Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1284: 5Ling youngsters fight for their heads

Thanks to the book friend: "Su Nam TsunamI" for the great reward!

Thanks to the book friend: "On behalf of the people's name" a great reward!


The lake in front of me was rippling, and small boats floated empty on the lake. The wind in the late autumn blew by, and the human thoughts that were blowing disappeared, and I just wanted to scream up to the sky.

Looking back, Fang Xing looked at the people in the waterside and said faintly: "Some people say that Zhumen's wine is stinky and there are frozen bones on the road. Uncle Ben doesn't believe it..."

"Xing He Bo!"

Someone in the waterside exclaimed.

Fan Jin got up with a smile on his face and prepared to go to the suit.

Fang Qiyuan also smiled, but he dared not speak out.

Xu Qing was a little stunned, and then annoyed.

As for those scholars, everyone remembered that Fang Xing was deeply trusted by Zhu Di's family at this time, and many people had already turned a lot of clinging thoughts in their hearts.

Move your heart, then act!

This is the unity of knowledge and action.

Ever since, reserved has become a smile, even flattery.

Fang Xing looked at these faces and suddenly gave birth to a worldly turbulent emotion.

"Why are you waiting for today?"

Only Xin Laoqi and the knife were behind Fang Xing, but standing with his hands in his hands, he made the life in Shuixieli feel majestic.

This is the power brought by power!

Fan Jin walked out of the waterside pavilion, Dui smiled and said, "Uncle, it's a great honor for the little ones. I am waiting for a literary meeting here today, and I would like to ask the uncle to show his face."

Fang Xing smiled noncommittal. Just when Fan Jin was happy, he asked, "What good articles did you publish today? How much did you pay?"

Sweeping his eyes, no one dared to look at each other, including Xia Zheng, who claimed to be either a flower hunter or a champion.

The wind blew, and Fang Xing's blue shirt was blown, and the businessmen's hearts were also blown.

"How many?"

Fang Xing asked lightly.

"Three... Thirty-three thousand sticks."

Xu Qing sweated out the numbers, and Fang Qiyuan later realized that the situation was wrong.

"Study-aid? Or tangled up?"

Fang Xing's words were like a slap, and the faces of those scholars who directly slapped him were hurt.

Five young people fighting for their heads, there is an unknown number of red ribbons!

The businessmen became prostitutes/ke in Fang Xing's eyes, and the scholars were naturally those Yingyingyanyan.

What a shame!

Fang Xing's gaze swept away, and he sneered: "Which one of you can't get through? Tell me, Ben will pay for it right away."

The scholars in the water pavilion couldn't help being humiliated, their faces flushed.

Are you kidding me?

The humble boy, the kind that can't be opened at home, how can you come here? No one will invite them here.

The people present today have gained fame, and even if they were poor before, they still have little wealth at this time, and they have nothing to do with the poor.

"After learning the arts of civil and martial arts, Huo and the emperor's family, if you don't wait to understand the world, don't immerse yourself in studying, are you here to sing?!"

Fang Xing said contemptuously: "Thirty-three thousand sticks, it's a big mess!"

"It's almost early winter. How many people are hungry and cold inside and outside Beiping City? You waited to talk about it. I don't know if you have any experience? Ben Bo also wrote a poem. You can taste it later."

Fang Xing seldom composes poems, and the ones that come out are not gorgeous, but spicy. The only normal one is the farewell to Yao Guangxiao.

"Speaking of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, a businessman, a scholar, a landlord, a woodcutter, four people hiding in the snow in the temple, the businessman proposed to write a poem, first came a sentence..."

"Heavy snow fell to the ground."

"The scholar wanted to test his fame, so he took the second sentence, it's all royal aura."


Everyone snickered, but Fang Xing continued with sarcasm: "The landlord has a lot of money and food in his house, so he said, "What's the matter in the next three years."

