Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1350: Qingshou Temple in the Spring Rain

Thanks to the book friend: "Dream Remnant" for the great reward!


Zhang Mao smiled, his eyes faint.

"His Royal Highness, the minister just went to say something about strategy. Your Majesty has already reprimanded the minister just now."

Fang Xing said calmly, the puppy sniffed his feet all the way, and stretched out his paw to scratch his shoes.

"You, you! Your so-called strategy is known in the house, but those are Da Ming's secrets, but they are not easy to disclose, so pay attention to it next time."

"Yes, the minister retired."

Fang Xing shook his right foot slightly, the puppy's paw was shaken away, and then reluctantly caught up.

Zhu Gaochi and Zhang Mao watched this scene, Zhu Gaochi smiled, but Zhang Mao didn't know what he thought of, his eyes began to be a little confused.

Fang Xing leaned over to pick up the puppy, handed it to Liang Zhong who came over, and then turned away.

Zhu Gaochi took the puppy, gently stroked the top of its head, and asked, "What do you think you really think?"

Zhang Mao said with a low smile: "His Royal Highness, Xinghebo is running a new school, and Jubaoshan Guard is the precedent of the Daming Guardian. All the guns and artillery are managed by Xinghebo, and there will be a professor of martial arts. The name of...His Royal Highness Taisun's teacher should be entrusted to state affairs in the future."

Seeing Zhu Gaochi smiling and not speaking, Zhang Mao glanced at Liang Zhong and said, "There are potatoes, the blessings that many people rely on for their lives. They read history books, but they have never seen such important civil and military officials. He is amazed. what!"

Liang Zhong was serving on the side, and he couldn't help but sneer secretly after hearing Zhang Maoming's compliments.

Fang Xing has never used power. According to your Zhang Mao's statement, these officials who don't want to use power must be suspicious and guarded. From now on, everyone should just shut up the gourd, and don't do anything. That way, safety can be ensured.

"It's really biased."

Zhu Gaochi just said a few words, and Zhang Mao quickly admitted his mistake.

"His Royal Highness, the minister is only admiring Xing and Uncle's talents, and he has failed to say anything."

Zhang Mao bowed apologetically to plead guilty, and then resigned.

Zhu Gaochi touched the puppy and said faintly: "People are divided into groups, and if they don't agree, they will be restrained. You don't understand, so you can't speak arrogantly."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Liang Zhong knew what Zhu Gaochi meant, and that was to tell him not to spread the words here.

This is a warning, let Liang Center a dreadful warning.

After Zhang Mao went out, he found the party who was transcribing the memorial.


The weather was good a few days ago, but after a spring rain, everyone put on cotton-padded clothes again, only Wen Fang was still dressed in single clothes, looking free and easy.

Zhang Mao sat on the side, his eyes gradually deepened: "It's okay, my little brother tried a little bit. His Royal Highness still seems to have some favor in him. But it will last forever..."

Wen Fang put down his writing brush and moved his wrists and said: "As time goes by, there will be more suspicions. You should talk more, but you must be careful. Once you are exposed, your Highness will definitely be alert."

Zhang Mao smiled and said: "His Royal Highness should know what the little brother meant, but he didn't interrupt. This is a check. Only with this check can we have our future. Brother Yancheng, the king should uphold the doctrine of the mean!"

Wen Fang shook his body and said with a sneer: "It's just a balance between left and right. I should imitate the sages and be good assistants."

"Yeah! Your majesty is a great man, he is the Mingjun of our generation, and serving Mingjun to create a prosperous age is the glory of our generation. It should shine in the annals of history, and be alive through the ages..."


Listening to the dripping water outside the window, pattering.

The moss on the eaves gradually gained a lot of new green, and an ant crawled back and forth on it, but didn't know if it was looking for food.

In the simple small room, one table, one chair, one futon.

And Mingxin was sitting on the futon, her eyes narrowed slightly, as if listening to the sound of water droplets. However, his hands are held from time to time, obviously without such leisurely elegance.

"Master Mingxin, someone is looking for it."

Someone outside the door whispered, but like a thunder, Ming lost his mind. He jumped up, walked over to open the door, and...

"Are you scared?"

Fang Xingxiao’s clouds were light and wind was light, and the light rain was light but he refused to hold an umbrella. He appeared in this place like a spring tourist.

Without even looking at the little novice monk, he said with a strong smile: "My uncle is here, the poor monk is honored, please come in."

Seeing Mingxin welcoming the guests sideways, Fang Xing said, "Dipping clothes and drenching apricot blossom rain, blowing the face of the willow wind, Fang Mou admires the scenery in the temple quite a lot, the master would like to be a tour guide?"

The clear heart is united: "This poor monk's wish is also!"

Qingshou Temple was built in the former dynasty and is famous for its twin towers. There are many views in the temple. But neither of them came to admire the scenery, so they just wandered casually.

A gust of wind blew, and Mingxin shuddered. The so-called Yangliu Wind, but this is Peiping! It's so cold!

Reaching out his hand to wipe off the moisture on his face, Mingxin looked at no one behind him, and smiled bitterly: "Uncle Xinghe, the poor monk is suffering! If the child is not born, the poor monk will have no peace for a day. "

The path is quiet, and the bark of the pine trees on both sides is soaked by rain, it looks like black, distant and lonely.

The air is very good, full of the smell of plants.

Fang Xing touched the trunk of the pine tree, and got water stains and some unknown black particles. He looked up at the top of the tree and said, "This person is like this. You want to live as straight as a green pine, but some people want you to bend and grow, so understand that this is your calamity. It is the vast sea and the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Mingxin does not have the mood of the sea and the sky. He smiled forcefully and said: "I heard that the current state affairs are in charge of most of the Royal Highness, and the poor monks have no bottom! "

"Are you scared?"

Fang Xing patted the trunk lightly, and the water dripped from the tree, chilling.


Mingxin admitted his timidity.

"Don't worry, the matter is safe when your majesty is born when the child is born."

Fang Xing dropped this answer, and then walked in alone, leaving his mind to stay in a daze.

It took a long time for Mingxin to realize it and smiled: "Yes, once your Majesty is settled, he can hold people down even if he is... then, who would dare to do something to me? That would be treachery."


When he was sober, he lost the trace of Fang Xing. Looking around, there was nothing but the sound of water droplets on the ground.

Mingxin shuddered, and hurriedly chased after him.

Suddenly two people came on the deserted path, and they stopped where Fang Xing had just stood.

"The monk must keep an eye on it. If something goes wrong, kill it."

"Yes, my lord, it's just that Xing He Bo intervened."

"It's okay, you also know the relationship between Xing He Bo and Tai Sun, he will not do bad things, he will only help."

"My lord, Xinghe and Uncle probably just clicked a few words clearly, and I don't know what it is. Are we going to ask questions?"

"Don't go, your majesty's move is unusual. Let's just do our own thing. Talk and talk and stretch out our hands indiscriminately. That would be bad."

"Thank you for your suggestion. Our errand will be over after the princess grandson gives birth, so it's easy."

"It's not light, so I let you talk less, don't ask about things that shouldn't be asked, otherwise it will hurt everyone..."

"Yes, the little one knew it was wrong..."

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