Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1339: This is Huahua World

In the workshop under the protection of Jubao Mountain Guard, the smoke continued all day long. According to Fang Xing's order, those steel ingots were constantly being produced, and then piled up in the warehouse, waiting for the day when it was opened.

The construction of the half-length armor has been handed over to the Ministry of Engineering, and various experiments are currently being carried out purely here.

The two craftsmen are testing the toughness of the newly-baked steel, bend continuously, then recover, and then bend again. The test of the maximum bending angle will be done later.


There was a gunshot outside, and Zhu Fang ignored it. Fang Xing said that even if the entire army of Jubaoshan Guard is annihilated, this workshop must be preserved intact.

"Boom boom boom!"

Outside the workshop, a group of sergeants indifferently looked at a corpse ten steps away, while a figure in front of him was fleeing at a dizzying speed and route.

"The scout has gone up, and that person is guessing to be unlucky."

"Well, the cat catches the mouse, I really thought I could escape in the hands of Jubaoshanwei."

The surrounding area of ​​the barracks must have a wide view, so as to ensure that the enemy's surprise attack can be detected in time.

The man seemed to know how to dodge the lead bullet and kept running in a curve until he felt out of the range of the musket. Then he speeded up and ran in a straight line.

There are two horses in front of him, as long as he mounts, he can escape outside.

Run faster! Run faster...

A flying horse, the man clamped his legs, drank from his mouth, and the horse rushed out. At this moment, he also took a look back.

No one is chasing?

The man was ecstatic, and then one person and two horses quickly disappeared on the horizon.

Half an hour later, the man rushed into a forest, ready to take a rest, and then change to another horse. .

The person who was killed didn't know him at all, so he was going to rest here until the afternoon, then change roads and walk back to the city.

The breath of spring appeared first on the ground and branches, and the green grass looked pure and fragile like a newborn baby.

The man made a planing with his hand, tore off the tips of a few young grass that had just emerged, and then stuffed it into his mouth and chewed wildly.

Tender grass is not afraid of severe cold, but people can't.

After resting for a while, the man was about to get up and return to the city. As for the two horses, he was a little sorry, but he could not take them away.

"Made! Go back and find a lady to go to the fire!"

The man spit out the green grass in his mouth, and finally took a sip, just about to turn around...the corner of his eye saw a figure rushing over.


As Fang Xing who has no specific errands, he can sleep until dawn, and then get up to tease his daughters, watching Zhang Shuhui teaching Tudou literacy and calligraphy.

Recently, Ping An is also following to learn. Xiao Bai is a little ashamed of this, so he made up his mind to study hard and teach Ping An. She often swears and swears the day before, but she forgot about it when she woke up the next morning.

After ‘supervising’ the sons’ homework, he woke up and went to the front yard.

"Isn't it a Harith?"

Everyone knows the purpose of the Harem: the mission is on the surface, and there should be a lot of people who sneaked into the Ming Dynasty with the mission secretly. A large number of people were dispatched to check and monitor, only to be climbed up from the city wall, and when they were chasing after him, they lost their track a few miles away.

And those so-called huge ones were nothing more than hundreds of horses and more than a dozen camels ‘tributed’ to Daming at this time.

"Not a Harith."

Fang Wu said a little entangled: "This matter is not easy to interrogate in the camp. Finally, the young one discussed with Master Lin and gave it to Jin Yiwei's person."

This is a bit taboo, but it was actually given to Jin Yiwei, but it was a bit of a shame on Dongchang's face. But Fang Xing didn't care, who made the people of Dongchang not familiar with him!

Fang Xing smiled, "Now there are no strong enemies around Daming, who dare to spy? There is the sea to the south and the grassland to the north. The Wala people have already tasted the taste of firearms, and there is no need to inquire, so the IQ of the Hari people is not counted. Gao, let's watch it coldly. When we find an opportunity, we will kill all the lurking people. In the end, the mission will not be able to escape."

This is just a game of cat and mouse. If the mouse is against the sky, it is the rhythm of war.

"Hale is so cautious, it shows that their monarchs are not sure of winning this battle, and the Oara people will inevitably be desperately instigated under the encirclement of Ming and suppression."


"Da Ming is very big, but we are not bad either."

Back at the meeting hall, Harachar summoned two of his subordinates, with a solemn expression of the information he had obtained.

It was a piece of paper, which had been corroded by stomach acid in his stomach and turned into a paste.

Halachal was recalling the contents of the note.

"They have many roads, connecting all parts of the north and south; their products are dazzling, just like the world of flowers; their men can endure hardships, and they are the slaves that Harih needs most; their women are delicate and are the pets that Hari men need most. ; As for the army..."

The previous words made the two men look greedy, wishing to follow the army on this trip and break this colorful world in one fell swoop.

Harachar sighed slightly: "Their army was spread all over the country. It was originally eroded, but then Emperor Ming started to reorganize it like a dream~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But it’s not terrible, it’s their terrible thing. There is a firearms army, I don’t know what it is like, but firearms played a major role in several battles between Ming people."

"Keep these in mind!"

Harachar urged: "The Ming people are staring at us, so whether the mission can go back in the end... You keep in mind that when you can go one by one, as long as you send the news back to China, our king will naturally know. how to respond."

The two men both showed resolute expressions, and then began to swear that they would not abandon the glory of the soldiers, even if they died, they would send the news back before then.

Halachal nodded, approving a few words, but felt heavy in his heart.

With such a wealthy Da Ming, coupled with a huge army and advanced weapons, who can be the enemy?


Well, Harachar remembered the expedition that year, the lightning that crossed all directions, but was captured by Timur and turned into a kitten.

Well, we can always defeat powerful enemies!

Harachar was fantasizing about Harleh's heavy cavalry rushing into the battle, and then the Ming army's firearm was helpless, and was finally destroyed.

"Captives all over the mountains! Those are the best slaves..."

"My lord, it's time for lunch."

The two men had been enthusiastic for a long while, their consumption accelerated, and they looked expectantly waiting for lunch.

Lunch is not a sumptuous meal. As a messenger, Harachar is nothing more than three dishes and a soup, but the taste is enough to make him forget his tongue.

The braised pork melts in your mouth and is sweet and salty; braised lamb made him think that barbecue is a vice; and a common braised tofu made him eat an extra bowl of rice.

After the meal, I looked at a bowl of fan meat soup that was not eye-catching, and my stomach and intestines became extremely comfortable.

This is Huahua World!

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