Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1238: Crossing the strait

The rice began to be transported to the boat. Fang Xing and Lai of Champa stood on the pier, watching the Champa people who were being beaten to carry the food on the boat.

Lai of Champa was obviously satisfied with the efficiency of his subordinates, and by the way, his majesty was demonstrated.

Fang Xing looked at it carelessly, and suddenly said, "This time the rice grains will be returned to Champa from the Jiaozhi side as much as possible, and you just need to receive them at that time."

"Yes, yes! Xiao Wang understands."

After learning of Fang Xing's identity, Lai of Champa changed his attitude rapidly, basically with full cooperation.

This demon **** is synonymous with killing, and his favorite on the battlefield is Zhujing Temple. In Jiaozhi, the name Demon God can stop children from crying at night, which is so fierce!

I angered him last time when I was in Jiao Zhi. If I found an excuse for him, I would like to Champa...

Jubao Mountain Guard was monitoring these Champaans on both sides, with live ammunition in their hands, and the muzzles of those artillery guns seemed to be shining with gloomy light, which made people daunting to see.

In the past few days, Lai of Champa had already figured out that when the Qing Dynasty suppressed the Jiaozhi rebels, it was this Jubaoshan Guard as the main force.

Now this army is right in front of him, and Lai of Champa dare not use it despite all kinds of tricks.

what is this?

This is the general trend!

Under the general trend, those who obey will prosper, and those who oppose will die!

Later, Lai of Champa stepped aside and asked his general who was in charge of the army.

"Last time someone said that they wanted to train a strong army? They also said that they wanted to imitate Da Ming's Jubaoshan Guard, what happened afterwards?"

"His Royal Highness, the minister gave him three thousand people, but..."

"But what?"

"In Jiaozhi, someone went to see Jubaoshanwei's drill and came back and told him that he was confident that he could do it. Later... only half a month of training..."

"and after?"

Lai of Champa asked impatiently. He was always worried these few days, because he was under great pressure because he was afraid of being ousted from power.

"His Royal Highness, that person... that person was tied to a big stone... Shen Hai!"


Lai of Champa was a bit annoyed, although he didn't expect to catch up with Ming, but it was not bad to be able to control Zhenla by taking pictures of cats and tigers!

What's more, there is a Siam who is staring at him.

"His Royal Highness, mutiny..."


Lai of Champa really wanted to jump into the sea and died!

It's the same person, but why can the Ming army be able to practice and eventually become a strong army.

But the Champa will be mutinous after practicing for a while! ?

Under the sun, those soldiers always maintained their military posture, rotating every hour.

Look at his own guard standing loosely behind. From time to time, someone drove to urinate and rest. Champa's Lai's heart fell to the bottom.

Ambition does not have the corresponding strength to match, that is wishful thinking, self-defeating!

After the food, drinking water, vegetables and vegetables were replenished, a whistle sounded, and the people gathered at Baoshanwei began to tear down their tents and clean up the camp.

This is about to leave, and Lai of Champa heaved a sigh of relief, even if there will be 300 Ming troops from Jiaozhi to Champa Port Garrison.

"Champa wants to be friends with Daming, I hope you and I will encourage you."

Zhu Zhanji left these words before leaving, causing Lai of Champa to sweat.

Watching the huge fleet slowly sailing out of the port, Lai of Champa dared to get up from the ground, and then smiled bitterly: "Zheng He is good to talk, but this grandson is tough. What should Champa do in the future? Serve Daming..."


"This weather is evil! There will be torrential rains in spring!"

Wang He went out to pour the toilet, and when he came back he was soaked.

After he changed his clothes, Wu Yue came.

"Pharaoh, your Highness has decided, let's not get to the shore and go directly to Manga."

Wu Yue came in with a piece of tarp, and threw it on the edge of the hatch, carelessly making himself a cup of tea.

When Wang He heard it, he was a little flustered: "Daddy Zheng has to walk along the coast. Let's cross the strait. What if we encounter strong winds?"

Wu Yue didn't like to take a boat. He preferred to lead the command in the plains and bombard the enemy with platoon guns and artillery.

"What to do? Then go to the sea to feed the fish!"

The wind and rain outside were like obscurity, and the rain was swept in by the wind. Wang He shuddered and said: "This must be Xinghe Bo's idea. Only he is so bold!"

But this time Wang He guessed wrong.

There is a pavilion on the treasure ship for commanding operations, and Zhu Zhanji is there at the moment.

The wind and rain rushed in, Zhu Zhanji smiled and made people remove the curtain.

"This bit of wind and rain is nothing."

The fleet was mighty, and Hong Bao came in against the wind and rain and said: "His Royal Highness, this wind is not too big, it will disperse soon."

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said: "The fleet does not need to go to Siam, it is heading directly to Mantra."

Hong Bao confidently said: "Your Highness, don't worry, there will be no problems."

At this time, Hong Bao looked like an eunuch, but like the commander of this huge fleet, with piercing eyes and self-assured expression, even more bold than many bearded men.

Fang Xing was looking at the chart and suddenly raised his head and said, "Why don't we go straight across the strait, first to the old port, then to Mantra, and then let the people from Sumatra come and see it."

Hong Bao was startled and asked, "What about Java?"


Fang Xing smiled: "Java is amazing, Daming can't afford to provoke him, so just hide."

Damn it!

This is preparing to dig pits to bury people!

From the beginning, Hong Bao kept the other side vigilant ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just because he was afraid that he would be lawless after going to sea and attack everywhere.

Java, or Majapahit, this is the most powerful force in this sea area.

Seeing Hong Bao startled, Zhu Zhanji said faintly: "This trip is a prestige, and if you are disrespectful, you can destroy his country."

Hong Bao thought about the number of people gathered at Baoshan Guards, and felt that Zhu Zhanji's words were too exaggerated.

But Fang Xing said confidently: "Java is not justified. If it weren't for your majesty's will, we can go straight to Java now."

This is a fanatical guy!

Hong Bao whispered: "Xinghe Bo, the tribute to Java has never been delayed!"

"But they get more."

Fang Xing has no objection to such things as tribute, only the way of dealing with generous rewards.

"what are you worried about?"

Hong Bao is an old man in Zheng He's fleet with rich experience, so Fang Xing asked.

"What our family is worried about is to pull one another and move the whole body. When the small countries here join hands, and Siam is involved in it, Daming's trouble will come."

At that time, this sea area will become a whirlpool, and Daming's fleet will be firefighters and will not be able to live.

"What are you afraid of?"

After Zhu Zhanji came out of Beijing, he appeared a bit sharp.

"Java is the most tyrannical. If you are disrespectful, you will be famous for being a teacher. It is just a shock. The lesson from the past is right in front of you. Who dares to rebel against Daming?"

The wind blew Zhu Zhanji's semi-wet brocade robe, and his body stood upright, holding his hands.

Hong Bao's body was inferior to Zhu Zhanji, and when the wind blew, his body was a little trembling. But he was just looking at Zhu Zhanji, with inexplicable worry in his heart.

Your Majesty, your teaching is finally successful. His Royal Highness Taisun has become a decisive crown prince, what will happen to Daming...

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