Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1307: Little uncle tells him, Zhu Gaosui hesitates

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Wang Shecheng was very satisfied with his work at the Qintian Supervisor, especially during the Yongle period, there was no major incident of sweeping the stars across the sky, so the days of Qintian Supervisor were very happy. Fast update without ads.

So as soon as he was free, he found an old friend to drink with him. After three rounds of drinking, Wang Shecheng said drunkly: "I have been observing the astronomical phenomenon recently, this day... I'm afraid it will change!"

His old friend poured him a few glasses of wine with a smile, and then thoughtfully asked his fellow to send him home.

Then, the news quietly reached another place.


Thirty nights, the New Year atmosphere outside was very weak, but Fangjiazhuang was full of joy and excitement.

In the morning, Fang Xing asked Tudou Heping to meet the farmers outside.

Those dealers were notified yesterday: today, the master will give you something.

So when Potato and Ping appeared, there were all people outside.

"I have seen the young master, I have seen the second young master!"

Fang Jielun was a little dissatisfied with the untidy voice, but when he saw potatoes about to speak, he just glared at the dealers and waited eagerly.

In the face of so many people, Tudou didn't panic, and said loudly: "It's the New Year. Everyone has worked hard for a year, and it's not bad."

Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai hid behind the door and watched the performance of their sons along the crack of the door. Fang Xing was on the side, looking helplessly at the tricks of the two wives.

"Tomorrow is the New Year, you all have to farm well, all well..."

Tudou was a little stuck here, Zhang Shuhui couldn't help but turned her head and glared at Fang Xing: If you don't even teach Tudou how to say, it's embarrassing now!

And Xiaobai couldn't help feeling happy when he saw Ping An standing there, steadily.

"...You have to be obedient, and your family won't treat you badly, do you understand?"


Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai were watching attentively, and were startled by the shout. They were not frightened by the wall.

"Potatoes are amazing!"

Zhang Shuhui couldn't help being intoxicated when she saw her son's response.

"Ping An is so calm!"

Xiao Bai is not to be outdone, and Xin Feng is so stable, shouldn't he praise it?

The two women looked back at Fang Xing together, and Fang Xing covered his head in desperation.

Xiaobai pursed his mouth: "Madam, it's time to talk in peace next time."

If this is changed to someone else's house, Zhang Shuhui will definitely take out the majesty of his wife to clean her up.

But Xiaobai's appearance is clearly acting like a baby.

Zhang Shuhui's eagerness to be competitive was mostly extinguished in an instant, and she smiled and said, "When the Jue is attacked safely, you will be the uncle by then, and you want to talk more easily."

Xiaobai blushed as soon as he heard it, "Madam made fun of me again!"

The potato outside has finished speaking, and Jaylen said to the other side: "The butler will post something."

Fang Jielun replied respectfully, and then shouted: "Every household has sent individuals out to pick up things."

Suddenly the team came out immediately, and the family members came out to carry things, and Fang Jaylun just called the name.

"Everyone's king."

"Yes, butler."

"Take things from your house,"

A grinning big man came over, took the things, and then hesitated and asked: "Butler, why didn't the master come out? Is he sick?"

These words immediately aroused the worry of the dealers. Although there were two young uncles in the Fang family, it was Dinghai Shenzhen before awakening!

Fang Jielun stared, rushed over and kicked, and shouted: "Master is drinking tea at home, what nonsense? Get out of here!"


Fang Xing couldn't stay inside, and if he didn't come out again, he was afraid that the dealers would be panicked, and news that he was going to belch would be heard from the outside world at that time.

"I have seen the master."

The dealers felt relieved when Fang Xing appeared.

Fang Xing stood with his hand and said: "Everyone goes home for the New Year, don't gamble, don't make trouble, or just clean up!"

"Daddy is amazing!"

When Tudou saw Fang Xing's calm words, he made the dealers obedient and admired the Tao.

"Well, Dad is great."

Ping An also said, and the two brothers stood on the side, watching the dealers pick up the things, and then came to their brothers to bow and salute.

This is the current inheritance, which is passed on from generation to generation, without being shifted by Fang Xing's will.

Inheritance is a major event, and Zhu Gaosui's'young' will of course not be ignored.

After the tossing was over, Zhu Gaosui went out lazily, only to see Zeng Shu had been waiting.

"What's the matter?"

Zhu Gaosui yawned and asked. There is ointment on his face, which looks very funny.

Zeng Shu turned sideways, and when he approached, he followed behind.

"His Royal Highness, I didn't sleep all night last night."

"What are you thinking about?"

Zhu Gaosui looked forward blankly with his eyes, only to feel that his life was as dark as the sky at this moment.

But today's weather is good, and the sun is also hanging in the sky with not much heat.

Zeng Shu rubbed his eyes and said: "His Majesty, now your Majesty has handed over many political affairs to the prince. The most terrifying thing is... the last time Meng Ying was released, it was actually the prison where the prince went. Your Majesty is paving the way for the prince. !"

Zhu Gaosui's body shook, and said dullly: "Big brother, is this going to be stable?"

There was a sense of despair and helplessness in these words, and once said solemnly: "Does your Highness want to be mediocre for a lifetime? Looking at the throne of the ninety-five nobles, someone is sitting high on it, overlooking all living beings!"

Zhu Gaosui said blankly: "Yesterday you asked this king to provoke Fang Xing. As you expected, Fang Xing was forbidden. But what good is this for this king?"

Zeng Shu caressed his beard and smiled and said: "His Majesty, Your Majesty is very ambitious, but he has to convince the old man. Only then did most of the political affairs be handed over to the Prince, but his Majesty will be reconciled?"

Zhu Gaosui shook his head and said: "Father's temper is very hard ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ must be unwilling, but he is now waiting for the powerful enemy from the north to attack, and then sweeping away the last scourge for Daming. Otherwise he won't let go of politics."

Zeng Shuxiao said: "His Royal Highness, that's the case, so this is your chance!"

"what chance?"

Zhu Gaosui's spirit was lifted, and the gray sky in front of him immediately became alive, and even the residual lotus in the pool became charming and colorful.

"His Majesty, the prince is firmly in position at this time, and your Majesty is thinking about the north, can we..."

Zhu Gaosui gradually turned his head. When he heard the back, he shook his head suddenly and said: "No! No! Father is too powerful!"

The smile on Zeng Shu's face remained unchanged, and he said: "His Majesty, Your Majesty's body has just recovered soon! If you miss such an opportunity, you will never be able to touch that throne."

With a smile on Zeng Shu's face and encouragement and temptation in his eyes, Zhu Zhanji looked at him, suddenly stepped back and waved his hand: "No! Father is too powerful! No way!"

Zhu Di's decisive killing and decisiveness left a deep impression on Zhu Gaosui, so he looked pale and said: "We don't have an army, how can we do it? Then we will go to die!"

Zeng Shu lowered his voice and said, "His Royal Highness, what if there is one?"

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