Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1294: Mourning the hardship of the people's livelihood

Thanks to the book friend: "horae1"'s two great rewards!

Thanks to the book friend: "Crazy Reading Youth 9" rewards!

The little official, in Shangguan's eyes, is the chamber pot, which is available for use, and can also be used to carry the pot.

But this chamber pot has a lot of extravagance, so although its status is low, it makes people rush.


"Tian Tian, ​​isn't it okay to be in the drugstore? Go to work as a small official, father is worried... your reputation is bad! What will the child do then?"

Yang Tiantian's temperament was calm. He glanced at his wife Miao Ermei, who was holding his son, and said: "Father, as long as the government does a good job, the small officials can also rise. This is what Mr. Xinghe said. I want to be the slaughter of the official title, that's a joke!"

Since Yang Tiantian went to the Yan Family Drug Store in Jinling City, the conditions of the Yang Family have gradually improved. Not even Yang Tiantian's sister has put on new clothes.

"Father, I learned the science of Xinghe Bo, and I often go to the academy for advice. Those gentlemen said that I have made a lot of progress, so this is an opportunity. As long as I stand firm, no one will be able to drive me out in the future. "

"Are you sure?"

Yang Da waved at the flower, took her in his arms, and said to Yang Tiantian's daughter-in-law, Miao Ermei, "You also talk about it."

Second sister Miao held her one-year-old son for a while and said, "Father, this is an opportunity for your husband. After all, our family does not have the capital to open a store, and it is impossible for the husband to work for others for the rest of his life, so the daughter-in-law agrees. "

Yang Da held his little daughter, pondered for a long time, and finally sighed: "Well, Tian Tian has even his son, and my father doesn’t understand those things, but the old man Xing He is always right. Go ahead, take your wife, and I will take your mother with you."

Yang Da's sensibility was something Yang Tiantian hadn't expected. He thought it would take a lot of effort to succeed, but he didn't expect it to be a few words.

"Father, the second sister will stay at home to take care of you and my mother. I will come back when I have a holiday in the yamen. After several years of hard work, I can always find a way."

Yang Tiantian was a little apprehensive. He knelt on the ground and said, "Father, I'm not filial when I go out. If the second sister is still following, then how can I go to study science? Those who are unfaithful and unfilial will have no face to meet people."

The wrinkles on Yang Da’s face became deeper, and he said, “Go away. After you stand still, your wife and children will follow. Your mother and I will bring flowers and flowers to the ground. You can have a lot of surplus in a year. You send it."

Yang Tiantian shook his head firmly and said: "Father, if I can stand, then our family will rent out the field and the family will live in the city."

"Hey! You kid..."


Shangyuan County is subordinate to Yingtian Mansion, surrounded by Xiaoling Mausoleum and Wushan Mountain. There is the Yangtze River to the north, the Qinhuai River to the southeast, and even Xuanwu Lake, which is truly unique.

Because of its abundant water resources, the business and commerce are developed here, and there are many fields, which can be regarded as the essence of Jinling.

In other words, Shangyuan County is actually equivalent to a county directly under the jurisdiction of Yingtianfu.

As the saying goes, Sansheng is unfortunate, and the prefect is attached to Guo, and Sansheng is evil and attached to the neighboring provincial capital.

This is the case in Shangyuan County, and Jinling is much better than other provincial capitals. A small imperial court squatted there and was boring all day long. Shangyuan County had to be careful so as not to be caught in error.

Yuan Jie was very dissatisfied with the position of the prefect of Shangyuan County. He would rather go down to serve as the magistrate of a middle county than stay here.

"This year's autumn tax is not optimistic!"

Yuan Jie sighed, and Zhang Mai, the county prime minister, smiled bitterly: "My lord, the most powerful people in Shangyuan County are the rich and powerful. Your Majesty moves the capital. Who dares to collect autumn taxes on their fields?"

Yuan Jie said helplessly: "This official also told Ying Tianfu, but they wouldn't pay attention to our difficulties. They only knew that we would have to pay autumn taxes. Forget it, send someone down to remind them, and behave."

