Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1333: A small shock in the officialdom of Jinling (for the Silver League Zhao 3...

Lords, Sir, this is a blast, right?


Mo Chou wanted to leave, but was invited into the concierge by people from the Jinling Household Department and served tea.

What does it mean?

Mo Chou thought for a while but didn't understand, and the bidding inside stopped.

"My brother, the shops are all rented out, let's go back and run Shenxianju, anyway, we can make a lot of money in a year."

The younger brother said dissatisfied: "Miss, this matter is clearly because they are guilty. If we don't give an explanation, we won't leave."

"Miss Mo Chou, we adults would like to invite you."

Mo Chou was startled, and immediately got up and followed in.

When Mo Chou showed up, the businessmen felt a little inexplicable.

"Why even women come in?"

"Who is that?"

"Hey! I know this woman, she is Moshou from Shenxianju."

"Xing He Bo's outer room?"

"Yes, it's her, but what is she doing?"

Mo Chou was stared at by these people and didn't panic, but his brother's steps were a little messy, so he glared at these people.

"What a beautiful woman, um...it's a little bit pretty...not appropriate, it should be...the frowning of eyebrows is pitiful, but like an empty valley or orchid, it makes people forget the vulgarity at first sight."

"Tsk tusk! Uncle Xinghe has good eyesight!"

"What a good eye! It is better to say that it is a good blessing!"

In these murmurs, Mo Chou stepped inside.

The three of them, Mo Chou only knew Fei Shi, so he said hello.

Fei Shi didn't dare to support him, got up and avoided, and then introduced Qu Sheng and An Lun to Mo Chou, and Mo Chou made a salute. Qu Sheng smiled and avoided, but An Lun took a step back, a little regretful in his heart.

Zhu Di’s aging is not a secret. Zhu Zhanji will eventually have a high position. When that time, Fang Xing’s status and rights will definitely be different from those of now.

"Miss Mo Chou." Qu Sheng smiled and said: "This matter is the fault of that person. The official suspended the bidding, just wanting to make a compensation. Come on, let's see which one you choose."

Mo Chou was stunned, his long eyelashes trembling. Qu Sheng couldn't help but move his heart slightly when he saw it.

An Lun wanted to make up for what she had just done, so she smiled and said, "Miss Mo Chou, even though she chooses, it's not that she doesn't give money. It's not selfish."

Mo Chou looked at Fei Shi, and among the three, she trusted Fei Shi a little bit.

Fei Shi looked down and said: "The big market is Xing He Bo's handwriting, but he does not take any personally, which shows the public heart. Even if the girl Mo Chou goes to choose, the next official promises that the uncle will only agree if he knows it."

Mo Chou hesitated, she didn't want to trouble Fang Xing.

Qu Sheng looked at An Lun, but this guy was pretending to be a dead dog and had to go to the battle himself.

"Miss Mo Chou, don't worry, even if Master Xia of the household department knows about it, there will be no objection. If so, the official will bear it!"

Qu Sheng promised with a serious face, and An Lun smiled on the opposite side: "Who dares not follow Xing He Bo's shot?"

This fellow has a small heart! And it's not very human.

Fei Shi made a decision and said, "Let's choose, and then start outside."


When Mo Chou went out again, the bidding started again.

"Why is one missing?"

After the bidding ended, the merchants who failed to win were all regretful. Someone had sharp eyes and saw that a shop on the large drawing was still empty, so they questioned.

A small official came, took down the big drawing with a sneer, and didn't explain to these people.

"What does it mean?"

"It's all gone. Those who get it will send the balance to the household department within three days. It doesn't matter if you don't, and the money you paid before will be confiscated."

The little official rolled up the big drawing and confessed coldly.

Some people still wanted to question, but they were dissuaded.

"Did you come out without seeing that Mo Chou? It was mostly for her."

"Does a woman dare to cover the sky in Jinling City?"

"She didn't dare to cover the sky, but..."

