Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1215: Break

As a capital city, the gate of Beiping City was almost never opened at night except on special days, but tonight, the gate was opened.

A group of cavalry entered in file, and those sergeants who yawned and opened the door gradually were forced to cover their mouths by the cold anger.

The torches crackled and burned in the city gate, and the indifferent knights made people frighten.

After Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing appeared, the sergeants could hardly stand up straight, and they couldn't help trembling against the wall.

After the people had finished walking, these sergeants hurriedly closed the door, and then looked at the direction of the imperial city in a panic.

For a long time, a sergeant whispered: "My lord, Taisun, Hexing and Uncle appeared together. Could it be that there has been a change in the palace?"

On their head, a banner officer yawned and said: "A group of idiots, if there is a change in the palace, it will not be this person, and it will not be these people. Let's take a nap, and wait for the hour to come. Just open the door."

"My lord, you can tell the little ones."

A small banner official said with a smile.

"Hey! You people! You just don't learn or know how to do it."

The banner officer said irritably, "Do you think that your Majesty placed the Jubaoshan Guard outside the city as a decoration?"

Jubao Mountain Guard is not far from the big market, and it only needs a secret decree to rush into Beiping City. By then...

The general banner officer yawned and said: "Don't worry about it. If Jubaoshanwei enters the city, it will be bloody. It's not a good thing. Just rest."

Everyone is sitting inside the city gate, leaning against each other, and it doesn't feel too cold.

It didn't take long for the grunt to rise.

"But... but there are also Suzaku Guardi and Xuanwu Guard!"

A dazed sergeant murmured, and then slapped the back of his head.



The city of Beiping was asleep, and only those from the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses were patrolling.

Seeing this group of cavalry, the Five Cities Soldiers and Ma Si didn't dare to scream.

In Beicheng, there is a lantern hanging by the gate of this large courtyard on the street, with the word'Yuan Yi' written on it.

Jia Quan asked the person who had passed the Five Cities Soldier Masi: "Are there Mengyuan people in this house?"

"My lord, there are a few. As you know, our merchants in Beiping City hired a lot of prisoners from the original Mongolian Yuan, so we didn't pay attention."

This is equivalent to not saying this, Jia Quan waved his hand, "You hold the fork in the road, if you can't hold it, kill it!"

After Wang Yan and other members of the Five Cities Soldiers and Mars dispersed, he said to Zhu Zhanji: "His Royal Highness, the minister is ready to attack."

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said: "Both Xinghebo and I can call in the guards."

Wang Yan was not polite, and said, "Most of the ministers have entered from the front, and the rest are cruising outside. You and Xinghe's people will go up to the wall and open the door by the way."

Zhu Zhanji nodded, Jia Quan and Xin Laoqi stayed for protection, and the others helped each other climb the wall.

Then Wang Yan raised his hand, and the cavalry immediately took out the torch, only to be lit by one person, otherwise it would disturb the inside.

A torch could not light the long street, and the door opened with a creak.

The sound was a bit harsh at night, but Wang Yan didn't care, and waved his raised hand down.


There was no passion, just a cold kill, and immediately the cavalry rushed over.

Everyone stretched the unlit torches diagonally, and when they rushed to the cavalry who lit the torches, the two torches touched each other.

The lighted torches lit up the gate, the horse hissed suddenly, and the first cavalry rushed in.

The horses stomped on, and the torches burned fiercely. The cavalrymen drew their long swords with their left torches and their right hands, and under the leadership of the team officers, they each rushed towards their targets.


"There are thieves..."

The people in the carriage were awakened, and the first horrible howl came from the panic shouts.

"Kneel down and don't kill!"

The cavalry under the light of the fire were like nine ghosts, their heads fell with a wave of their long swords.


Those guys rushed out disheveled and couldn't help screaming when they saw this scene.

The long sword stretched forward, and the cavalry on the horse shouted: "Kneel down!"

In an instant, there was no one standing in front of the cavalry.

In the inner courtyard, the cavalry ran into trouble.

