Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1309: A night attack that's almost a joke

The wind blew, a dark cloud covered the deserted moon, and it was a darkness when it fed back to the ground.

Staying guard tonight, Zhang Shuhui and Xiao Bai are playing the glass bead chess given by Fang Xing. If the round five-color glass **** are sold outside, it is estimated that one single one can lift a family out of poverty.

"Ah! It's wrong!"

Xiaobai looked depressed at the bead in front of him alone and helpless, and then glanced at Fang Xing who was sitting on the side reading a book.

Tuo and Ping'an played the glass beads on the kang. This was taught by Fang Xing. If they hit the opponent's glass beads, they would win. The two kids had a great time playing.

Suddenly there was a bird song outside, and Zhang Shuhui curiously said, "Are there any birds still here at this time? This is a good omen."

"Well, what Shuhui saw is not bad."

Fang Xing slowly closed the book, then stood up and said, "Tudou and Ping An followed me to the front yard to inspect."


Fang Xing took the two children off, let them wear their own shoes, and then each put on a coat.

"Husband, go and come back soon!"

"Master is optimistic about peace, and I will find you if I win."

Xiaobai lost one game and was not convinced, so he had to fight another game.

Fang Xing nodded, glanced at Wuyou who was lying on the kang, and smiled: "Woyou baby, do you want to go?"

Wuyou stared at her dark eyes and babbled, Fang Xing shook his head slightly and said: "My little baby is too young, wait until older dad takes you to the street, buy whatever dad you like."

Worry-free babbled, Fang Xing reluctantly touched her cheek, and then took her two sons out with one hand.

After leaving the room, Mother Deng and Mother Qin happened to be outside. Fang Xing nodded to them, and Mother Deng leaned on the rapier at her waist and said, "Master, don't worry."

"I'm naturally relieved."

Fang Xing immediately called the bell, and the big bug and the little bug followed.

The three people and three dogs went to the front yard. Mother Qin looked at her back and said, "There will be no stopping the New Year's Eve, this is here to die!"

Grandma Deng said coldly: "Your Majesty is old, and all parties are inevitable. Think about the situation in the front palace when Emperor Taizu Gao was there. If it weren't for Emperor Taizu Gao's instructions, it would have been chaotic. It's a ball."

Mother Qin sighed: "Yes! At that time, we were still ignorant and ignorant, but luckily we got through it too, I'm afraid we will go with the two young masters in the future."


A smile appeared on Mother Deng’s indifferent face: "You haven't seen the master's favor for the young lady?"

Mother Qin suddenly realized: "Yes, looking at the master's appearance, the young lady is afraid to pick the stars in the future. When the young lady is older, maybe the master will let us follow her."

"Bad or fortune is undecided, it depends on the master and wife's teaching to the young lady, and how her future husband-in-law will be."

"No, if people like the master learn that the young lady's husband-in-law is not good, I'm afraid they will kill him."

"Well, well, let's go in."


In the front yard, Fang Xing stood behind the closed door with his hand holding his hand, and the knife was reporting.

"Master, there are more than ten horses in the woods three miles to the southeast, all weapons are long swords, no bows and arrows."

The use of bows and arrows for the New Year's Eve is a foolish act of investigating Zhu Di's heavy hand.

And the surprise attack of more than ten horses can be regarded as looting.

At this time, the folk customs in the north were not yet decadent, and from time to time we could hear news that gangsters attacked the gentry farms somewhere.

Fang Xing turned around and looked at the two chubby sons who were wrapped in the cold, and said in a deep voice: "That's not the killer, it should be based on shock or demonstration. The purpose is...unknown!"

Fang Wu asked: "Master, shall we take the initiative or..."

"no need."

Fang Xing said indifferently: "To take the initiative to attack, that is to mobilize troops during the Chinese New Year. As long as those guys in the investigation court get the news, it is estimated that they will not last year after year, and they will inevitably fly in the sky. Your Majesty can spend the year... not many years. , Let's live a little better!"

Fang Wu said silently, "Yes, the little one understands, just defeat it at will."

Fang Xing nodded and said: "Well, there is no need to put too much effort on the cannon fodder. I was just thinking about what their purpose is when they risked to harass."

More than ten riders to raid Fangjiazhuang, in Fang Xing's eyes, it was a joke and a prank.

Whose handwriting is this?

If there were no detectives beforehand, these people could have caused Fangjiazhuang to chaos for a while.

But it was just chaos for a while, and the chasing and killing of the family members would make them have nightmares.

Fang Xing walked over, asked people to find three chairs, and then sat with his two sons in the direction facing the door and waited quietly.

The hour has passed, Fang Xing is still sitting upright, but Tudou is already nodding his head-dozing off.

Probably it was not crazy enough to play during the day, so he was safe and energetic. He asked, "Father, are we waiting for the bad guys?"


Fang Xing touched his face, feeling a little cold, so he ordered: "Go to the kitchen and get two bowls of **** soup and add brown sugar."

Tudou was startled by the sound, his body instantly lost control, and he planted his head on the ground.

Fang Xing took him with his hand and said, "It's very soon, Tudou hold on."

Tudou leaned his head on Fang Xing's arm and said in a faint: "Father, is the new year?"

Fang looked at his watch without a trace and said, "There is a quarter of an hour more."

"Brother, hold on."

Ping An came to the side with such a sentence, Fang Xing couldn't help but rubbed his head with a smile: "It's just hold on."

"Master, there is a signal."

The knife whispered on the wall, Fang Xing nodded, Tudou was completely sleepy, and Ping An was begging Fang Xing to give him a knife to defend himself.

"You are still younger, bigger."

The bell, which had been lying on Fang Xing's feet, suddenly raised his ears, then got up, and the big and small insects followed suit.

"They're starting to enter the village, hey! Lord, they didn't dismount."

"Most of them are carrying kerosene, ready to set the fire and run away. By the way, Zhuang Shang and his family are surprised~www.wuxiaspot.com~Prepare."

Fang Wu promised, and then led the horses with someone to check his equipment.

"Master, will you surprise Madam and them?"

"No..." Fang Xing frowned suddenly: "Worry-free must be sleeping, if he is awakened...just do it!"

Why! My worry-free little baby!

Fang Xing exhorted: "Try to keep the movement as small as possible, but don't be too taboo!"

Fang Wu nodded, then led the people on the horse, and the knife jumped down and said, "Three hundred steps." Then he walked behind the door with another family member, ready to open the door.

Three hundred steps!

Fang Xing smiled slightly and looked at Jie Jin and Huang Zhong who came by and said, "I won't be lonely tonight, and when we clean up these thieves, the three of us have a drink!"

At this time, the door was suddenly opened, and Fang Wu rushed out with his horse first.


There was a scream outside, and Xie Jin smiled and said, "Yoyou is asleep, and the old man has nothing to do, so let's go and see what's good for drinking."

Huang Zhong didn't see him nervously and said, "I've seen it before. There are a lot of drinks and food, just grab some cold dishes."

"They are prepared! Withdraw!"

The enemies outside felt that something was wrong when they saw the door open. When the family members rushed out in a muffled voice, even the stupid people knew that their whereabouts had been exposed.

The bell whispered, and then rushed out with the big and small insects.


There was a stern shout from outside, and Tudou couldn't help getting up and saying, "Father, go kill the bad guys!"

Fang Xing smiled and said, "If you kill it, let's go out and have a look."

Tudou happily led Ping An to walk to the edge of the gate, listening to the sound of horse hooves, and said disappointedly: "Father, it seems that they are all gone."

"There is a bell, and their horse has been frozen for a long time and can't run."

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