This sentence is not right, Xu Qing, who is relatively familiar with Fang Xing, smiles to himself, but the scholars are staying.

What kind of **** poem!

"The woodcutter's house won't be able to open the pot anymore, so he waited for Xue Xiao to go up the mountain to chop wood. He said the last thing."

Fang Xing said coldly: "Fuck you/mother/shit!"

The autumn wind is getting colder, and there is no sound in the area centered on Fang Xing.

Fang Xing turned around and walked away surrounded by Xin Laoqi and Xiaodao.

The people in the waterside were dumbfounded. For a long time, I didn't know who was muttering: "He has the ability to repair the bridge and pave the road! Who wouldn't speak big words here!"

"Yes! I don't have a backache when I stand and talk, I'm a scholar of my generation..."

"My uncle makes donations every year, and he never leaves behind when he makes porridge. As for building bridges and paving roads, uncle made cement and used it locally at the earliest. Therefore, when it comes to charity, no one should compare with him. It's just that. He never preached it!"

After Xu Qing finished speaking, he casually bowed his hands and said: "Today I am ashamed, but I actually made a dispute of spirit, Xu said goodbye."

Xu Qing took the lead, and the southern merchants followed suit.

"Shopkeeper Xu..."

Fan Jin suddenly felt that he was in a quagmire, and he was anxious to grab a life-saving straw.

But Xu Qing did not look back, and immediately Fang Qiyuan got up and said, "Fang is wrong today. With the same surname, my uncle's realm is a hundred times higher than that of Xia, so I'm ashamed of Xia! I'm leaving."

Fan Jin pulled Fang Qiyuan's sleeve, and said in horror: "Treasurer Fang, will Xing He Bo..."


Fang Qiyuan did not hesitate to tear off his sleeves and headed away with the northern businessman.

"This is cut off the robe and righteousness!"

Someone exclaimed, and at the same time, the keen people naturally noticed something was wrong, so they left one after another.

"Where's the money?! Where's the money!"

A scholar standing in the waterside, thinking that the money that would make him a little rich is gone, he couldn't help but jumped and asked.

"Money? Do you want to be cut off? Think about it, and go quickly!"

In a blink of an eye, except for his servants, there was no one in front of Fan Jin.

"Why is this? Inexplicably why is this?"


And Meng Ying didn't know why ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After he arrived in prison, he was put in a single room. After the stay was over, he discovered that there was a reading next door, and his voice seemed to have some impression.

"Yang Pu? Master Yang?"

The reading next door paused, and then Yang Pu's voice came: "Hou Baoding, let's read."

With the sound of studying again, Meng Ying is also trying to climb up to the Confucian general, so she knows that it is a university when she hears it.

Is this man crazy?

Meng Ying was shocked. Yang Pu has been in jail for many years, but he has been reading the history of the classics?

"Master Yang, what are you..."

The sound of reading is still loud, not at all messy.

This was because the King of Han was slandered and Chiyu was imprisoned for many years, but he could still be like this.

Terrible! pitful!

In the gloomy imprisonment, Meng Ying restrained her mind, slowly thinking about why Zhu Di wanted to clean up herself.

Time passed, and when Meng Ying was a little anxious because she couldn't think of it, Fang's family welcomed a bunch of visitors to see him.

Mu Hua stood on the side, watching Fang Xing bathing the big and small insects. This was a way to get close.

"Father! The worm is going to bite you!"

The potatoes were watering on the side, and Ping An was rubbing the bugs, and the father and son were happy.

Fang Xing patted Big Worm's head open, and then wiped the saponified water in his hand on his body, rubbing it to get some bubbles, and Tudou saw it and went to help.

Ping An is just awkwardly bathing the little insect, and the little insect sits quietly in the tub, unlike the big insect who shakes his body from time to time, splashing Fang Xing and the potato with water.

After showering the two dogs, Fang Xing let Tuo Heping slowly dry the dogs with a towel. He clapped his hands and went to the front yard. 8974

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