is a good person."

Yu Qian asked, "Old man, why do you say that Xinghe is a good person?"

At this time, there was no business, and the old man said: "Tudou was found by Xinghebo, that science! The old man's grandson learned that mathematics and is much smarter, and now he still wants to learn that physics."

Seeing Yu Qian in a daze, the old man said: "Students, don't look down on potatoes. They can be cooked, roasted, or fried. You can eat food and everything, what a good thing!"

Yu Qian nodded and slowly turned to leave. Behind him, the old man sighed: "It's so pitiful to read all the time!"

In the future, Yu Shaobao, a big man who turned the tide, was treated as a nerd by an old man selling wontons.

Outside the city, the big market did not go out of business. The evil capitalists knew that the New Year was a good opportunity to make money, so they all made promises to increase money.

As a result, the big market is still crowded and in full swing.

Yu Qian didn't eat the bowl of wontons, he followed the crowds into the outside of the big market, saw the stalls, and went to buy a spring cake.

The father and son selling spring cakes looked a little bookish, and Yu Qian asked curiously.

"My family lives on this spring cake stall. There is no thousand bells in the book!"

The half-and-half boy was expertly wrapping the spring cakes, while speaking poorly.

"To shut up!"

The middle-aged man apologized: "Looking at your dress, you went to Beijing for the exam? It's too early, the capital is not easy. I don't want to save money. It's not easy to get through early February!"

Yu Qian handed his hand: "Students want to get to the capital early to get a taste of northern scenery."

"There's nothing in the north, it's just cold."

The kid was silly again, and the woman at the noodle stall behind smiled: "Duchamp, your sister doesn't talk as much as you."

"I just think he came early, wasting money!"

Du Shang said unconvinced, Du Hailin frowned and glared at him, and then he stopped.

When the half-year-old was rebellious, Yu Qian, who had had this experience, smiled and said: "Nothing, just ask, where is Zhixing Academy?"

"The college is on holiday. You went to a family with only the gatekeeper."

Duchamp said first.

"You are..."

Du Hailin looked at the baggage on Yu Qian's back and asked, "Could it be that I went to find someone?"

Yu Qian said, "Students want to see the appearance of Zhixing Academy."


When he saw Zhixing Academy, Yuan Chong was running around inside, followed by a puppy, laughing all the way in the snow.

"Who can I look for?"

Yuan Da came out and asked vigilantly.

This is the place where the children of Confucianism are hated, and the person in front of them is a scholar.

"Brother, the student wants to see Xinghe Uncle."

"What do you want to do?"


It means that when Qian saw Fang Xing, he was shocked by his youth and couldn't help but blurt out: "Student Yu Qian, I have seen my uncle, and dare to ask him how he can be both civil and military."

Fang Xing was also taken aback~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He saw this young man yesterday, but he did not expect that he was Yu Qian.

Yu Shaobao!

The two figures of Ming Dynasty who turned the tide are Yu Qian and Zhang Juzheng.

But if Fang Xing was asked to say that Yu Qian's importance was much higher than Zhang Juzheng's. Without him, Daming would have moved his capital at that time.

Both were relatively dumbfounded, and Yu Qian said, "It's the student Meng Lang, Xing Hebo forgive me."

Fang Xing smiled and asked him to sit down, and said, "Look at your appearance, don't you come to rush the exam?"

After all, Yu Qian is a determined person, and he didn't talk about his own experience, but just asked Fang Xing about science.

"Science! It is a summary of the laws of some things. You can understand it as a study of things. Forget it, I think Confucianism definitely doesn't like science and their ties, so you understand it as the study of all things."

What a big tone!

Yu Qian asked: "There are so many things in the world, uncle, can science really be studied one by one?"

Fang Xing said: "The ever-changing is inseparable, and no matter how complicated the affairs are, you can find the rules as long as you study them. For example, the ash blowing method of smelting silver uses the characteristics of mutual solubility of lead and silver, but different melting points. And among them is to find some laws of silver and lead before they can be refined."

"This has something in common with craftsmen."

Yu Qian's frank way was not panicked because of the suspicion of slandering science.

"It seems that you haven't read those scientific books, but everyone has their own ambitions. You can't force them."

Fang Xing didn't collect celebrity hobbies, so she got up and said, "Looking at your appearance, you probably don't have a place to live. If you like, then stay here for the time being. Mr. Xie in the front yard can ask for advice."

Yu Qian wanted to refuse, but finally accepted Fang Xing's kindness.

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