Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1328: Prodigy shot (for the silver alliance Zhao 3 Huahe, four...

   Fifteen, Lantern Festival, Lantern.

   Fang Xing's family will make peace with Zhu Zhanji as usual, but Hu Shanxiang is missing this year.

   "The royal doctor said it's best not to come, or you'll be rushed into danger."

  Zhu Zhanji smiled, while Sun was cleverly smiling beside him, very well-behaved.

   Well, very cute!

   But when he thinks of Zhu Zhanji's prodigal son, Fang Xing has no affection for this woman.

   It is said that Zhu Qizhen was not born by the Sun family, but the product of a certain court lady.

   But Fang Xing was not going to take care of this. He felt that when Zhu Qi Town was about to take the position, it was impossible for Daming to allow the emperor to be willful.

   Then there was a bunch of people, Zhu Zhanji's younger siblings were all around, surrounded by a bunch of eunuchs, nurses and guards in plain clothes. This team is probably the largest in Beiping City at this moment.

   Tudou and Ping An are each clinging to their mother, while Wuyou is held by Fang Xing.

   Uh... Actually, it's not a holding. Fang Xing asked people to sew a swaddle similar to that of later generations, which can hang worry-free on his chest.

   This image of Fang Xing is probably no one has seen, so Zhu Zhanji’s younger brothers and sisters are all watching with curiosity, envious, and envious of the worry-free treatment.

   Zhu Gaochi also paid more attention to Zhu Zhanji, but the sons and daughters in the back were a little ignorant.

   And Wanwan was a little silent, because she wanted to cry.

   "Xiao Fang, you are not allowed to make trouble! Be good."

   Xiaofang was also hugged by Wanwan, but she couldn't stand it for a long time, plus Xiaofang's tossing from time to time, the little girl finally couldn't help it.

   "Princess, give Xiao...Xiao Fang to the slave servant."

   A mother came forward to persuade her, and she also glanced at Fang Xing.

   Xiao Fang, Fang Xing's mouth twitched, and Zhu Zhanji couldn't help but said, "Wan Wan naughty, Brother Dehua is tired."

   The Sun clan behind him covered his mouth and smiled: "The princess is close to Xing and Uncle!"

   Zhang Shuhui, who is parallel to her, said lightly: "The princess is close to my family."

  Sun smiled: "Ms. Zhang's words are justified, the princess is innocent, even your Majesty loves it!"

   Xiaobai couldn't understand such scenes, so he hummed: "The princess doesn't dislike anything. Even the girls on the village can play with them."

   This is implicitly saying that the Sun family is false, and Zhang Shuhui groaned: "What do you know! Just talk nonsense in one day!"

   Sun's complexion remained unchanged and said: "The second lady is also lively, so I am envied by women who are trapped in the house!"

   Xiaobai was unhappy when he heard it, ready to fight back.

   Zhang Shuhui squeezed her hand gently, not allowing her to make any trouble.

The meaning of   Sun is already very clear: You are just two women, and you are loved by Xinghe Bo, happy!

   What about me? There are countless women in the back house of the grandson, with the concubine grandson on the top, and the women below the middle are not fuel-efficient lamps. If I am frankly right, I am afraid that I have been sent to Taoist temple, or found a small courtyard under house arrest, and after Zhu Zhanji ascends the throne, I will find a deserted place for this whole life.

  Sun is still smiling, as if to carry this smile for a lifetime, until the day of death.

   This is the sorrow of a woman who wants to do something!

   Xiaobai glanced back, Zhu Zhanji’s younger siblings were mostly watching the lanterns on the street, and the younger ones were applauding and cheering from time to time.

   But Zhu Zhanyong was somewhat silent, but Xiaobai didn't pay attention to him because she saw a dark guy.

   Skinny, dark skin, eyes... Xiao Bai thought of Grandma Deng's rapier.

  Yes, that kind of eyes, as sharp as that of Grandma Deng's rapier, the eyes hurt.

   Xiaobai glanced at the man, then quickly turned around, only to feel a bang in his chest.

