Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1289: Martial arts training

After returning home the next day, Zhang Shuhui and Xiao Bai were very curious to see that both children were a little excited, so they asked what they were doing.

"Daddy takes us to kill the bad guys!"

The consequences of Fang Xing's forgetting to keep the two children a secret came out immediately.


Zhang Shuhui hugged Wuyou with grief and anger, and Wuyou also joined in the fun, groaning.

Xiaobai didn't care, she put Ping An in her arms and asked, "Is it fun?"


Ping An is very honest, and Zhang Shuhui winks Xiao Bai.

"Peace, have you seen it?"


Zhang Shuhui breathed a sigh of relief, and it was only then that people hurriedly prepared bath water and food for the Lord San.

Fang Xing glared at Tudou, then leaned over to look at Wuyou.

Big eyes, small nose and mouth, there are meaningless noises in the mouth.

"My worries!"

Fang Xing really wanted to have a kiss, but when he thought that he had been in the dust all the way, he went to take a bath first.

When he came out of the bath, Fang Jielun sent a big news.

"Master, those merchants sent more than 100,000 treasures to the Ministry of Households with great fanfare."


Fang Xing took care of Wuyou, kissed gently, and said faintly: "Count them smart, otherwise they don't want to continue their business."

The businessmen have the most keen sense of smell. After the party was disrupted by Fang Xing that day, the businessmen collectively studied how to eliminate the influence of this matter. In the end, Xu Qing came out, and these people collected some money and sent it to the Ministry of Households today.

Zhu Di just sneered after hearing this, and said to the eunuch: "These businessmen just owe them to clean up!"

"Where's Fang Xing? Go home to hold the baby?"

The chief **** smiled and said, "Exactly, I heard that Xing He and Uncle loves worry-free, but the two sons were left aside."

Zhu Di remembered Zhu Yuanzhang's letting go of her mother for Princess Baoqing before he died, and asked, "Where is Baoqing?"

The chief **** was stunned, and said quickly: "The princess chants the Buddha every day in the palace. At most, she can sit there with the princess."

Zhu Di pondered for a moment, and said, "I'm going to look for it, and find a reliable man."

The chief **** understood that Zhu Di wanted to recruit a husband-in-law for his sister.

"Also...Don't disclose too much information, let the prince and Zhanji also think about it, and others will leave it alone."

So the news reached Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Zhanji, both of whom were a little confused.

One is my aunt and the other is my grandmother, dizzy! This is not right!

Zhu Gaochi felt a headache, and his nephew helped his aunt to recruit a son-in-law. He really couldn't find the feeling about this, and it was not easy to arrange, so he left it to the princess.

But Zhu Zhanji has nothing to do. Hu Shanxiang is raising a fetus, and now the backyard of his mansion is basically rare.


Because since Xiaobai talked about Fang Xing's theory, Hu Shanxiang boldly walked out of the house and wandered around in the backyard, frightening the maids and eunuchs, including Zhu Zhanji's other women, from showing up.

Don't be fooled by movies and TV shows. No matter whether it is the emperor's harem or the backyard of Taisun's mansion, no one dared to use the hands and feet that endangered the body. That is scorning Zhu Zhanji's wisdom and fooling human intelligence.

Things like the harem for hegemony are rare, and they are not as...complicated as the interpretation of film and television dramas!

After thinking about it, Zhu Zhanji finally had to think of Fang Xing.

When he went to Fang's house, Zhu Zhanji was deeply jealous when he saw Fang Xing holding worry-free and Tudou and Ping'an chatting on the side.

After he finished talking about this, Fang Xing's mind showed the weak woman hiding behind the big tree with panic eyes.

"The princess is only in her twenties. Find someone who is honest and generous. Don't even think about looking for a fellow student. Don't even think about scholars. The warrior sent her to death. Just find someone who is honest and generous. , Otherwise the princess' temperament may not be able to bear it."

Fang Xing's words were vague, but Zhu Zhanji understood.

Princess Baoqing is married second, if she finds a good condition, she will definitely dislike it. Not to mention it in person, but the cold and violence after marriage can make the weak princess Baoqing end in depression.

Zhu Zhanji got the truth and left in a hurry, ready to go back and talk with the princess, and then go to ask these candidates.

Seeing Zhu Zhanji's headache, Fang Xing was a little gloating, but not long after his good days, Zhu Di sent an **** to send an order.


Wu Xue, when Fang woke up, he saw the smiling faces of Meng Ying and Liu Sheng.

"Xing He Bo, martial arts awaits success, we should cooperate sincerely!"

Meng Ying is very sincere, and she can't see the alert when she squeezed Fang Xing out before.

Liu Sheng smiled: "Xinghebo has expertise in firearms and has a good hand in training. Let's go and have a look."

Fang Xing handed his hands: "This matter is about Daming's future, and Fang must do his best."

When they arrived on the school grounds, the students watched Fang Xing and the three walking on the stage, and someone recognized Fang Xing.

"That's Xing He Bo!"

"Really? Then this martial arts is really right!"

"Uncle Xing He started from scratch, and he just trained Jubaoshanwei into a strong army of Daming. If we can learn some furs from his old man, who are we afraid of in the future!"

"I heard that Xinghe Bo didn't come to martial arts school some time ago, isn't he here now! Hahahaha!"

When the three of them got on the high platform, Meng Ying generously asked Fang Xing to speak.

Fang Xing looked at the neat array below, smiled, and it was quiet down below.

"Compared with Jubaoshanwei, you are not qualified enough, far behind!"

Fang Xing finished speaking and saw some restlessness below, he sneered: "You are all selected from all over the world, and you are considered elites in the military, but what I want to say today is that the things you used to be proficient in will become The dust of history is gone forever!"

Meng Ying's complexion remained unchanged. Liu Sheng had been in charge of Shenjiying for a long time. He even smiled after Fang Xing's words.

"Jubaoshanwei dare to carry three to five times the impact of elite cavalry alone and win it, what are you waiting for?"

Thinking of Jubaoshanwei's record, and comparing it with the record of his own guard station, the people below suddenly disappeared.

In the army, the record is the last word, and other things will not help even if you say nothing.

"Two o'clock!"

Fang Xing said: "The first is discipline, iron-like discipline, and even the swords and flames ahead will not shrink from discipline!"

"The second is the method of warfare. You will be the seeds and backbone of the Ming Army in the future, so you must work hard with twelve minutes of mind, from the structure and principle of the firearm, from the array to the rotation of the platoon of guns, from the small flag department to the You must learn the formations of the Thousand Households Institute, and you must learn it well!"

"Since you have entered the martial arts~www.wuxiaspot.com~, then abandon your original identity, regard yourself as a sergeant, and learn from the beginning."

"Finally, I will emphasize again, discipline! This is the condition for the survival of the firearms army. Without discipline, it would be a waste to send a cannon to each of you!"

Fang Xing stepped back and nodded to Meng Ying.

"Start practicing!"

Meng Ying also wanted Fang Xing to see the status of these students, so she immediately ordered the exercise.

Arrays, since Jubaoshan Guards used the arrays to the extreme, all guards in Daming have been studying and paying attention to it.

"Puff puff!"

Rows of trainees passed by, the sound of footsteps was neat, and the queue was pretty good.


Fang Xing didn't care about the face of Meng Ying and Liu Sheng, and said: "People are holding sticks to whip, and firecrackers are thrown inside. Who dares to move, pull them out, and beat them!"19

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