Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1337: Chasing death and chasing north

"What do you want to see when you come to Daming?"

Fang Xing was behind him, the man who sat down with his back turned to him involuntarily got up, and then flashed to the side-without Harachar reminding him, because he felt the murderous aura, from the kid who had just broken his companion's Tejin. .

The knife's right hand is hidden by his side, but the flying knife just shot, everyone knows that his right hand must be a flying knife, a flying knife that can become a deadly weapon at any time.

In an instant, the knife became the biggest threat, but Harachar did not pay attention, but said coldly: "We will come to Da Ming every few years, just for the good of the two countries."

"Is that right... How good are the Wala people?"

Fang Xing asked faintly, Xin Laoqi's body bent forward slightly, his eyes locked on Harachar.

This is a master!

This thought turned in Harachar's heart and passed away immediately.

But it won't work! Fang Xing seemed careless, but he didn't miss the slightest change on his face.

If something goes wrong, this uncle Xinghe, who is said to never be merciless to outsiders, will definitely find a way to bury them all!

"What kind of people?"

"What do you say?"

"I encountered it when I came here, but our country is strong, and the Oala people can only let go with a smile. Is it possible for the Ming people to pass the Oala people's place?"

Halachal moved slightly in his heart, temporarily changed his diplomatic rhetoric, and asked directly provocatively.

The diners with their ears erected were angry, thinking that these Harlems were despising Daming.

Fang Xing glanced at his entourage, and saw that they were all jealous and eager to try, and smiled lightly: "Da Ming will not send envoys to pass by, but will only send a large army... to chase death to the north..."


Fang Xing's eyebrows twitched slightly, and when he looked to the right, he saw a man with the appearance of a businessman flushing in applause.

The others were a little dumbfounded, and just as Fang Xing smiled, a man slapped the table and shouted: "Xing He Bo said that! Chasing death and chasing the North! This is how my Han family should be!"


Suddenly everyone applauded, Harachar looked slowly, these bright people flushed, excited like a soldier about to go on the battlefield.

This is not in line with the information he received along the way.

Isn't the Ming people ignorant of the common people, and the literati weak? Moreover, the sergeants were trapped in the household registration, and many of them fled...

With a move in his heart, Harachar squeezed out a smile and said, "Then I will wait and see, but... your people have destroyed my people, how can this be counted?"

Fang Xing said indifferently: "When you go to the countryside and do as you like, since you dare to reach out, you must be prepared to be interrupted."

Fang Xing got up and looked down at Harachar and said, "Remember, this is Daming, not the grassland where you herd the sheep!"

Harachar looked ugly as Fang Xing turned and left, and the diners followed that figure with admiration.

At this time, Ye Qing came over and said coldly: "Everyone, the shop does not welcome guests who do not understand etiquette. Please, please, there is no need to pay the money."


This action of Fang Xing and Harachar cannot be concealed from Zhu Di. He is dealing with political affairs with Zhu Gaochi. After hearing the news, he disdainfully said: "Is this a spy, or is it to find an excuse to start a war? But I Think they don’t need it, or they’re depraved."

When did Timur's war ever find any excuses, and there is no excuse for the peoples on the grassland to go to war.

Zhu Gaochi put down his brush and said: "Father, this mission is afraid that it is coming with a heart of death. If it is dead, then it is a ready reason."

Zhu Di nodded and said: "The missions all hold the heart of mortal, whether it is Daming or Harleh, it's the same."

The missions of this year, unless they are Zheng He's type, with a fleet that can cover the sea, most of the missions will leave a suicide note before they travel.

Zhu Gaochi sighed in his heart, feeling too unkind.

"You don't want to be a woman, country to country, if the mission does not die, then the army and the people will die. Timing, do you understand? Both parties are just waiting for the timing. If they are close at hand, look at them. ?"

Zhu Di sneered and said: "There must be someone hiding in the dark outside of the mission, who took the opportunity to sneak into Daming, otherwise we will be detained immediately, and it can be regarded as an outburst for those envoys in the Hongwu period."

In those days, Zhu Yuanzhang sent an envoy to Halle, but he was detained and humiliated, several times.

If it is according to Zhu Yuanzhang's temper, then it must be an army to conquer it, but it is too far! And also had to pass through the territory of the Meng Yuan people who were still strong at the time.

Zhu Gaochi was a little flustered, he felt that Zhu Di was waiting for the opportunity, and then he had a break with that old opponent.

But the power of Halle Nation has recently been transmitted to Daming through Jin Yiwei's intelligence. Zhu Gaochi felt that facing such an opponent, he would almost have to fight for the country, so he could feel at ease.

And what about after the war? The people's livelihood is dying, and there is no one out of ten soldiers...

Thinking of the tragic situation, Zhu Gaochi couldn't help but shook his head slightly, but Zhu Di saw it.

Zhu Di snorted coldly: "If you have opponents, you must weaken them and defeat them, otherwise you will wait until they become stronger, and then you will come to the city. Is it the same for you to beat people and people to beat you?"

Zhu Gaochi didn't dare to contradict him, so he could only say yes, so he made Zhu Di angry instead.

"Don't think about the child in Hu's belly. I don't even bother to balance things with these other methods. Shit balance, I don't need balance!"


"Let Jia Quan give me a copy in time after receiving the news. We need to target those people to death."

After Fang woke up home, he saw an unexpected person.

"I said you don't eat meals in Qingshou Temple, why are you running here?"

The person here is Mingxin. He has disappeared calmly at this time, but is in a panic~www.wuxiaspot.com~Uncle, someone is staring at me. "


Fang Xing looked at it and said with a clear mind: "Your Majesty takes the initiative, who dares to stare at you if you are full?"

"I don't know, it's just in the temple...the people relax a little, and then someone is staring at me."

"Then leave it alone, honestly, no one dares to move you."

Fang Xing comforted against his heart.

Mingxin blended into the royal inheritance, what would happen in the future, Fang Xing didn't think about it, and didn't want to think about it.

Mingxin sighed and said, "Uncle, we are old friends anyway, so let's show the poor monk a clear way, the Buddha will bless you."

"Don't, I believe in everything, and I don't believe in anything."

Fang Xing's religious view is the same as most people-there is no fixed belief, in fact, there is no belief, just curiosity and some awe of some ancient heritage.

"What are you worried about? Being killed? That's not necessary."

Fang Xing asked Mingxin to sit down, and then analyzed it to him: "I have thought about it. Your majesty's temperament is not willing to turn, so the chances of you and the prince are not big."

When Mingxin heard it, it was as if she had caught the straw, and resumed her masterful posture.


Fang Xing lifted Mingxin's heart again, and then she said: "Look, if future orders involve royal matters, then you should be more careful."

After some soft or hard words, Mingxin was flickered away by Fang Xing.

If he knew Fang Xing's abacus, he was afraid that he would turn around soon, and desperately would have to use his own hypnotism to make Fang Xing pay the price.

"I am also puzzled by your majesty's mind!"

Fang Xing shook his head and watched Ming Xin go away.

What exactly does Zhu Di want to do? Take a child to kill.

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