   Sun saw Xiao Bai's complexion, and looked back, but found no abnormalities.

"What's wrong?"

   Xiaobai stretched out his hand to grab Fang Xing's back, Fang Xing turned around and asked, then glanced behind him, and saw the dark man in the guard.

   "Who is that person?"

   The man looked like he was in his thirties, but his appearance was too thin, so Fang Xing could not tell his true age.

  Zhu Zhanji doesn’t have to look back to know who Fang Xing asked: “That’s the person sent out temporarily by Grandpa Emperor. It’s said that the skill is terrifying.”

   Fang Xing nodded, but began to guess in his heart.

  Since Zhu Di was sent by him, most of them were eunuchs.

   has a lot of skills, it wouldn’t be...

   "Is there a secret book for eunuchs in the palace? Sunflower..."

   Zhu Zhanji shook his head and said: "I don't know, but it is said that when Meng Yuan was expelled, many eunuchs in the palace did not follow to the grassland, and there were some weirdness in it who didn't know."

   That is probably the most elite protective force around the emperor. Looking at the appearance of the man, it is estimated that no one in the palace will follow the practice, otherwise the emperor of the Ming Dynasty will be almost strangled to death and no one will care.

   wandered all the way, when she encountered a lantern riddle, Wanwan begged Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing to guess the riddle, and then won the lantern.

   Ke Fang wakes up but said awe-inspiringly: "Those are things for the people to play with. If we grab them all, how cruel it would be!"

   It is really cruel to deprive others of not much fun.

   Ke Fang Xing's purpose is not this-brother can't! When the time comes, all the shame will be thrown into Halle.

   Zhu Zhanji was eager to try, and was urged by Wanwan to guess a few lantern riddles in the past, only to get one right, winning one of the simplest lanterns, with only a red flower painted on the outside, which was extremely simple.

   But this lantern made Wanwan very happy, and Zhu Zhanji looked at the eyes of those younger brothers and sisters, and had to ask Fang Xing for help.

   You are a child prodigy anyway! Isn't it like playing lantern riddles?

   Fang Xing asked them to wait, and then went to find a lantern shop that sells all-in-one guessing. He pointed at the lantern riddles. After just a stick of incense, he turned around and let people come to get the lantern.

   There is no slap in the face, no pretense, Fang Xing just smiled and asked for a lantern.

   "Wow! That's amazing!"

   Wanwan's eyes shined brightly, and she stuffed the lanterns to Zhu Zhanji, who was pitiful, and then ran over to pick the lanterns first.

  The Sun sneered and said: "His Royal Highness learned the methods of governing the country. Xing Hebo was known as a child prodigy back then. The length is different. Your Royal Highness does not need to worry about it."

   Zhu Zhanji said in surprise: "I'm not worried, just thinking that Brother Dehua usually doesn't show off his literary talents. That must be hiding his clumsiness, but today he is willing to make an exception just for these children. It really is different."

   Sun's stunned, UU reading www. uukānshu.com then smiled under the guise.

  The relationship is so good?

  Sun wrote down this detail, and then went to choose the lantern with joy.

   Fang Xing smiled and stood beside the lantern, telling the guards to take good care of the crowd, or who would be the one who set the shop on fire?

   The black and thin man approached Fang Xing at this time. With Xin Laoqi blocking him, he said, "Uncle Xinghe, there is something tonight, don't be greedy."

   "What's the matter?"

   Fang Xing asked nonchalantly that there will be no major rebellious cases in the current capital, which is extremely safe.

   The man’s voice was a bit sharp, and he said, “I’ll know when that happens, and Mr. Xinghe remembers to send his family back earlier.”

   Fang Xing nodded and said, "I see."

   This person can be regarded as Lao Zhu's personal bodyguard. He said that if something happened, it must be something.

   After everyone chose for a while, they were reluctantly urged to move on. The shop owner smiled and waved his hand, then reached into his sleeve and touched it, and he drew out a treasure.

   "Sure enough, it's a rich man! This is enough money tonight, drink!"

   The shop owner smiled and told his buddy to look after the lantern, and then he went back to his house.


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