Just when they rushed into the inner courtyard, two men grabbed them with knives. When they saw the cavalry, they screamed, not retreating but advancing.


The cavalry lined up in a long walk, rushing up one after another.


Just blocked a knife, but the long swords that followed can no longer avoid it.

The long knife swept across the neck easily, and someone shouted, "Enclose!"

The cavalry immediately dispersed, outflanking the left and right sides.

Under the light of the fire, there was no sound in this big room.

Wang Yan rode his horse and stood in front of the gate and said solemnly: "I won't come out within ten breaths, light it!"

It was still silent inside.

Ten breaths of time passed in an instant, Wang Yan raised his hand and said, "Fire!"

The military will never play tricks of false threats, saying that the fire is about to start.

The cavalry rushed over, and the two took out the gourd and sprinkled the fire oil on the doors and windows.


At this moment, there was a muffled noise from the roof, and Wang Yan looked up and saw a man flying down from above and running towards the back.

"Don't worry about killing!"

The man jumped to the ground and looked at the three cavalry in front of him. He couldn't help but screamed to the sky with a terrible whistle, and then he sprinted forward under his feet, rushing towards the three cavalry with an unrelenting aura.

The three cavalrymen took off their longbows, bent their bows and set up arrows.

"Let the arrow..."

Three in two, the man hit the arrow in his lower abdomen and chest, his figure stagnated, and then he swung his knife forward again.

"It really is brave!"

With regret in this voice, he immediately shouted: "Yang Dan, you didn't shoot, go and kill him!"

A cavalry drew out his sword and easily blocked the man's attack.

The headless body is still standing upright, and its neck is like a fountain constantly gushing.


Yang Dan kicked the body down and turned around and said, "My lord said that the enemy is not worthy of mercy."

"come out!"

At this moment, someone was shouting in front of them, and the three of them were startled, and hurriedly reopened, looking for the fish that slipped through the net.

At the front door, an old man wrapped in a fur cloak stood cowering in the doorway. With a sharp drink, his knees softened and he knelt on the steps.


The sound of horseshoes and screams, these sounds have long awakened many people in this street.

Fang Xing and Zhu Zhan were outside the gate and heard the whimper of a child who was crying and then forcibly covering their mouths.

"I'm afraid of officials."

Fang Xing said: "I have heard a story that the government took people, and the child next door was crying. The adults were worried about being dealt with by those officials, so they covered the child's mouth and waited for the officials who looked like wolves to leave. After that, the adult released his hand, only to find that the child had already..."

Zhu Zhanji nodded: "When I moved the capital, I came all the way from Jinling to the north. What I saw along the way was the arrogance of the officials, and the Xiaomin was very docile as long as he didn't starve to death. On the contrary, it encouraged the arrogance of the officials. The arbitrary bullying was just normal. The methods used to search for money are jaw-dropping, the official..."

The two of them were relatively speechless, and both felt that Daming's problems from top to bottom were countless, and it was almost impossible to complete the task if they wanted to transform it.

"His Royal Highness, I caught the shop owner, he is a Mongolian Yuan."

When Fang Xing saw the old man ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he was wailing in Jia Quan's hands.

The delicate wool cloak was thrown on the ground, and the knife was sitting on it, watching the old man carefully.

The old man’s facial skin is very delicate, which is different from the people on the grassland. People who have experienced the wind and frost of the grassland should not be such a pampered appearance.

"You are from Doyan Sanwei, and your status is not low."

Jia Quan was piercing the old man's shoulder with a long needle, startled when he heard the words. And the old man also stopped howling, looking at the knife with an earthy face.

The knife felt that the wool cloak was warm, so he picked it up and patted it clean, ready to take it back for the bell.

"I used to be in Xinghe Fort for a long time. Alutai often harassed him, and there are many Doyan Sanwei people under his men. Their nobles like to use jade fingers, and you..."

Jia Quan rudely sloughed out the jade fingers from the old man's fingers, leaned in front of him, and said, "Well, the traces are all old. I can't say that I was a shooter when he was young."

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