Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1301: Escaped by mistake

Thanks to the book friend: the leader of "Wind Up, Leaves and Falling Snow" for a reward!

I owe too much debt, increase slowly, thank you for your support!


The responsibilities of the staff are very specific, managing people!

At the end of the year, Jian Yi wants to summarize the data of this year's staff and report to Zhu Di.

Data, something that was once a headache, is now clear after intervening in more concise tables and graphs.

Jian Yi secretly sighed about the application of science in government affairs, put down the form and asked: "There are no vacancies for small officials everywhere this year, and there have been a lot of increases. Why is this?"

Zuo Shilang said: "My lord, most of the original young officials were scholars who failed to pass the exams, and some were casual people recruited by the locals. Some were arrogant and reluctant to do it. There were a lot of vacancies below, and the young officials needed a place. Self-funded payment, so they are a little cautious."

"It's just that in the past two years, the commerce and trade in various regions have begun to change, so the local income has increased, especially those big counties who dare to raise more small officials to do errands."

The so-called commerce transformation can only take half of the credit, and the other half, Jian Yi is very clear.

"It seems that business tax has increased dramatically! At the beginning everyone said that Xinghe Bo was encouraging merchants and got into the eyes of money, and business tax was even said to be killing chickens to get eggs and competing with the people for profit. Good."

Zuo Shilang smiled and said: "Adults, for those who are engaged in small businesses, it is of course to kill chickens to obtain eggs and compete with the people for profit. Therefore, the Ministry of Households has set a rule that no taxes will be imposed on incomes below the level of income, so those people are opposed to it. A lot less."

"It's just grown-ups. Many of those little officials are good at calculating! And it is said that they are knowledgeable."


As for erudition, Jian Yi, who had read those books, knew that it was because the ignorant people didn't understand the so-called physics and were fooled by the little officials.

Yes, I was fooled!

Thinking of this, Jian Yi picked up the form and entered the palace.

When he was outside the Palace of the Qing Dynasty, Zhu Gaosui came out, and seeing the smile on his face, most of it was Zhu Di's favor again.

The youngest son is favored!

Jian Yi arched his hands expressionlessly, and Zhu Gaosui said kindly: "Master Jian does not need to be polite, this is almost the New Year, and there must be a lot of official affairs, Master Jian should pay attention to the bones of the body."

"Thank you for your concern."

Jian Yi has always been alone, no friends or parties, and no friendship with Zhu Gaosui.

But Zhu Gaosui's attitude made him a little confused.

This attitude...

"Father is very happy today, Master Jian hurry in."

Zhu Gaosui smiled, making people feel like spring breeze, and then he nodded slightly and went down the steps.

Jian Yi entered the hall with questions, and handed the form up after saluting.

Zhu Di looked at it and said, "Last year, Daming added more than 300 officials, um...Yingzhou, North Korea has the most collaborators, but there are few Jiaozhi. The number of officials has increased by more than 700, but is there any money in the locality?"

Jian Yi said admiringly: "Your Majesty is wise, just like that."

Zhu Di shook his head and said: "British is not here. I know that there was a shortage of manpower in the past, but the officials have to check it, otherwise the officials will be overwhelmed, and that is to dig their own graves!"

Jian Yi hesitated, but in the end he still didn't say his worries.

After returning to the staff, Jian Yi recruited the servants from the left and right, and said in a deep voice: "The young staff below should pay attention. Everyone knows that although I live high in the temple and regulate yin and yang, it is actually that who is in charge of Daming. Thousands of small officials, be cautious! The selection of the young officials must be cautious!"

The servants on the left and right had known about this for a long time, and immediately understood the answer after hearing the words, and then went to arrange them separately.

Shangguan does not need to speak clearly, the more vague the better, so that it is not easy for subordinates to guess their own thoughts, and they can also shirk responsibility when things go bad.

The Chinese language is broad and profound. In a word, personally or in another tone, the meaning inside is different.

Jian Yi is a master in this class, otherwise he would not occupy the position of Shangshu of the official department for many years.

Both the left and right servants went out without speaking-the master only needs a look to understand the other party's meaning.

So the officials went out for a few small officials, and they went to Shuntian Mansion.

Shuntian Mansion respected the staff, and Fu Yin personally met him.

"Recently, the number of small officials below has increased a lot, but the source is a little mixed, which is not a good thing for Daming's long-term stability!" x1

After leaving a few words, a few small officials left.


Shuntian Mansion Yin smiled and sent them out of the lobby. When they couldn't see the back, the smile was still there, but what they could say was not so pleasant.

"The source of the **** is unknown! Didn't it mean that some scientific kids who are proficient in calculations and understand a lot entered the yamen? I! He didn't want to think about it, what are the little officials? Hey! We have them here. How many small officials like this?"

"My lord, let's have four or five here. Two of them were originally in the yamen, and then they went to study science by themselves."

"Then it's over?"

Shuntian Fufu Yin Fuxu said disdainfully: "Jian Yi still wants to pass on this meaning through the mouth of the official, bah! The official is Shuntianfu Yin, can he control it?"

The position of Shuntian Mansion is special, it is impossible for Jian Yi, and he does not dare to intervene in the personnel here, so Fu Yin dares to be so arrogant.

As for the future? There are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends in the eternal sea!

It's just a matter of interest.

After dealing with the political affairs, it happened that Fu Yin's son had something to find him, so he used it to teach his son.

"Father, it's hard to tell my child about this. After all, the staff is easy to get involved. Then when you get promoted, you will give a bad review, then..."

Fu Yin shook his head and said triumphantly: "I said that for my father in front of people, and I want to pass it to your Majesty's ears, so you can talk about it."

"Father, what are you... want to show some ministerial demeanor?"


Fu Yin said: "Today's affairs department sent a small official, but he dared to vouch for his father. I didn't take care of this matter. Then I was a little jealous and I didn't want people to know it. But for my father, the opposite is true. Yes, hahahaha! The staff is great, but your majesty is not looking at this, but whether you have the style of a minister, and only the promise is not the style of a minister! Besides, if the father listens to others, then in the future Whose person is it? Huh? I'm not very pleased!"

"Father is really amazing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Jian Yi is nowhere to be promoted. Compared with offending him, it is the right way to get your majesty's blue eyes!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"


However, Fang Xing didn't know that the children of science would be facing a threat of chase and interception, and he learned that the envoy of Wara had arrived in Peking.

Lu Zhen was immediately caught in a trouble, and the New Year was almost here, he didn't want to entangle with others.

But the Wala envoy took root in the Ministry of Rites, saying that he wanted to meet his majesty and express his loyalty to his majesty.

Where did Zhu Di agree to see him, and after asking about the size of the mission, he decisively ordered all of them to be detained under house arrest.

"If you want to come to detective Daming, it's really ambitious to get out of love. Since you are here, don't go away, all will be deducted!"

Zhu Di is in a good mood, so these people are considered to be enjoying the blessings, otherwise they will probably get a knife.

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