Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1322: Cicada cry, praying mantis

   Thanks to the leader: "Flying Ye Luoxue" for a reward of 50,000!

  Thanks to the leader: "Wolf but slaughter the wolf" for a reward of 50,000!

  Thanks to the book friend: "Chaos" rewards!


   "Brother, is that temple still there?"

   On the right is a mountain bag, and a temple is hidden by the jungle, looming.

   Boss Zhuang nodded and said: "Well, I have been there. People in our village often take a boat to go to the incense."

   Xiaobai looked at the cornices and murmured: "When I was young, my mother took me several times to ask the Buddha for blessing. From the day I was sold, I thought that the Buddha didn't bless me until later..."

  Boss Zhuang said sadly: "Xiangxiang, it's the elder brother who is not promising."

   Xiaobai smiled and said, "Brother, this is actually the Buddha's blessing! If it weren't for the Buddha's blessing, how could I meet the young master? It's so happy."

   Boss Zhuang hesitated for a moment, and then asked cautiously: "Xiangxiang, that... are you... really well?"


   Xiaobai said in surprise: "The young master is very good to me, and the lady is good to me, do whatever he wants."

   Boss Zhuang still had some doubts, and finally turned into a sigh.

   Xiaobai even has children, what's the use of saying these at this time? Can the dealer still go to theory?

   "Let's go to the temple and have a look."

   Xiaobai became interested, so he asked Fang Xing.


   So the boat drove slowly to the right.

   As soon as the boat drew ashore, the knife boarded first, followed by Fang Jiu and Fang Er.

   Fang Xing met Xiao Bai and Ping An, and then the group walked up a dirt road.

   Xiaobai occasionally turned around to look at the boat, but saw Xin Laoqi at the back, facing the place, and the telescope in his hand was turning slightly.

   With a slight movement in his heart, Xiao Bai asked in a low voice, "Master, what's the matter?"

   Fang Xing held her in one hand and Ping An in the other, and smiled: "Don't worry, just play with confidence."

   Xiao Bai gave a hum, and then shouted at Mr. Zhuang who was walking in the front: "Brother, slow down."

   Boss Zhuang looked back blankly, but still slowed down.

   Fang Xing smiled and said, "It's all right, for your husband here, there are no taboos."

   Xiaobai couldn't help being fascinated when he heard the words, and gently shook Fang Xing's hand back, feeling that the road was too short, wishing to go for a lifetime.

   The knife in front suddenly disappeared into the jungle on the left. Boss Zhuang thought he was going to pee, but didn't ask.

   "Father, the eaves are all broken!"

   "Well, I guess no one is there anymore."

   Today's Daming is pretty good, and there are many opportunities, so there are fewer monks.

   A few people walked up and saw nothing but a rundown.

Boss Zhuang explained: "Not long after you left, when the old monk in this temple left, there was no one. Later, a few beggars made homes and made it stinky. Later, those sergeants came to clean up again. , Took those beggars away, saying they went to farm outside the Great Wall..."

   Fang Xing looked at the large mottled incense burner that represented the years and was silent, but in the dense forest at the bottom left, the atmosphere was already more solemn.

   A team of men in Tsing Yi squatted in the woods, all of them holding long knives in their hands.

   "Are you sure you want the other party to wake up?"

   asked a man with a beard like a steel pin.

   A man with a big mole under his cheek whispered: "I don't know, someone sent a letter saying that today's goal is to come here and get rid of it together."

   The bearded man frowned and said, "That person is Mr. Xinghe. If he is killed, things will happen!"

   The big mole man whispered: "I also feel puzzled, who is not good to move, and actually move him. Isn't this looking for death? Your majesty and grandson will definitely search the world at that time, where are we going to flee?"

   "I don't think it's right, too! Isn't it possible that someone is causing trouble?"

   The bearded man got up and looked around, and said, "Mad! You can't do this. Taisun will wake up like a brother and a teacher. If Fang Xing dies here, I can guarantee that even if we escape overseas, it will be a death!"

   "Let’s go, and ask again when we go back. Anyway, even if it’s true, we’ll have a big deal when they return."

   The bearded man nodded and said: "So..."


   At this time, someone on the side whispered, and the bearded man was suddenly startled.

   Shasha's footsteps no longer concealed, the bearded man drew his sword and said, "Who is it?"

   The footsteps still keep on...

   "Kneel down and don't kill!"

   A stern shout came, making the bearded man's expression slightly cold. He looked at the big mole man and cursed, "Is it yours?"

   The big mole man shook his head, drew out the knife, and listened to the surrounding movement and said: "We are surrounded, kill us!"

   "Kill Nima!"

   The bearded man turned his eyes, his body was slowly searching for a balance point, and he shouted: "Which adult is here? I will admit it, but please come forward to explain the misunderstanding."

   In the dense jungle, the cold wind blew the branches and leaves, rustling.

   The bearded man’s cold sweat has covered his back, and he hissed: “There are more than ten people here, if the fish die, everyone will not please, please come out to clarify the misunderstanding.”

   Quietly all around, the man with the big mole shouted: "Being inferior is..."


   A crossbow arrow came through the air and plunged into the throat of the man with the big mole.


   The fall of the man with the big mole did not scare the bearded man. He said solemnly: "Ten breaths, if there is no answer within ten breaths or if you continue to do it, you will have to die!"

  The men in Tsing Yi all formed a circle outside, with the long knife in their hands blocking the chest and abdomen, tension spreading...

   Just over a hundred meters away from here, the knife put down the binoculars, and whispered to Xin Laoqi: "Seven brothers, most of those people are members of the military. They are silent and have hot hands. They are adjusting their breathing."

   Knowing to adjust the breathing before the action, it must be a well-trained elite soldier, not inferior to the Jubaoshan Guard.

   Xin Laoqi held the hilt of the long knife, with blue veins in his big hand, almost trying to draw the knife.

   "Wait a minute to see what the other party is coming from."

   Xin Laoqi concealed his murderous intentions with difficulty. He knew that the gang that surrounded the Tsing Yi people were not ordinary people. Once they killed him by hand, the consequences would be unpredictable.

Looking back, Xin Laoqi confessed: "You are staring here, I will go back to protect the master, remember, don’t take action if there is a situation, withdraw, and at the same time report the letter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The knife nodded, licked his lips, some excited.

   This is just a trivial matter to him who has been out of the confinement to act as a scout early on.

   Xin Laoqi quietly touched it back, and the knife raised the binoculars again.

   There are more than 30 men in gray attire.

   After his breathing stabilized, the leading man waved his hand and shouted at the same time: "For the last time, abandon the knife and kneel on the ground, otherwise you will kill you without mercy!"

   The bearded man raised his hands dignifiedly, all the men in Tsing Yi leaned forward, waiting for a command, and then rushed towards the lake.

   The bearded man exchanged glances with a few of his companions, and after coming to the conclusion that these people were not his own line, he waved his hands resolutely and violently.


   More than a dozen men in Tsing Yi rowed out the front line, kicked suddenly, like a whole rushing over.

   This lineup convinced the bearded man that unless the opponent is a tough pawn, a few will inevitably escape.

   Watching these men in Tsing Yi rush in, the bearded man and the last companion looked at each other, with a slight joy on his face, and chased them all the way.

   "Let the arrow..."


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