Zhang Mai nodded and went out to explain. When he came back, he smiled and said: "A new clerk was deceived by someone, and he took two government officials down to collect taxes."

Yuan Jie also laughed and said, "Finally, it is a good thing to give a lesson. Let the people in the county office wait to see the problems of the official, so that they don't get scolded by the superior when they think that the official is incompetent."

The new little official set off with the two officials, all the way to the edge of the fertile field.

"My lord, this is the land of honorable people."

The two government officials looked at Yang Tiantian unkindly, and one of them instigated: "My lord, this piece of autumn tax has not been paid. If it can be taken down, you can at least be promoted to the third level in a row, my lord."

Yang Tiantian looked at Liangtian, who couldn't see the side, and smiled: "Two eldest brothers, are you trying to cheat me? If I really go to take it, let alone promoted to the third level, then I have to go down to three levels of hell."

When the two saw that Yang Tiantian could not be fooled, they looked at each other. One of them smiled and said: "My lord, the owner of this good field has followed you down to Peking, but those in charge have become more domineering. Master Yuan was not in front of them. seat."

Xunqi is domineering, this is the old and difficult problem of the country.

Yang Tiantian didn't think he had the ability to ask for life for the people, so he took a look, and then took the people to the countryside.

Jinling is actually a treasured land, so all dynasties and dynasties have attached great importance to it.

"My lord, this is Xiaoqiao Village. There are three families in the village who have not paid Qiqiu tax."

In front of me was a village of dozens of families, and the houses looked dilapidated. At the head of the village, two children were climbing a tree and playing. Seeing the three of Yang Tiantian, they were so scared that they hurried down the tree.


Yang Tiantian’s shouting made the children even more panic. One child slipped his hand and fell off the tree trunk. He didn't even dare to shoot farts/stocks, and limped into the village.

After arriving in the village, Yang Tiantian found that every house was closed. There was no one outside, not even a chicken.

Thinking of the collection of autumn taxes in his village, Yang Tiantian said depressedly: "I'm scared!"

"My lord, these... are spoilers!"

Diao Nima!

Yang Tiantian is a farmer at home, and he is very clear about the ways of collecting taxes.

The three of them went outside a house, and one of the bureaucrats shouted: "Boss Tian! Open the door and collect autumn taxes!"

No one responded inside, and the other government officer went up with a kick, and then circled with one foot on the ground, it hurt.

At this time, the family next door heard that they had come to collect autumn taxes, so they shouted at home: "My lord, the Tian boss and his family have all escaped."

The veteran with his sore feet got better, so he went over and cursed: "What a damn! If you didn't say it earlier, the feet of labor and capital were damaged. Quickly prepare..."

Yang Tiantian stared at the servant, with inexplicable sadness in his heart.

"My lord, the little one is joking, yes, joking."

The Ya Ya smiled, but he didn't care.

Didn't get any evidence, would you Yang Tiantian dare to file a complaint?

Even if labor and management blackmailed his house~www.wuxiaspot.com~, do you dare to file a complaint?

You are the public enemy of the Quan Daming Yamen!

The family immediately fell silent, and the three of them went to see the other two houses. One family fled and the other one was still there. But Yang Tiantian didn't want to go to the other family because of the yellow and thin face.

But the two bureaucrats didn't have this taboo. As soon as they entered, they rummaged around, looking for something valuable.

Yang Tiantian stared coldly, watching the family standing numbly in the corner, and the two children hiding behind the adult in panic; watching the two bureaucrats rummaging for things unscrupulously.

Unfortunately, the last two found that the most valuable thing was farm tools, but they couldn't collect them.

If you receive farm tools, you will be fishing!

After walking for a day, Yang Tiantian returned to his home tiredly, lying in bed and not wanting to eat, finally got up to write a letter.

"... How difficult the people are, the small officials are like a tiger, the officials are numb, the honors are proud, the gentry is easy...Daming put the burden on the people, but indulged the officials, the powerful and the gentry..."

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