Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1269: No one understands Lao Zhu's mind

Fang wakes up in a tight time, so he apologizes: "Master Jin, I have to hurry back to the palace. Let's talk on the way."

"Meng Ying is also unfortunate. He underestimated the greed of the generals. Although he didn't look at it, the old man knew that those students must be good and bad. Now he is a little at a loss. The old man’s face has been swept away. Your Majesty must be furious. If you can’t figure it out before your majesty is in charge, Meng Ying will be unlucky, but the old man is not afraid, so he will beg the bones to go home to raise his son."

Jin Zhong rode a horse and Fang Xing walked side by side, and exhorted: "You have to be careful, the guys in the Five-Army Capital Governor's Mansion might pull you in."

"I just returned from overseas, not afraid."

Fang Xing inspected the six yamen specially, and saw that there were sergeants guarding the door, and he knew that the vacancy of Yanshan Zuowei had been digested.

Back at Donghuamen, I happened to encounter a team of eunuchs carrying a stretcher, and the stretchers were all corpses. Looking at the dark complexion, they were probably the people who were killed last night.

"Uncle Xing He, this is your majesty's account, let those in the palace see it."

The leading **** Fang Xing didn't know him, but Shang Yijian was stabbed to death by a guy like him, and these servants were finally going to look at people with their straight eyes.

Fang Xing waved his hand. After the team left, Lin Qun'an came over and said, "Uncle, Yanshan Zuowei is about to rebuild."

In Fang Xing's expectation, if the soldiers who did not participate in the commotion at the beginning can suppress, then Zhu Di will not be angry but be happy.

But when they faced their peers, their hearts softened and they softened themselves.

"Yanshan Zuowei who participated in the commotion were all exiled to the north, and those who did not participate were all retired, but there was no compensation."

Old Zhu is really ruthless, this is telling everyone: don't you want to go home? Then go back, go back all!

The sergeant below has no longevity except for the military salary accumulated over the years, so why go home?

There is still a reputation for being unfaithful, and there is no preferential treatment when you return to the place. Why do you go back?

What a shame!

But these are not miserable, the most miserable is the officer.

"All the people above a hundred households have passed it, and found that most of them were corrupt, so they didn't have any fruit to eat, so they rushed to the north to plant the land."

"Baoding Hou went to the martial arts school, preparing to check on the students."

Lin Qun'an said maliciously.

"Autumn is here, and a nap is only comfortable."

After Fang Xing finished listening, she sat on the edge of the stone and took a nap with his eyes closed.

"Let's guard Donghua Gate and leave the rest alone."


The school site of Wuxue was a few miles away from the big market. This was originally a place where cattle and horse merchants rested. After the Ming Dynasty destroyed the two major forces on the grassland, cattle and horses were no longer what the Ming Dynasty lacked, and began to overflow.

So the cattle and horse merchants directly contacted the big customers, ordered the quantity and variety, and delivered them directly to the door. The place was deserted.

The original place was enclosed by a wall. This is martial arts! Daming Wuren's highest school!

Entering the gate, Meng Ying and Liu Sheng entered Shan Chang's room.

"All cried out, ready to check the school."

Meng Ying casually ordered, and after waiting for someone to leave, he smiled bitterly at Liu Sheng: "I don't know if Na Xing and Uncle foresaw something. We left as soon as we ran. I thought this was a good start for martial arts. But who knows the lack of people's hearts, now we are sitting on the wax!"

Liu Sheng didn't get too involved in martial arts, he asked: "Can you explain that the following guards have chosen with all their heart?"

Meng Ying shook her head slightly, and said helplessly: "I have explained that there will be an inspection in Peking, but... let's go and see what these so-called seeds are."


"The inspection is over."

After Zhu Zhanji came back, he did not rest. He stayed with Zhu Di to recover from his illness all day, and received the teaching of the emperor's art by the way.


Fang Xing was doing manual work after taking a nap. The floor was full of parts, and half of the stroller had already taken shape.

"How many percent are qualified?"

"Less than 50%."

Zhu Zhanji squatted down and handed him the parts.

In a few moments, the stroller was assembled. Looking at the wooden cart with no paint on it, Fang Xing said with satisfaction: "Look, you will also build one by yourself in the future, and pass it down one by one."

