Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1311: 20 years of Yongle (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!)

Thanks to the crowdfunding book friends, forty-first and forty-two leaders were born!


"It's hot and cold, it's frozen, the fields, and the dog is starved to death!"

Yu Qian came back. On the morning of the first day of the new year, he was dark, thin, and returned to Beiping City with a dusty body.

First go home and say hello to his wife, Yu Qian didn't care about washing, so he hurried out of the city and went to Fang's house.

Fang Xing didn't take it seriously when he heard Yu Qian's request to see him, but when he saw Yu Qian, who was like an old farmer in the countryside, appeared, he couldn't help being stunned.

"Where did Ting Yi go?"

Yu Qian's chapped lips moved, "Uncle, the official went to the countryside, he is too poor, he is the official..."

The person in front of him was thin and thin. If it weren't for those stubborn eyes, Fang Xing wouldn't recognize it at all.

"Have you been there?"


Yu Qian licked his lips and said: "Poor, and don't know anything, if you don't have to pay taxes, it's like a paradise... Hey! Bitterness! Also stupid!"

Fang Xing asked people to get warm water. Yu Qian raised his head and was a big bowl, and then said with inexplicable meaning: "There is inconvenient water and the land is also barren, but tax and servants are indispensable. The people rely on that point all day long. Susuda’s days, after paying the taxes,...it’s almost nothing but hanging. There is no other way but to find food in the mountains, otherwise people will starve to death."

"Where are the potatoes? They didn't grow them?"

Fang Xing was a little surprised, even Susada, but as long as he planted potatoes, he would at least be able to eat a full meal.

Yu Qian smiled bitterly: "When all the potato seeds are distributed, most of them are first given to the local gentry before they can reach the people, so many places have not yet planted them."

Fang Xing said helplessly: "These things are inextricably linked. If you wait for them to go smoothly, how difficult is it!"

The only way is to have an assessment system, set goals, fail to punish, and complete rewards.

"Then where are you doing?"

"Help them find a place to open up wasteland."

When Yu Qian talked about this, his expression was exhilarated, "The lower officials found the wasteland, and the old farmer said it was a good land. As long as it has been raised for a few years, it is a top-grade land."

"Has the formalities been done?"

"It's done."

Yu Qian looked a little angry, "Those officials are really shameless, it is a wasteland, but they are embarrassed in every way. Potato seeds."


Fang Xing said tolerantly: "Since you are using it on the right path, then I have nothing but joy."

Yu Qian handed his hands over: "The official offended, but at that time he couldn't bear it and had a fight with those people. Later, he had to use his uncle's name to scare them. Later, he thought about it and just handled the matter by the way, ashamed! "

Still fighting, Fang Xing could imagine the faces of the officials, and Yu Qian's anger would naturally be detonated.

"You go back to celebrate the New Year first, and when I turn around, I will say hello to somebody. This is too much for officials to stay."

Yu Qian shook his head and said, "Uncle, this is the set of the imperial minister. It is a temporary solution, not a permanent cure!"

Fang Xing closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he said: "This matter is not urgent. Since you want to do something, then sink and take your time."

Yu Qian suddenly showed disappointment, Fang Xing shook his head and said: "The time is not there, and how big is Daming's benefits from top to bottom, do you know? If you are stunned to innovate, then you have a chance to become a Shang Yang. nothing."

At any rate, Shang Yang succeeded in reforming.

Yu Qian thought for a while, and said, "It's because the officials are in a hurry. Thank you, Uncle, for clearing up your doubts and leaving the officials."

Fang Xing didn't keep the guests, and said: "Since you are here, there is no reason to go back empty-handed. There is a lot of food prepared at home. You can only give it away if you can't finish it. You can take some back."

Eat it!

That's okay, anyway, I have been living and eating at Fang's house for so long.

Yu Qian thanked Fang Xing and was stunned when he was brought to the door by Fang's carriage, and then watched the coachman unload the goods.

"It's all for food?"

They are indeed all eaten, but there are more quantities and more types, and many things Yu Qian's wife has never seen.

"Husband, what is that?"

"That's ham."

"so big……"


The fifth day is a good day. Zhu Zhanji and Hu Shanxiang entered the palace early in the morning, and first went to Zhu Di to ask for peace.

Zhu Di seemed extraordinarily energetic today. When Zhu Zhanji arrived, he was talking with Concubine Wang, and Wanwan was sorting things in his bedroom.

"Come early!"

Zhu Di glanced at Hu Shanxiang, frowned and said, "Since it's here, go to your father's side and rest quickly."

It was the first time that Hu Shanxiang saw Zhu Di frown, and he was shocked, and his body trembled slightly.

Why! Still a girl!

Zhu Di's brow furrowed deeper, and then he squeezed out a smile and said, "It's okay, there are so many people here. Now that you are pregnant, go to rest and wait until evening for dinner."

Hu Shanxiang heard about Zhu Di’s hot personality when he was in her family. After he married into the grandson’s house, he learned from the mouths of the maids and maids that Zhu Di had never laughed, so he was shocked by the smile. .

Zhu Di was so helpless that he had to sit there with a straight face.

Concubine Wang couldn't help but want to laugh, and when she saw this, she said quickly: "Concubine Taisun, go, be careful on the way."

"Big Brother, Sister-in-law!"

Wanwan ran out with red cheeks and shouted joyfully.

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said: "The face is dark, go and wash it now, I'll go there first."

Wanwan touched her face, but it turned out to be even dirtier, and Zhu Zhanji suddenly laughed.

Zhu Di shook his head and said, "Go, go!"

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said: "It's natural for the grandson to beg the emperor's grandfather ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ so it won't be an eyesore."

Zhu Di easily grabbed the tea cup in his hand, as if to throw it away, Zhu Zhanji quickly admitted his mistake, and then took Hu Shanxiang with him.

As soon as they left, Zhu Di couldn't help but smile, and then returned to his indifferent face.

Concubine Wang said with a smile: "With Wanwan here, the concubines would feel unhappy. I didn't expect Taisun to be a concubine, but it made the concubines laugh a little more today."

Zhu Di watched Wanwan go in again, and said, "People will be optimistic about Wanwan later, don't get sick."

At this moment, Zhu Di is just as nagging like the grandfather of the common people!

Concubine Wang wanted to laugh again, then looked outside and suddenly said with joy: "It's snowing!"

Zhu Di casually said: "Which year will it not snow, haven't it been several times this year?"

Concubine Wang got up and walked out, watching the snow flying in the sky, and couldn't help but say with joy: "Your Majesty, Ruixue is a good year! It's a good sign."


Zhu Di couldn't help remembering that when he saw the falling snow when he was in the Yanwang Mansion in Beijing, he always felt that he would not be able to survive this year, and perhaps Jinling's army would go north soon.

"Grandpa Emperor, make a snowman!"

Wanwan ran out with joy when she heard the snow, followed by a mother who was chasing after her, and after catching up, she quickly took the big cloak and was put on by Wanwan.

Zhu Di got up and said, "Okay, wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow will definitely be thick, and I will build a snowman for you."

Wanwan clapped her hands and said joyfully: "Grandpa Huang is really nice! Let's make more of them."


Zhu Di walked out and stood outside, watching Zhu Gaosui's family slowly approaching.

In the 19th year of Yongle, just came here in a hurry...

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