"Kneel down!"

Some businessmen were walking outside as they were talking, but when they got outside, they saw a man who was forced to kneel on the ground by two Jinyi guards, even beating him with a scabbard.

"Huh! Isn't this Zheng Qiu?"

"This is... Zheng Qiu was actually taken down?"

It was Zheng Qiu who was outside the door. He was forced to kneel outside the door for half an hour. After the entire Jinling City knew about it, he was carried in.

Arriving in the lobby, Qu Sheng sneered and said, "Master Zheng, such a great official!"

Zheng Qiu was originally an exquisite person. After seeing Fei Shi and An Lun sitting next to Qu Sheng, he knew in his heart that he was afraid that something might be caused.

"My lord, the little one...has done nothing wrong!"

Zheng Qiu recalled his recent words and deeds, and he was indeed fine.

Could it be that there was a problem with the promotion of the eldest brother? Then I implicated myself.

Qu Sheng said disdainfully: "The famous Master Zheng in Jinling City is indeed majestic. He dare to intimidate weak women. The official is the official book of the Jinling Household Department. Unfortunately, he did not discover your evil deeds early. . But it’s not too late to make up for it!"


An Lun coughed dryly, "Master Fei, how about Zheng Qin?"

Fei Shi said coldly: "If you have such a brother, take it down first, and then interrogate them one by one."

Zheng Qiu's heart was shocked. He didn't expect it to be his own crime. He raised his head and pleaded: "My lord, the little ignorant, I really don't know what he has committed. Please also ask the adults to wake up the little one."

Qu Sheng sneered and said, "Ms. Mo Chou from Shenxianju is also you worthy of coveting? You still dare to do things privately, Zheng Qiu, your Zheng family breaks down, thanks to you!"


Zheng Qiu's body softened, and he hissed: "Sir, I don't know that she is a girl Mo Chou! I don't know that she is not guilty. I beg the adults to give me a chance. "


Fei Shi nodded at one of his men outside the door and said, "I went to get Zheng Qin, the head of the Ministry of War. If Zhou Yingtai asked, it would be corruption."

"What do Mr. An think?"

For this matter, Fei Shi had to find an alliance ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so he asked An Lun very reluctantly.

An Lun had been waiting for these words a long time ago, and he smiled and said: "There is such a brother running and camping for him. This person must be dirty, so let's do it!"

Zheng Qiu's body was limp on the ground. At this moment, he remembered the look of the woman outside the house the day before yesterday...

Mo Chou walked slowly on the street, and suddenly frowned slightly: "My brother, do you think we took the store will affect your uncle's reputation?"

The younger brother’s dark face smiled and said, “Don’t worry, my uncle said at the time that there will be people taking care of you in Jinling, and Master Fei can be trusted, so you can take it. thing."

After talking about asking my brother to turn his face, I saw that Mo Chou's face was completely blank, his small mouth was slightly open, and his delicate nose was a pair of bright eyes with light sorrow, but he seemed to never know the worries of the world.

This is a woman who shouldn't live in the dust!


It didn't take long before Zheng Qiu coveted Moshou, the treasurer of the Immortal House, with the connivance of a caring person. After the incident, Jinling Household Department Shangshu Qusheng was furious, and Dongchang and Jin Yiwei who were investigating the incident were also filled with righteous indignation. Not only did they take Zheng Qiu down, but also his brother, Zheng Qin, the chief of the Jinling Department of Defense, also fell down with him. Don't think about getting promoted because of mold. It won't be long before there will be many more people on the boat to Cochin Myanmar.

A small shock in Jinling's officialdom is nothing to everyone, but the name Mo Chou has once again entered the eyes of the caring people.

So there is a scene in Shenxianju every day: Mo Chou is behind the counter calculating the cost of opening a restaurant in the big market, but those diners have discarded Mo Chou's eyes, and he can even eat an extra bowl of rice. Getting used to it has become more and more regular.

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