Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1318: Arrested, not mixed

Thank you: ‘He Xi is happy today’, ‘Happy 11111’, ‘? Feihua, Love is Pain, and the three leaders of crowdfunding. Xiao Chuxin shot it himself!

There are currently fifty leaders, thank you.


Sun Xiang smiled and said, "Our family dare not ask for a gift from Uncle Xing, nothing else, what's the matter?"

Fang Xing’s ‘gift’ is not easy to get, so-called promotion, where else can Sun Xiang get a promotion?

That's your life and death!

Send you to heaven!

"Release my family from the prison of the Criminal Ministry."

"It's very simple!"

Sun Xiang felt that Fang Xing was teasing himself. Judging from the current situation, Xin Laoqi was definitely wronged. It was only because Fang Xing had been banned before that he was dragged to the present.

"The people in the criminal department are eager for Xinghe uncle to ask for someone, Xinghe uncle, you are making fun of our family!"

Fang Xing pointed to the palace, "Your Majesty is getting angry. If Fang goes there, he will take advantage of his domineering work, but you are different. You just did it easily. The criminal department didn't dare to make a statement. So far, each other is in peace."

Sun Xiang was a little annoyed. He felt that after staying in the East Factory for a long time, he had actually lost his political sensitivity.

This will repeat the mistakes of Ji Gang!

Fang Xing stepped back and said, "Then this is the case, Grandpa Sun should hurry up and grab the father and daughter pair."

Sun Xiang nodded and said, "Our family knows, but they didn't have any hope."

Sure enough, the news came in half an hour later that the pair of "father and daughter" had already died at home, actually taking poison.

After Sun Xiang received the news, he sighed: "Our family is still fooled by Xing He Bo. The two corpses have caused a problem. That's all, let someone go to the Criminal Department and find someone on duty to release Xin Laoqi."

"Father-in-law, Xing He Bo sent someone to give news, saying that Zeng Shu killed his entourage first and then committed suicide."


Sun Xiang really wants to curse!

The corpse of Zeng Shu has been placed in the camp of Vermilion Bird Guard, but he refused to give it to Dongchang. Could it be that Fang Xing wanted to use this clue in exchange for Xin Laoqi's freedom?

"Father-in-law, Uncle Xing dare not anger your majesty."

"That's not it."

Sun Xiang felt wrong, frowning and said, "It's useless to say these things now. Find out the identities of Zeng Shu and the entourage, and then start investigating overnight."

"What is Fang Xing doing?"

"Father-in-law, your Majesty ordered Xing He Bo to investigate this matter. Obviously, he doesn't believe our East Factory very much."

There was a touch of iron blue on Sun Xiang's face, and said: "Wang Zhao was proud in the palace before, and many people have a good impression of him. Our family...nothing, he will go to his, let's go to ours, hurry!"

If Fang Xing first finds out, then Dongchang will be lost.



Xin Laoqi was in the prison of the Ministry of Justice. Except for the jailer's first day, he had never suffered a crime again, so when he came out of the prison, he felt a little stinky on his body.

Walking outside the prison of the Criminal Ministry, when he saw Fang Xing, Xin Laoqi knelt down and said: "The small impulse has broken the master's business."

Fang Xing said: "Everything is as expected, stand up, let's find the manipulator."

The group came outside an inn in the east of the city.

"Hongfu Inn, good name!"

At this time, there were many more carriages and horses in the city of Beiping. After seeing Fang Xing and the others, the officials who came from the east and were preparing to enter the palace were far away, for fear of being stained and unclean.

"Fang Xing, what is this for?"

Only Xu Jingchang didn't shy away from this. After he passed by and saw Fang Xing, he leaned over and asked.

Except for a lantern hanging at the door, the inn was dark.

"There is a conspiracy to rebel, can Duke Dingguo want to kill the thief with me?"

Xu Jingchang shrank as soon as he heard it. This is not something he can provoke at the moment. He smiled and said, "No matter, brother, I will go to the palace first, otherwise I will be punished for being late, so be careful."

Xu Jiagang came out of a Wei Guogong who dared to stand up to Zhu Di, and Xu Jingchang himself would constrain some of the domineering things of the past, so he naturally knows the way to hide one's power and bide time.

Fang Xing nodded, and when Xu Jingchang left, he raised his hand.

The knife walked out of the darkness, and told him: "Master, I have said that I have been here several times, all at night. There are two guys inside, both of whom are very simple. I don't know if there are other people."

"For those who celebrate the New Year, even the beggars have to go out and wander a bit. Staying deep and simple is a suspicion, prepare."

Xin Laoqi was held in prison for a few days, and could not help being angry for a long time, and was the first to go to the wall.

After he turned over, Fang Xing pointed to the door and said, "Assault!"

Hundreds of scouts behind him quietly stepped forward, and the knife was already climbing along the wall to the second floor, dexterously like a monkey.


As the scouts of Hundreds smashed open the door, the knife entered through the broken window on the second floor.


A team of scouts rushed in with knives and shouted: "Take the thief by order! Everyone kneels on the spot, otherwise they will kill you!"

There was a running sound from the horse on the second floor.

"Kneel down!"

Fang Xing stood outside the gate with a sharp shout from the knife, looking at the thick wooden pillars, as if feeling something.

"Destroy the environment!"


There was a sudden noise upstairs, and a dark figure fell along with the fragments of the window.

Fang Xing didn't seem to see it, and Fang Wu stood not far behind him and didn't move.

The black shadow saw Fang Xing and Fang Wu in mid-air. With a loud shout, the short blade in his hand was thrown towards Fang Xing.

Fang Xing stayed still, turning his right hand behind his back, and a thin steel plate stood in front of him.

With a ding sound, Fang Xing dropped his "shield", drew his long knife, and rushed towards the man who had just landed and was rolling.

The man got up as soon as he rolled and was about to run from the right, but a team of sergeants came out of the alley and looked at him maliciously.


Opposite is Fang Wu who draws a knife and stares at him.

The man had no way back and no way forward, so he had to yell, and then rushed towards Fang Xing with his bare hands.


Fang Xing swung the knife, and the man's figure suddenly flashed. While evading the knife, he fit in and rushed towards Fang Xing.

Only by holding Fang Xing can he survive!

Fang Wu didn't move, and the sergeants were greeted beforehand and stayed still.

"Dang Cang!"

Fang Xing loosened his hand unexpectedly, the knife fell to the ground, and then...

A short knife was in Fang Xing's left hand, facing the man's abdomen.


With the short blade in his abdomen, the man grabbed Fang Xing's left hand and said with a dull look: "I would like to drop..."

Fang Xing shook his head, shaking his left hand vigorously.

"No matter who you are, Ben Bo doesn't want to go to this muddy water!"

The man's hand slowly loosened ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fang Xing took a few steps back, then clutched his chest and said: "Ben Bo got a punch in the chest, a little stuffy."

Fang Wuyi ran over anxiously and said, "Master, you have hurt your heart..."

"Will it die?"

Fang Wuyi said solemnly: "No, but it takes some time to rest. It's best to worry less."

"Yes, one day, my lord, I will send you to the palace to be an imperial physician."

Fang Wu said with a sad face: "Master, I heard that I'll get a stab!"

At this time, those sergeants dragged out two men like dogs, and Fang Xing said indifferently: "Gag up, hand it to the people in Dongchang, let's go back and continue guarding, don't mix!"

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