Zhu Zhanji pushed the stroller back and forth, and said nonchalantly: "Grandpa Emperor doesn't care. He is watching coldly at how the five-army capital governor’s mansion is done. I heard that Jin Zhong has also gone. This time he took the initiative, but Meng Ying inevitably wanted Scolded."

Fang Xing reversed the stroller, and then slid the wheel. The monocular sling was checking whether the wheel was running.

"Jin Zhong will definitely drive Meng Ying crazy, and, can your Majesty be prepared to be held accountable for this matter?"

Zhu Zhanji learned that Fang Xing looked at the rotating wheel with one eye, and said: "It's difficult. At this time, the real law will not blame the public. Therefore, Grandpa Huang agreed to reopen martial arts at the time, focusing on future replacement. "

"Your Majesty can stand it even more now. If it were before, it would probably happen immediately."

"Grandpa Emperor is ill, and the look in people's eyes is not right. It's cold, as if he can see through you."

"That's normal. Your Majesty knows all those dog-skinned things. It's just that the timing is wrong and it's not easy to start."

Lao Zhu's suspicion must have been committed, otherwise the Jubaoshan Guard would not be transferred in to guard the imperial city. This was clearly telling the military.

I don't believe you!

Sure enough, in the afternoon Meng Ying went to the palace to plead guilty and gave a solution.

All unqualified students were returned, and all went to the military.

Daming's military status is now slowly loosening, and the soldiers who originally clamored to go home have become silent.

What do you go home for? Now that there is no shortage of food, the health station has gradually withdrawn from the farm and became a full-time army.

Moreover, it is said that the motion to raise the military salary has been suppressed by Zhu Di. It is reasonable to say that this is bad news, but everyone with a discerning eye knows that this is a signal.

If Zhu Di refused, he would fight back directly.

Seeing that in the future, joining the army will become a good profession, and there are not many people willing to retire!

"Those people are either generals' children or their relatives, and some of them are paid for places. Some people are going to be unlucky."

Lao Zhu has been in bed for a long time, and he is probably suffocated in panic. The corrupt person took the initiative to pass the knife to him, not doing it? Ha ha!

And Fang Xing had some doubts about the martial arts inspection standards, so he said, "Can the martial arts mountain leader be settled?"

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said, "Meng Ying thought it would be herself, but I guess it's probably not."

"Then it will be fun! The new head of the mountain must be checked once. When it is discovered that there are still omissions, Meng Ying will probably cry."

Meng Ying probably also felt that the atmosphere was not right, so Ma Wenquan reprimanded the offending guard, and then according to Zhu Di's instructions, sent someone to the corrupt guard to investigate.

For a while, the entire military was arrogant.

Zhu Zhanji wandered outside the Donghua Gate for a long time, and then went to the Prince to greet him.

As soon as Zhu Di woke up, Zhu Gaochi's rights were greatly reduced, and those important matters had to be reported to Zhu Di's disposal.

"Don't interfere with martial arts matters."

Zhu Gaochi warned him as soon as they met, and Zhu Zhanji responded: "Father, Wuxue is a whirlpool now, and Grandpa Huang will probably use this whirlpool to see people."

"It's not to look at people, but to guard against people."

Zhu Gaochi's thoughts were more than that of Zhu Zhanji. He rarely found a chance to teach Zhu Zhanji~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and pointed out: "When your grandfather was in bed, there was a lot of commotion outside, but the biggest problem is the army. , So your grandfather let them toss, the more lively the better."

"If there are a few rebellions, it would be a good thing for my family, don't you understand?"

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said: "The boy understands, Grandpa Huang puts on a weak posture just to see what the army is doing."

Zhu Gaochi felt that his father seemed rude, but no one could see through his inner thoughts.

"Where is Wanwan?"

"Wanwan is sleeping."

"Then let her rest more, this time has hurt her."

Zhu Gaochi's kindness only lasted for a while, and then said blankly: "The college is about to start school, and Zhan Yong will go right away. Your mother said that he would break his carriage. What do you think?"

Zhu Zhanji cautiously said: "My child thinks it's impossible. If it is seen by outsiders, most of it will think that something has happened to my house. It's spread all over the place, it's not good."

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